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Never, Never, Never Give Up!

Master of Arts in Education: Digital Teaching and Learning Growth Assessment Reflections Mary Van Orshoven EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning Dr. Joanne Gilbreath Azusa Pacific University at the San Diego Regional Center September 30, 2013

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 1 October 2013


The traditional classroom is quickly changing. Gone are the days of stocking up on paper, pencils, notebooks and textbooks. Many classes have moved online and teachers and students are keeping their academic work in a digital format. This trend will continue and being prepared with a background in digital skills will improve my opportunities for employment.

Currently, my work as a substitute teacher and mortgage broker requires many online transactions. I use software to stay connected to the community for business and employment purposes, and for much of my communication within those communities. I receive a text requesting me as a substitute or for mortgage information and with email, shared online documents, PDF files, etc...etc.. business is conducted. Today, I do not have to meet my mortgage clients but I still meet with students and other educators and administrators. I am not certain how digital formats will change the relationships of teachers and students in future academics but it is certain that they will change.

At first, I was only going to pursue a teaching credential. Then after reviewing the requirements for a masters degree, I thought it was attainable and within my reach. For many years, it did not seem financially practical to me. Today there is an emphasis on more education with a direct income incentive tied to such. As a result, I am finishing my masters and moving ahead in a new direction of teaching.

Personal Growth Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013 Page 2 October 2013

I have learned that I like to change up my learning and working environments. At times, I enjoy the group dynamics of exchange and application of new ideas and then there are times when I want to work in repose and move through material, thoughts, and new insights at a slower pace, giving myself time to manipulate and absorb new material on my own.

What draws me to teaching is the constant quest for learning. Most instructors have an interest in this quest. I thrive in these kinds of environments. My interest to pursue a masters in education has changed my conversation with people and that has changed my relationships. More delving into educational pursuits has caused me to engage more people with similar interests. I have connected with likeminded friends and colleagues and have a greater passion for my purpose in education.

My spiritual growth has deepened in my sense of security and purpose. I KNOW this is the path of God's design. I can see how many seemingly disjointed events in my life all add up to this destination. In addition, this studying is not the final destination. I have inherited a long life from my ancestors. They all grow very old and I will more than likely do the same. I believe God has begun an enduring adventure in my life that is centered on education. Until very recently, I never imagined, I would receive my masters. Although I enjoy reading and learning, I rarely attended my classes in high school and it is only a fluke that I attended junior college. I was not on a path for success or any achievement at all. Somehow, I kept going and changing and now am here. There was a 20-year break between earning my BS in Business and now. I am personally satisfied at having accomplished this since the future at one time, seemed unappealing.

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 3 October 2013

Professional Growth

My growth as an educator has grown immensely. Upon entering the APU teaching credential program, I had little knowledge about learning theories and practices. My peers seemed to have more background knowledge and experience. No one in my immediate family has pursued teaching of any kind. I had some substitute teaching experience but no training of any kind. In these few short months, I have learned about classroom management (student behavior, traffic, and pacing), how accomplished educators respond to students of varying background and talents, how parents interact with educators, and most of all how to use a digital format to simplify and extend the classroom and learning experience for children and families.

My educational vision is still the same but my passion has increased. I do care about the student who is not engaged and take an interest in them. I do believe that valuable talent is wasted for lack of knowledge. Thus far, my professional status as a substitute teacher and mortgage broker has not changed because of my education. I meet more educators and receive more requests as a substitute because of my new skills. My professional learning networks have grown and changed in education.

I have in incorporated new instructional strategies to my teaching style but am sometimes limited to the main teachers requests and format. However, some teachers give me the freedom to introduce digital learning into their classes. At this moment, I am just introducing applications that students can download to their school computers, iPhones, iPads and / or home computers for skills development and entertainment. When I learn something new - everyone learns something new! I am showing other teachers new management applications such as Dropbox, Web Quest, Google+, which they may or may not want to incorporate into their daily activities. Sometimes, the class and I will make a short movie to document our day for the teacher when he or she returns. This is always exciting and gets people motivated to learn new skills. I learned how to make iMovies in EDUC 514. A person does not need to be an expert or professional to impact others with through video and music. Many of us are so engaged when we can create Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013 Page 4 October 2013

tangible, visual products of our thoughts. I have been able to combine narratives with video and music to have an even greater effect on more students. Some verbal learners will hear/read the words, some visual learners will take in the images, and some kinetic learners will allow the rhythm of music to set their focus.

My action research study is more personal in scope. I have a storeroom for my condominium and it needs organizing and thinning of some of my possessions. My research question is can I take two hours, two days a week, to clean and organize my storeroom so that I can open the door completely without banging into something else. My focus is to maintain it.

Technical Growth

I had fewer digital skills than most of my classmates at APU. My greatest obstacle to learning new digital skills is my frustration threshold. After watching many of my professors deal with the same issues of having something not work and having to find alternate paths to connectivity or making software work, I have discovered that with a little ingenuity, digital skills can be acquired and any frustration I have will be short lived when a resolution is found. There is a technical reason and answer for everything. There is way! I asked each of my professors, Where do you find new information and answers to your digital questions? Their answers were from QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology), Professional Learning Networks from EDUC 514 & 515, from current articles in periodicals and books from EDUC 511. I do not see my courses at APU as my final education in digital teaching and learning. Obviously, this field grows every day. I wanted to know where professionals were going to get their answers so I could follow them. This has helped me overcome many of my own fears of inadequacy and hesitation to learning.

