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Name:_______________________ Media & Politics: Lecture 1/What is Media?

Guided Notes

Guided Notes for What is Media

Step 1: Go to Step 2: View presentation and answer questions as you follow along.

Slide 2: What is Media?

Instruction: Fill in the blanks

Media is any storage and/or transmission ________ used to store and deliver___________.

Slide 3: Mass Media

What makes mass media different from other types of media?

Slide 5: Radio
During what historical event did President Franklin D. Roosevelt utilize radio?

Slide 5: Television
Name two News channels on television: 1. 2.

Slide 9: Thought Provoking Questions/How you use Mass Media

What types of media do you use for news?

How do your parents get their news?

How do they differ?

Name:_______________________ Media & Politics: Lecture 1/What is Media? Guided Notes

Slide 10: Graph of Popularity of Mass Media

What will a continuation of this graph look like 10-15 years from now? Why?

Slide 12: Thought Provoking Questions/How the First Amendment protects media.
Which of these three parties (Snowden, Wikileaks and Mass Media) do you think is protected by the first Amendment and why?

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