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Carrie Houston

Alverno Lesson Plan Format

Learning Goal (DPI Content Standard) Instructional Objective(s) C.4.4 Explain the basic purpose of government in American society, recognizing the three levels of government

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of city and state level government positions. Children are able to group duties with the correct government positions.

Assessment (Criteria/Look Fors) Pictures of state and city positions (mayor, fire and police) Tags with the corresponding jobs for the above positions 30 minutes Review the levels of government that they previously learned about Federal, State and City. Remind the children of the Who works song and ask if they can remember what job belonged in which position. Pull out the pictures of the government departments (positions) and the job tags. Do one together. Show the students how we could match the job with the department. Give the students 5 minutes to match the jobs with the positions, in their desk groups. As a group go over the groups answers and ask other students if one group is stuck or not. Closure Student Accommodations Students who have speech issues are able to participate because it is matching.

Materials Time (Total and Specific) Instructional Procedures Introduction

Developing the Lesson Demonstration, Participation, Practice

Carrie Houston

March 1, 2010

Dear City Hall, I have lived in (Students city) all my life. Recently, I moved to a new house. During the move, I lost some important papers. One of these papers was my birth certificate. I need to get a copy of it as soon as possible. Would you please give this letter to the person or department who can help me?

Sincerely, (Students name)

Carrie Houston Additional letters for City Hall Letters Dear City Hall, I am the owner of a large construction company in (Students city). Recently, I bought an empty lot on the corner of Third Street and Lincoln Avenue. I want to build something on the lot, but I dont know what Im allowed to build here. Can I build houses? An office building? Shops? Can someone in City Hall tell me what the city plan is for this area? Sincerely, (Students name) *This idea and other letter options available from Teachers Curriculum Institute, Student Handout 11A

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