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Towson Center: Room 200 conference room

List 5 criteria that you must meet for graduation from Towson. o all CORE requirements must be completed o 24 units of honors classes o 120 credits o Overall gpa of 3.3, 3.0 in honors courses o 32 credits of upper level courses Ensure all transfer and AP credits are shown on your degree progress report by Sept 30. Complete an initial in-person meeting with disability support services by Sept 30 if you need (or think you need) services. Know your date and time for registration. November 3rd, 4pm Create a folder/portfolio and bring it with you to pre-registration advising meeting Bring a printed copy of your degree progress report or unofficial transcript. Be able to explain the transcript or have specific questions ready for the meeting. Based on your degree progress report list the core curriculum requirement you will have completed by the end of your first semester. CORE1, CORE3, CORE6 Based on your degree progress report list the core curriculum requirements you will still need to complete following your fall semester. o CORE2-english composition o CORE4- creativity and creative development o CORE5- Arts and humanities o CORE7+8- Biological and physical sciences o CORE9-Advanced writing seminar o CORE10-Metropolitan o CORE11- the united states as a nation o CORE12-global o CORE13-diversity and difference o CORE14-ethical issues and perspectives

Will complete in the spring: CORE 2-engl 190 CORE5- DFST 1 CORE7/8- CHEM 105, BIO 192??? CORE13- DFST 101 Spring schedule: ENGL 190 DFST 104 DFST 101 SOCI 101 CHEM 105

premajor Identify the process to transition from a pre major to an actual major (e.g. nursing, athletic training, speech pathology, occupational therapy). will be notified in early june Identify the time frame and appropriate steps to transition. freshman year Identify the requirements for being accepted as a full major. ENGL 102/190 PSYC 101 MATH 115 BIOL 190/201 (192) Category A: Physical science- CHEM 105, PHYS 202 or PHYS 211 Category B: Social/Behavioral Science- SOCI 101/102, ANTH 207/208 or EDUC 203

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Complete premajor courses with 2.8 or better Minimum of 27 units of study complete speech, language, hearing screening GPA of 2.5 or better for last 30 credits of courses

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