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DATE: 9/05/2012.-REVISE 1) Page 82 Point 2 b. A.V.

V. make emphasis - on the doer of the action (subject) People speak French in France.
doer action Object Objeto del verbo

P.V. - emphasis - on action or on the object French is spoken in France

Object action

When we dont know WHO the doer is, or its, not important. 2) Go to page 139 7 D a. b. 1, 2, 3, .7

3) Go to page 83 May 9th (9/5/12)

MONDAY 21/5 - test File 7

Wednesday 16/5

Ket Booklet ($ 4,00) international exam.

A.V. Picasso painted Guernica - emphasis doer of the action S Object P.V. Guernica was painted by Picasso -Emphasis Agent -action - object A.V. Some painters painted my house last week. My house was painted last week (X) The subject is not important or we dont know WHO the subject is.
v. to be P. Participle (3rd colum.)

PAINTED v= paint, P.Participle

WAS: Tense: Simple Past V. to be

WORBOOK: page 64 a. b. c. Page 65 2. Vocabulary (be) named after= be named in honour of .... My sister is named after my grandmother.

/d/ Loved Lived Named

/t/ matched liked based

/ed/ started decided visited Waited painted

- Go to Page 85 (students book) DESCRIBING A BUILDING Writing 7. a. Answers: 2= designed 3= completed 4= statue 5= windows 6= roof 7= view 8= steps b. and c.

HOMEWORK: Page 85 (students book)

c. Find one spelling mistake in each paragraph ad correct it.

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