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List of experiments

1a) 1b) 1c) 1d) 1e) 1f) 1g) 1h) 1i) 1j) 02 03 04 05 06 7a) 7b) 8a)

Class and Objects Function Overloading Inheritance (Multilevel Inheritance) Parameterized Constructor Operator Overloading Static Keyword Friend Functions Virtual Base Class Function Sequential Access File Handling Random Access File Handling List Implementation using Array List Implementation using Linked List List Implementation Doubly Linked List List Implementation Circular Linked List Cursor Implementation of List ADT Stack ADT-Array Implementation Stack ADT-Linked List Implementation Stack Application-Conversion of Infix to Postfix Expression Stack Application-Evaluation of Postfix Expression


List of experiments
8c) 8d) 9a) 9b) 10 11 12 Stack Application-Reverse of a String Stack Application-Balanced Parenthesis Queue ADT-Array Implementation Queue ADT-Linked List Implementation Binary Search Tree Heap Sort Quick Sort

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