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 5 October 2013

I use my iPad, iPhone and both pc laptop and Mac Book. Because I travel from classroom to classroom, being able to push and pull apps from iTunes into and out of my iPad has been most helpful. I learned this from EDUC 511.

Life Long Learning Plan

I plan on learning for the entirety of my life. Engaging in new activities makes me the happiest. Having just learned that continuing educational courses in my field are one-third the actual cost at APU, I happily will be taking more courses to stay abreast of new digital teaching and learning formats. Curiously, I have learned that after getting through my frustration threshold, I am eager to learn even more. I have become acutely aware of my need to manage time. If I am going to improve from here on out, I need a better organizational and time management strategy than my current one of hurry up it is almost due. The teachers I respect the most manage their classroom and personal time, organize their classrooms and personal lives to be easy and fluid, and usually have less frustration than others. Included in this, good mental health habits incorporate organizing and managing space and time. Keeping these habits reduce anxiety and improve my health. In addition, I want to learn more about the technical networking side of digital learning so that I can support team members. In five years, I see myself with a fulltime teaching position. In ten years, I see myself moving into administrative positions because I have a business background and think that the educational community will benefit from my experience. Money is always an educational issue and we need people who have experience in both business and education to have an impact on our society. This is close to my heart - to help reach children who are disadvantaged due to socioeconomic influences.

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 6 October 2013


Introduction In this section I will review my history of coursework, evaluate the how the Digital Teaching and Learning program has impacted my daily activities in education, and provide an overall evaluation of the program from my personal experience.

EDUC 511 Foundations in Educational Technology/ Professor Doyle Potter /Spring I 2013 This was the first class of the program and I was introduced to LiveBinder, Wordle, and Skype. The coursework was minimal and amounted to two assignments in Live Binder, using Skype for instruction and making one Wordle sheet. Personally, I would have preferred this class was rolled into another class where I could really utilize LiveBinder and become more familiar with it. I like the platform for organizing work for others to view.

EDUC 512 Productivity Software/ Professor Jim Sullivan / Fall II 2013

This was my first real class in which I was hands on with technology and becoming familiar with digital formats, applications, software and how to push and pull applications from iTunes to save space on my iPad or iPod. I learned a lot such as: Evernote, Dropbox, Quest Gardens, Canvas ( a classroom management tool), Google Docs, Copy Right Laws and Digital Citizenship, and numerous applications on the iPad for education. I was tutored through of the iPad. That was very helpful and gave me more confidence.

EDUC 514 Digital Video in the Classroom/ Professor Mark Rounds / Summer 2013

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 7 October 2013

This class was about iMovie, movie editing, music editing, and Videolicious. I also returned to storyboarding for this class. This class and EDUC 512 should come before EDUC 522. I would like to have spent more time working on my projects but only the 6 weeks course was available in the summer session. I am more a mull it over, think a little bit about something, and then take action kind of person. This was action from the get go. My final project utilized elements from EDUC 515 and I was able to use an iPhone, iPad, and Mac Book with ease. I am glad for having taken EDUC 515 before this class. Professor Mark Rounds was very knowledgeable and patient with my questions and mistakes.

EDUC 515 Evolving Educational Technologies / Professor Mark Rounds/ Spring II 2013

I took this class before EDUC 514 and am glad to have done so. I learned so much. I learned Jing, Screencast, SockPuppets, AudioPod, Twitter, Professional Learning Networks, EdChat, Diigo, Google+ and Google Docs, Google Hangouts, Blog designing, Flipped Classroom, 3D printing, MOOCs, InfoGraphs, ShowMe, Educreations, Explain Everything, Screenr, and so many apps that I often return to the class website as a reference. Again, I wish I had more time than 9 weeks in this class but I see that most of the learning comes after an introduction and takes place in real classroom use for teaching.

EDUC 522 Learning in the 21st Century/ Dr. Jennifer Courduff / Spring I 2013

This class was magnificent. We incorporated the multiple intelligences with the newly updated Blooms taxonomy. This class was time consuming and intense. I learned how to annotate Word 2010 which was an fortunate advantage. I learned some iMovie but my final project is an embarrassment to myself and it has been removed from YouTube. EDUC 514 & 515 should be taken before EDUC 522. Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013 Page 8 October 2013

EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Educational Technology and Learning/ Dr. Joanne Gilbreath / Fall I 2013

Thus far, this is my most difficult class. This is my last class and all I have to do is bring everything together. Not being much of a natural organizer, I find many of these tasks tedious. However, my professor understands the working adults schedule and gives allowances for my dwindling motivation. I am very thankful for this. I am finishing up my LiveBinder and it would have been better to work on it as the classes moved along rather than compile everything at the end.

