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CASE 1. Your software engineer is going to a subsidiary in France and will be staying there for 1 year. He would be required to(a) Implement the software (b) Test the software and take corrective measures (c) Train the heads who would be using software Solution: training module Objective: to provide training to the software engineer who is going abroad for year. For whom: the training module is prepared for the software engineer.

Duration: duration of training would be for 1 month and the timings would be morning 1 hour and evening 1 hour. Week1: In 1st week of training the employee would be made aware of the culture of France. This can be done through- books, films, videos. Language training would also start in this week. Week 2: In this week the employee would be required to undergo extensive language training as he has to survive there for full 1 year. Employee would also be trained its terms of his knowledge about the software. Week 3: In this week the employee would be given stress reduction training and sensitivity training. Language training would continue here also. Week4: in the last week of training the employee is given real life situations like cases of critical incidents and role plays etc. to help in dealing with different situations there.

CASE 2: Your organization is into exports. You are planning to open a subsidiary in Spain. Your marketing

manager will do the study. This requires him to stay in Spain for 6 months. Solution: training module Objectives: To train the marketing manager who is giving to Spain to conduct market studies. For whom: The training module is prepared for the marketing. Duration: The duration of the training would be for 3 weeks for 2 hours a day. 1st week: In this week, the manager has to be given a brief about the culture of Spain and how the market is prevalent there. This is most important as the manager has to conduct study for opening up a subsidiary there. Language training would also start. 2nd week: since the manger has to do lot of local interactions there, extensive language training is very important. This week would also include showing of various documentaries, videos, articles, books etc. for effective study.

3rd week: Sensitivity training would be provided to employee in the last week by role plays and critical incidents method. He would also be required to undergo field experiments and stress reduction training.

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