Evasión en La Adquisición de Una L2

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Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

Apndice 5: Ejercicios para examinar el conocimiento de la estructura de la voz pasiva en


3. Completa las siguientes oraciones usando alguno de estos verbos en la forma correcta de la
voz pasiva, presente o pasado:

cause damage hold invite make
overtake show surround translate write

1. Many accidents ______________ by dangerous driving.
2. Cheese _______________ from milk.
3. The roof of the building ________________ in a storm a few days ago.
4. You _____________ to the wedding. Why didnt you go?
5. A cinema is a place where films __________________.
6. In the United States, elections for president _____________________ every four years.
7. Originally the book _____________________ in Spanish, and a few years ago
it ________________ into English.
8. Although we were driving quite fast, we __________________ by a lot of other cars.
9. You cant see the house from the road. It ___________________ by trees.

4. Reescribe las siguientes oraciones. En vez de usar somebody, they, people, etc. transforma
la informacin en una oracin pasiva.

1. Somebody cleans the room every day.

2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.

3. People dont use this road much.

4. Somebody accused me of stealing money.

5. How do people learn languages?

6. Somebody warned us not to go out alone.

5. Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva

1. He watered the garden. _____________________________________________________

2. Someone has slept in his bed ________________________________________________

3. They presented a prize to her. ________________________________________________

4. They gave John the money. __________________________________________________

5. They believe that she is rich. _________________________________________________

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