Untitled Screenplay: by My Name Here

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by My Name Here

123/456-7890 no.such@thing.com

INT. THERAPY ROOM No window. Just a door, equipment and THE CHAIR.

REED (14), gagged, fights the straps, wrists chafed raw. Behind the chair to which Reed is strapped into, DOCTOR SMITH (mid-40s), paces back and forth. DOCTOR SMITH Shall we begin? Reed tries to scream, but it comes out pathetic and muffled. DOCTOR SMITH(CONT'D) That's the spirit. Doctor Smith moves towards a console panel, flips a switch... an incessant buzz sounds. Reed's back arcs, his eyes bug. Doctor Smith watches, checks his pocketwatch. in his head -- FLICK. Reed collapses back into his chair. down. Short, shallow breaths. Counts down

Chest heaves up and

Doctor Smith studies his subject. Head tilted, curious. Then he moves to the door and knocks. He locks eyes with Reed. DOCTOR (CONT'D) You're ready. The door opens, an attractive FEMALE NURSE enters. She makes her way towards Reed, stopping in front of him. She bends down, strips off his trousers and briefs. She then stands and very slowly unbuttons her uniform. Reed watches her strip down to her bra, which she also unhooks, revealing large supple breasts. Very naturally, Reed reacts. Full of adolescent yearning, his sailor salutes. Ramrod straight. DOCTOR SMITH (CONT'D) Thank you, Miss Harrigan. The nurse nods, unabashed. Routine. Picks up her bra and uniform. Dressed, she promptly walks past Doctor Fass and exits the room. Doctor Fass pauses at the door. Locks it.

Slowly walks towards Reed. Looming over him, he stares down at Reed's erect penis. Then without warning, backhands the boy across his face. Reed's head jerks violently to the right, a red hand now imprinted across his cheek. His erection shrivels likes a leaking balloon.

2. Doctor Smith smooths his hair. DOCTOR SMITH (CONT'D) Look at me, Lewis. Lewis refuses at first. His bottom lip starts to tremble, tears well up in the corner of his eyes. DOCTOR SMITH (CONT'D) I said look at me. Steadying his breathing, Lewis meets his tormentor's gaze. Staring back, Doctor Smith's hands moves to his belt, unbuckles. Letting his pants drop to the floor. He pulls down everything else. Lewis stares daggers at the doctor. Furious. Defiant. Trying his best to ignore what the doctor starts to do in front of him. Doctor Smith's eyes narrow into slits, his hand moves faster and faster. He peers down at the young boy's face, savouring the Reed's anger and challenge. Irrefutably turned on by it. Then with his free hand, removes Reed's gag. DOCTOR SMITH (CONT'D) I want you to sing. Sing for me, lewis.

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