Impact of Digital Teaching and Learning

Whenever I substitute in a class, I make use of one of the applications I have learned. I often use Videolicious because it is quick and easy and catches students attention. I always use my iPad in some capacity whether it is for musical introductions, science lessons, or math instructions. I often will make an Explain Everything video, play that after lunch, and use it as review for the day. Every day I use something I have learned in this program.

Program Evaluation

I would have liked more classes in website development and digital classroom management platforms. Nonetheless, I can utilize these and develop my skills as I grow. Also, I think a class in understanding school networks at a very basic level would have been helpful to me. Many teachers want access to my applications but the school network impedes sharing. I do share on personal computers and iPads and then let teachers work that into their class however they do. With as much emphasis as is put on Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013 Page 9 October 2013

video making in this program, I feel that second more in-depth class of video making could be provided. I still feel like a beginner and not very much a master at all. The professors are knowledgeable in their fields.

Course Title & Instructor Name

Educational Technology Instructor: Doyle Potter Instructional Applications Productivity Software INSTRUCTOR: Jim Sullivan Learning in the 21st Century INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Corduff


Key Skills Acquired LiveBinder Skype

Comments/Suggestions This was a non-class to me and wish I had been given much more instruction in LiveBinder This was my true introduction into new digital formats. Very happy with Mr. Sullivans expertise and attitude with me, a novice. Enjoyed this class very much, wish I had more technological skills under my belt before taking this course.

EDUC 511

Fall 2013

EDUC 512

Fall 2013

iPad Skills Applications Canvas Class Mgmt Digital Citizenship

EDUC 522

Spring 2013

EDUC 514

Digital Video in the Classroom INSTRUCTOR: Mark Rounds

Summer 2013

EDUC 515

Evolving Educational Technologies INSTRUCTOR: Mark Rounds

Spring 2013

EDUC 526

Capstone Experience/ Digital Teaching and Learning INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gilbreath

Fall 2013

Gardners Multiple Intelligences Instructional Technology ISTE NETS.S Storyboarding Rule of Thirds iMovie Garage Band Editing Web Page Twitter Podcasting Prezi InfoGraphs ScreenCasting Edmodo Class Management Flipped Classroom Many Applications Reflection Growth Assessment Unit Plan Expansion

Was very satisfied to learn more about iMovie, editing. Would have liked a second more in depth class on this topic. This class was filled with new experiences that I am still pursuing. It exposed to me to the most used digital formats.

Glad to have this as a wrap up session.

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 10 October 2013

Unit Level Dispositions Azusa Pacific University School of Education has articulated the following as our unit disposition in keeping with our unit conceptual Framework of Ethical, Responsive and Informed Practitioners. Our candidates reflect National Council on the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) definition of dispositions. The instrument below reflects the agreed upon indicators of the dispositions of Ethical, Responsive and Informed Practitioners who operate on the foundational basis of fairness and the belief that all people can learn.
Directions: Please complete the Candidate Dispositions Rubric, aligned to ethical, responsive, and informed educator dispositions, as evidenced in your graduate work. Candidate Dispositions 1 2 3 4 N/A NCATE defines dispositions as professional attitudes, values and beliefs demonstrated through Not Sometim Usually Always Cannot both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as educators Displaye es Displaye Displaye Assess interact with students, families, colleagues and d/ Displayed d/ d/ communities. These positive behaviors support Not / Acceptab Target student learning and development. The two Acceptab Approach le professional dispositions that NCATE expects le es institutions to assess are fairness and the belief that Acceptabl all students can learn. (NCATE 2008) e Ethical educators who are able to understand and articulate the integration of a Christian worldview in their professional communities of practice display: Personal integrity Collaborative, cooperative and respectful behaviors Fairness in educational settings by meeting the educational needs of all students in a caring, nondiscriminatory and equitable manner Sensitivity to cultural and individual differences Personal and professional maturity Personal integrity Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Ethical): x x x x x x

Responsive educators who practice reflective critical thinking in their engagements with diverse communities of learners display: Responsiveness to the expectations and standards of the professional community Responsiveness to conditions that promote learning, health and personal safety in the P-12 school and community Effective communication within the educational community Commitment to fair academic practices that ensure all students can learn Responsiveness to the impact of discrimination based on race, class, gender, disability/exceptionality, sexual orientation and language on students and their learning Effective time management Appearance and dressing appropriate for ones x x x x

x x x

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 11 October 2013

professional setting Comments regarding your strengths/areas for improvement (Responsive):

Informed and collaborative scholarly educators who are dedicated to professional growth and lifelong learning display: Commitment to adapting and applying the best research-based ideas to improve clinical practice Understanding of current and emerging trends in their field of practice Knowledge of standards and expectations of their discipline through relevant activities and projects in the program Ability to apply and communicate current research effectively in coursework Ability to synthesize and apply course content, projects, clinical practice and professional work Comments regarding candidate strengths/areas for improvement (Informed): x x x x x

Summative Score for Candidate Dispositions: Additional Comments:

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 12 October 2013

Mary K. Van Orshoven Azusa Pacific University, SDRC

EDUC 526 Growth Assessment Fall I 2013

Page 13 October 2013

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