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ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #__6____ Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form Name: Date: Carrie Houston

3/27/2013 Content Area: Grade Level: Social Studies 4th

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. (State appropriate WI Model Academic Content or Common Core Standard) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.2 Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.3 Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation).

Through time spent in the classroom observing the students and through discussion with the CT it is best to have a component of hands on or reenactment with the social studies lesson. Students can be a bit overly excited and it would be wise to have activity thoroughly organized. Students had a issue during last lesson grouping into groups so I would like to have cards or slips to aid them in this. Discussions to show thinking work well.

Objective(s): : Students will be able to paraphrase how the early Wisconsin Fur traders came to the area.
Students will be able give examples of what and why the Fur traders came to our particular area. Students will be able to predict issues that may arise with the emergence of early fur traders. Students will create a reenactment of scenes demonstrating their understanding of the Fur Trade

Informal: Using post it notes I will collect observations of students during group discussions. Formal: I will have students participate in a performance assessment piece that demonstrates their understanding of the Fur Trade, mainly exploration in Wisconsin. The other students will then have an opportunity to guess what their peers are reenacting.

Materials Needed:
Smart Board Wisconsin map of Indians and Fur Trade era in Wisconsin

Total time needed: Total time needed:

45 minutes 2008SP


Procedures: Procedures:
Introduction: (6 MINUTES) Chapter 4 in your Wisconsin History books has to do with Fur Trade in Wisconsin. It covers a period of about 200 years in length, from 1634 to 1832. That is a really big time frame to discuss! When I was thinking about putting this lesson together for you, I have to admit I was trying to think of how I could give you an introduction to the role Wisconsin played in the Fur Trade that would allow you to make connections with the material in several different ways. My thinking was that maybe we could think like the Fur Traders and the Wisconsin Natives did during that time frame. That way we can say we thought about it, talked about it, saw it and even demonstrated what it was like. So we will need to discuss some of the important roles people and even the land played in the Fur Trade, mainly the French and British as well as the Native people. Steps for instruction (32 minutes) When I was little I used to go to a nearby creek with my friend Chris and we would walk the creek which flowed into a pond of sorts. People would go fishing down there with crawfish. Chris and I used to go to the creek and find crawfish beds, gather some in a bucket and go sell them for 25 cents apiece to the fisherman. Do you think Chris and I were explorers? Do you think you are explorers, why? Explorers are curious about new places and things and go out of their way to learn about them. So students can be explorers! What do you think early explorers were looking for in Wisconsin? (Fur-bearing animals and waterways) So the area we want to look at first is Europe and where the French and English or British people who would play a big role in early Fur Trade came from. Can anybody find France on the map for me? Okay how about England? So these countries mainly only came to North America as fisherman off the coast of Canada and sometimes they traded with the Indians. What do you think the French traded the Indians for? What made you come up with that answer? Now during this time the French would trade and then leave, but there also was a French explorer named Jaques Cartier who thought that if he traveled the St. Lawrence waterway he would find a path through to Asia where they could trade for spices quicker and even find a bountiful supply of gold and silver. He did not find that but what he did find was even greater than those wares, he found an endless supply of Fur and Natives in Wisconsin who were willing to trade for kettles and weapons and such. Why would the Furs have been a high interest item for trading, what would they use the fur for? Well the idea was that the French especially the wealthy French would use the Fur for their clothing, and because many French worked out in all types of weather Beaver Fur which could withstand water, and was abundant in the Wisconsin region became highly sought after. Beaver had been very close to extinction in Europe, so it made it very valuable. So with that the French saw a need to create a colony close to the area where they could trade easily. The French then created a city in Quebec Canada and a colony called New France near Wisconsin. However, the British who were not so interested in trading as they were farming also came and took over a Dutch area and named it New York. The British traded with many of the Iriqous tribes and eventually exhausted their hunting resources. So they began fighting with tribes such as the Erie and Huron and pushed them out of their land and into the Wisconsin area. This upset the tribes that worked with the French such as the Ho Chunk and Menominee, because it caused a great strain on the resources. These strains caused small wars over a 60 year time frame and would cause disruption in fur trading. What do you think would be the result of these disruptions for the Indian tribes? Once trading resumed however Wisconsin experienced a population boom of French traders who came in and began trading at posts that had been set up in places like Green Bay, but not all of them were authorized to trade furs with New France and many went and sold the furs back to the English. This made the officials in New France angry and they tried to stop the new traders which angered the English and lead to several 2008SP

wars with the French. The French who had wanted to maintain close with the Wisconsin Indian tribes would need to look at the Indians for help in battling during these wars. Unfortunately the British had larger populations in North America and eventually claimed Montreal Canada and the Midwest for themselves during the French and Indian war 1759-1763. With those areas claimed the British would set up companies to help gain a monopoly on Wisconsin Fur trade. They would grant the Indian tribes credits on goods and then give them just enough money back from their furs to pay up old debts, but not enough to pay off new debts. *PA-Now we know that the Fur Trade began with explorers and we got a quick glimpse of what Fur Trade looked like for the French and Wisconsin Indians tribes, I am going to give each group a part of what we just talked about and I want you to create a small skit only about 2 minutes each and we are going to guess what part of the Fur Trade you are recreating. Everyone in the group must participate and show what you learned about during our discussion time. Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: Students that cant verbalize well will be able to show what they learned during the skits. Students will aid each other in understanding by share pair. Closure: (7 minutes) You all did very well on your skits, would anybody be willing to share a way we showed what we learned, stated what we learned and even have any questions they may like to further explore about the Wisconsin Fur trade? Thank you all for listening and learning with me today.

Areas for skits: 1) Jaques Cartier travels St. Lawerence River and finds Wisconsin Native tribes. (What happened during this time?) 2) The French create New France and its purpose. (what did they do?) 3) Iroquois Indians run out of resources push others into Wisconsin. (What did this look like?) 4) French and Indian war = British claim trading posts in the Midwest. (What does it look like?) 5) British set up Trading companies to create fur trade monopoly. (What does life look like for the Native Indian tribes at this time?)

Cooperating Teacher Signature: 2008SP

Cooperating Teacher Feedback:

Lesson date: ___________________________


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