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AFP General Body Meeting

Date: October 23, 2013 Location: ENG I 327 Time: 4:42- 5:36 Intro

10/27/2013 1:20:00 PM

(Tiffany) Mentorship program matches are ready Breakfast Philanthropic event- community food and outreach project November 16th from 12-4 o Fundraise with t-shirts from community food and outreach

Guest Speakers Caitlin, community food and outreach o History major Beverly Sanchez, Deveroux o Communication major Public allies o Americore- national service center Questions 1. what made you qualified for your position? Caitlin Event planning experience The organization needed her and created a position for her Beverly Would meet with program directors on Friday nights Would go out of her way to meet with directors Having a good resume Would ask directors to meet with her for 15 minutes Met them at conferences or networking events 2. what you do on a daily basis? Biggest rewards? Biggest frustrations? Caitlin Daily routine- Running 2 positions at once Revamping program- fixing orientations and handbooks, policies and procedures, etc. General relations coordinator- organize fundraisers Stay in contact with donors Biggest frustration- change daily habits and motivations

Volunteers Greatest reward- seeing clients getting the help they need In a better situation Beverly Daily routine- foster and adopted youth Work on child studies, home study Administrative work Community reach out- background checks Similar to social work Matching fair events Adoption placement Biggest frustration- sharing and office and computer with another co-worker Biggest reward- seeing the kids get adopted 3. how important is it to have passion for your job? Caitlin Very important, will not care otherwise Beverly Feels the same way Work something you love into your job or find another one 4. how many hours a day do you work? Caitlin 50 hours- works Saturdays too for volunteers Beverly Close to 50 hours, motivation, knows what she wants to do Planner is her life-saver to stay organizer Time management 5. what other important skills should students be developing? Caitlin Public speaking- does it all of the time Become familiar with media Beverly become personable show personality getting to know everyone 6. how do you deal with public speaking? Caitlin

Have to just do it and make it work Be flexible and patient 7. what challenges do you face with building relationships with co-workers? Caitlin She has more seniority now Board members are starting to warm up to her, they arent around all of the time Has to do with who is on your board Be patient with older generation 8. how do you get respect from older co-workers? Dont be humble by your age Scheena Offer something different Be willing to learn Caitlin Work twice as hard to prove yourself Make deadlines 9. What anxieties did you have? Scheena Fear that she would get caught in an organization that she didnt like Find a mission that you believe in Let someone know what youre passionate about 10. whats next for you guys? Caitlin Likes what shes doing Wants to stay with organization Happy to have a job Beverly Not graduated yet Wants to use tools from current job for working with kids in the arts Wants to be an art teacher or art therapy Scheena Wants to go back to school and serve as a counselor Wants a baby 11. lessons that you wish you knew before graduation? Caitlin

Get more involved on campus Network, go out and meet people People are more willing to help you if they know you Beverly Job shadow Networking Internships Scheena Become more involved Attended more events on campus Scheena Grosshands, development manager of Habitat for Humanity (came in late) 1. what do you do on a daily basis? How did you get involved did an internship after graduation learned black bod software (very important to nonprofits) and event management hired at public allies, beta center then went on to habitat for humanity went donor management system for a year now writes grants and writes thank yous to donors also works logistics for special events greatest accomplishments awarded an $100,000 grant was thanked for all of her work realized she has something to offer 2. what was your experience leaving public allies early? Asset based community development Knew that habitat focused on ABCD Good experience Conclusion Thank you Last meeting of the semester is November 20th November 23, community food and outreach event

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10/27/2013 1:20:00 PM

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