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WINDFIELDS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Health and Physical Education: Year 2: Course Syllabus Course Description:

Students will participate in a variety of fitness building, team and individual indoor and outdoor activities. The following health units will be studied throughout the year; healthy eating, growth and development, personal safety and injury prevention, and substance use, addictions and related behaviours.

Health and Physical Education Components: (Ministry of Education)

Active Living Participation Uniform Attendance Safety Leadership Sportsmanship

Healthy Living

Healthy Eating (Food Group/Food Choice) Growth and Development (Puberty) Personal Safety and Injury Prevention (Bullying/Mental Health) Substance Use and Related Behaviours (Alcohol, Tobacco) All Health Units include; (Written Assignments, Presentations, Tests, Group Work, Reflections)

Dance Fundamental Movement Skills

Movement Composition, Performance, Active Participation Skill Testing, Physical Fitness

Health and Physical Education Components: (IB Middle Years Programme) Healthy Living - Appreciate and understand the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy, balanced lifestyle. - Develop and interest in the promotion of health and wellness - Use effective communication strategies, verbal, non-verbal and written - The ability to reflect critically on all aspects of physical education Active Living - Increased motivation to participate fully in all aspects of Physical Education - Demonstrate the skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities - A lifelong interest and enjoyment of physical activities as a participant - Develop optimal level of physical fitness

- An understanding of International perspectives on physical activity, sport and health education Areas of Interaction: (IB Middle Years Programme) These five areas provide a specific focus of each unit. They are addressed in a consistent and creative fashion, primarily through all subject areas, but also through interdisciplinary teaching, projects and activities. They allow for acquisition of attitudes, values and skills Areas of Interaction: (IB Middle Years Programme)
Approaches to Learning: teachers provide students with the tools they need to be responsible for their own learning. Community and Service: students will take an active part in the communities they live; thereby encouraging responsible citizenship Human Ingenuity: students explore in multiple ways the processes and products of human creativity Environments: aims to develop students awareness of their interdependence with the environment Health and Social Education: deals with physical, social, and emotional health

Assessment Policy: (IB Middle Years Programme) All MYP Physical Education students will be assessed according to the IB MYP Assessment Criteria. Age appropriate rubrics for Years 2, 3, 4 [Grade 7, 8, 9], adapted from the Year 5 MYP Assessment Criteria are used for assessment of major projects, essays, participation, skills and any other types of formative/summative assessments within the MYP classroom. Each subject/content area [physical education, health education, and dance] is based upon IB Subject Area Objectives and Ontario Ministry Standards. Assessment, Recording and Reporting
MYP Criterion Criterion A: Use of Knowledge Criterion B: Movement Composition Criterion C: Performance Criterion D: Social Skills and Personal Engagement Ministry of Ontario [Achievement Category] Knowledge/Understanding Communication Thinking/Inquiry Knowledge/Understanding Communication Application Application Application Strand Physical Activity, Healthy Living, Active Living Active Living Physical Activity Physical Activity, Healthy Living, Activity Living, Living Skills

Health and Physical Education Criterion: (IB Middle Years Programme)

Criterion A: Use of knowledge (Level of Achievement: 0 - 8) Use physical education terminology in context Demonstrate an understanding of concepts, strategies, techniques and rules related to a variety of physical activities, and apply them in various contexts Demonstrate an understanding of the various principles that contribute to fitness, and their importance in various contexts Use their knowledge to analyse situations and solve problems. The student must be assessed in a non-performance/non-playing situation

Criterion B: Movement composition (Level of Achievement: 0 - 6) Explore movement possibilities and variations in accordance with the principles of a particular aesthetic activity Compose aesthetic movements Link movements in order to compose aesthetic sequences, taking into account the concepts of space, time, level, force and flow. For assessment of this objective, the student must perform the sequence. Criterion C: Performance (Level of Achievement: 0 - 10) Demonstrate the skills and techniques necessary for active participation in a variety of physical activities Apply tactics, strategies and rules in both individual and group situations Perform movement concepts and sequences of movement in a variety of physical contexts The student must be assessed in a performance/playing situation. Criterion D: Social skills and personal engagement (Level of Achievement: 0- 8) Communicate effectively, including verbal and non-verbal forms of communication Demonstrate attitudes and strategies that enhance their relationships with others Show respect and sensitivity to their own and different cultures Take responsibility for their own learning process and demonstrate engagement with the activity reflect critically upon their own achievements Set goals to enhance learning and take action towards achieving them.

