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What is PRN? PRN is the Principal Residency Network that along with CSULA prepares and educate future school principals. Why PRN? PRN gives me the opportunity to go to school during regular elementary hours. Releases me from classroom hours to observe and learn how a school is ran. But what is so great about PRN? How about 30, 000 dollars! It gives me the opportunity to analyze school data, performance, strengths and weaknesses. Based on this data, I get to select and area of need and create an Initial Learning Plan (ILP) to address that particular need. Language Arts: All four domains are the goal! (ELD portfolios-CELDT scores-CST) 1836? Boston Board of Education? Lowell Mason? In the early months of 1838, in order to sell his plan of teaching music to the Boston public schools, mason worked without pay. He was so effective that a sufficient demand was created to warrant the school system employing him as the nations first public school music teacher. He felt that it was an educational responsibility to make a musical heritage available to all children. Thinking Musically: Teaching Music Globally! From Madrid to Manhattan, from Los Angeles to India and from Mxico to Italia those who truly are driven to make music-to sing it, dance it, and play it-are often compelled to share it, to facilitate experiences for others to know, to pass it on. To develop and nurture a sense of fairness in which ALL students learn from the arts. At the left end of the spectrum, some societies expect people who make music to be specialists, born into the role or endowed with a special capacity. At the right end of that spectrum, in some societies it is assumed that the practice of music is a human capacity and that all people will express themselves musically as a normal part of life. How do people make music useful? Music defines, represents, symbolizes, expresses, constructs, mobilizes, incites, controls, transforms and most importantly, unites. Its a stress reliever and it quiets anger and otherwise improves mood. Philosophy for the mind, gymnastics for the body and art and music for the soul.

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