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Mindsight is the process of recognizing and accepting our limitations and weaknesses as humans, recognizing those same limitations

and weaknesses in others, and using that knowledge to empathize with one another and manage healthy relationships (37). An essential part of this process is reflecting on ones actions and self with a compassionate state of mind (34). In recognizing our weaknesses, whether as humans or more specifically as writers, we should not harshly criticize ourselves. We must forgive ourselves for being imperfect; once we stop punishing ourselves for being human, we can move past our feelings of inadequacy and continue to grow. Reflecting and recognizing our writing weaknesses with a compassionate state of mind is essential for acquiring a dynamic understanding of ability that allows us to keep developing. Once weve forgiven ourselves for making mistakes and recognized those mistakes as a natural part of the learning process, we can engage in the risk filled activities that drive forward our development; specifically, collaboration. Before, when one was impeded by not wanting to reveal their weaknesses, one would shy away from activities with others that challenged their skill. Now that one understands their weaknesses as opportunities for growth and is no longer held back by fear of showing these weaknesses, one can engage in meaningful, risk filled activities with others. These risk filled activities take the form of collaboration.

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