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Lesson Self- Assessment for ED 315 Name: Dionetta Piazzo Lesson topic: Algebra, review of exponents Date: 4/29/13

School/grade level/ number of students: Hamilton HS/ 9th/ 30 Name of Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Hartzheim Planning and preparation: I chose to do a review game with the students for my last lesson. They were getting ready to take an assessment so I wanted to do something fun for them. My first lesson happened to be a review lesson also so it was exciting to see the difference a semester can be for the students and I. In lesson one I used white boards with the students and offered candy to the winners. This didnt go over well. Students didnt know me and didnt want to share their answers. I can see how weve grown together because I had a large majority of students participating this time. I knew I needed strict rules too because I have a group that like to shout out answers which is something I didnt want. I wanted them to work out answers on the board so the class could see the work. A handful took the class over by only answering which is something that Id like to work on for future lessons. I explained the rules of the game to students. I would write a problem on the board and the first to raise their hand with the correct answer would get to come up and show us how they got the answer. If they were wrong some one could steal the answer and try it themselves. Giving out candy as a prize was effective. This wasnt the best lesson for my shy students though. I can see why white boards are less intimidating. Students that arent sure or that dont want to come up in front of the class are less likely to answer. We did cover a little new material which I taught first but it was the more simple part of exponents; zero and negative. I showed how a zero exponent would give you 1 by using the division property and the same with negative exponents. They got this quickly. I didnt have to adjust anything for this lesson. Classroom environment: I asked students to come to the front of the class and work out problems. They were asked questions and were racing each other to get the right answer while reviewing their material from previous lessons. We covered a little new material but could use already learned concepts to understand this. I asked students to come and work out problems in the front of the room. If there was a student at the board that was struggling other students were willing to help walk them through the problem. If this happened I mad sure both students got a treat. This is something I encourage and wanted them to know that. Id still like to consider ways of playing a review game and still having all students involved.

Instruction: I wouldnt do this type of game again. I would try to find a way for all students to be involved. White boards work well for this but since students didnt take well to them the first time I tried something new. I think Id give it a chance again though. Let them race for answers but not be scared to show their work in front of the whole class. Not all of the needs of all learners were met for this lesson. I might give them a choice of what prize they wanted to like candy, pencils, or an extra credit point. Assessment: I informally assessed but I didnt have a method of formal assessment. I would like to include exit cards for this lesson. See what the students understood and how comfortable they were with it. The informal assessment was a good way to keep track of who answered and who wasnt participating. Professional responsibilities: She discussed how I had a few students take the class over as well. She noticed that a handful of students didnt want to come up to the board for whatever reason so I should find a way to draw them out. This was helpful. I would like to always keep this in mind. As a new teacher Im happy with any participation but need to make sure Im teaching to all students. Reflection: I explained to the students why I chose this activity. The day before two students were racing to answer the questions first from the substitute teacher which gave me my idea. I think this helped them relate a little more to me and they could see that I really do pay attention to them and their needs. I learned through this lesson that not every student is out going. I need to find ways for them to participate without leaving their comfort zone too much.

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