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Gangamma and Gangadharan Computer Exam portions: Question & Answers I) Fill in the blanks: (10 Marks) 1.

MS-Excel is a powerful application for performing calculations. 2. The intersection of row and column is called cell. 3. There are 256 columns and 65536 rows in a worksheet. 4. Sheet tab displays the name of current worksheet 5. Title bar displays the name of the workbook 6. Excel includes standard features of spreadsheet like automatic, re-calculation, graphs and function 7. The cell is referred by its reference. II) Explain the mathematical operations used for: (10 marks) 1. & [and]: It is used for concatenation (connection of text strings) 2. + [plus]: It is used for addition 3. = [equal to]: It is used for starting the formula 4. / [forward slash]: It is used for division 5. * [Asterisk]: It is used for multiplication

III) Answer the following: (20 Marks) 1. What is MS-Excel? MS-Excel ia a powerful application for performing mathematical calculations. 2. How to open an existing document?

Go to file menu Select open option A dialogue box will appear Check-in the look-in box for the destination of the file to be opened Select the file from destination and click open 3. How to close a workbook? Method-1: Go to close option (X) on the title bar and click on it The file will close Method-2: Go to file menu Select the close option The file will close. 4. How to delete a worksheet? Method-1: i. Select the worksheet to be deleted ii. Press the delete key on the keyboard iii. A dialogue box, Confirm file delete will appear iv. Click yes and the file will be deleted Method-2: i. Right click on the worksheet to be deleted ii. Select the delete option iii. A dialogue box, confirm file delete will appear iv. Click yes and the file will be deleted 5. How to set background to the sheet? i. Go to the format menu ii. Go to sheet option iii. From the side menu select background iv. Select the color, themes and pattern to change the background IV) Answer the following:(10 marks)

1. How to start MS_EXCEL? Explain the screen layout i. Go to start ii. Go to programs iii. Then go to Microsoft Office iv. Click on MS-Excel The contents of the screen layout are: Title Bar: It displays the name of the workbook Menubar: It displays the current active window Cell Address: It displays the address of the active cell Formula bar: It displays the formula of the current worksheet 2. Draw a neat diagram of MS-Excel screen layout:

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