Ontario Ministry Learning Skills: Assessment as, for and of Learning

Each unit students will be assessed for formative learning in a variety of contexts. IB Approaches to Learning have been aligned with the Ontario Learning Skills and will be used for assessment. At the end of each unit the students learning will be assessed based upon the Ontario Learning Skills, IB MYP Approaches to Learning, and the subject specific Criteria. Three major types of assessment will be used in to support student achievement:
Assessment for learning is diagnostic and formative for the purposes of greater learning achievement Assessment as learning is assessment as a process of developing and supporting students active participation in their own learning. Assessment of learning is assessment for purposes of providing evidence of achievement for reporting.


All rules and regulations in the gym have been devised for your safety, protection and to allow for maximum participation. 1. Students must be in the gym dressed in full P.E. uniform and ready to participate within 5 minutes after the beginning of class. Students entering after this time will marked as late.

2. 3.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

In order to be excused from class activities, a note signed by a parent/ guardian or doctor must be given to the teacher before class starts. All students are expected to come to class prepared. Students wearing proper gym clothes will receive full marks. Students without proper footwear or clothing will not gain full marks and may not be allowed to participate in class activities. Proper gym uniform consists of a Windfields T-Shirt, black athletic shorts with the Mustang logo, sweat socks and proper running shoes. (If a uniform is in the laundry or lost, the student is still expected to come to class with gym attire. [I.E. a different pair of shorts and T-Shirt to change into]) Students will be expected to have their Windfields uniform by the next class or replace any lost item. Leave all food, gum, and candy in the garbage before entering the gym. For your protection, leave all valuables in your locker or at home. We are not responsible for any items lost or stolen in the change rooms or the gym. Bulky jewellery is not to be worn in class (rings, necklaces, earrings could easily cause injury or end becoming lost or broken) The equipment room is out of bounds to all students. Enter these rooms when you have a teachers permission only. Inappropriate language is unacceptable. Practice common sense at all times. Listen to and learn the routines of the teacher. Respect the rights of others. (teachers and classmates)

HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Year 2 2013/2014 Gym Schedule

Date SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B Area of Interaction TGfU Category Health Units

Sept 3 6 9 13 16 20 23 27

Expectations Co-op Games/Fitnes s Testing Ultimate Ultimate

Expectation s Co-op Games/Fitnes s Testing Football Football

Health and Social Human Ingenuity Approaches to Learning Approaches to Learning Body Management Activities Invasion/Territory Invasion/Territory

Sept 30 Oct 4 7 11 14 18 21 25 Oct 28 Nov 1 48 11 15 18 22 25 29 Dec 2 6 9 13 16 19 Dec 20 Jan 3 6 10 13 17 20 24 Jan 27 31 Feb 3 7 10 14 17 21 Feb 24 28 Mar 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 Mar 31 Apr 4 7 11 14 18 21 25 Apr 28 May 2 59 12 16 19 23 26 30

Football Football Soccer Soccer Health 1 Health 1 Health 1 Volleyball Volleyball International Games European Handball European Handball HOLIDAY Movement Movement Movement Movement M.C. Presentations Health 2/3 Health 2/3 Health 2/3 Basketball HOLIDAY Basketball Fitness Health 4 Health 4 Health 4 Badminton Badminton Badminton Slo Pitch Slo Pitch Track

Soccer Soccer Ultimate Ultimate Basketball Basketball International Games Health 1 Health 1 Health 1 European Handball European Handball HOLIDAY Composition Composition Composition Composition M.C. Presentations Volleyball Volleyball Fitness Health 2/3 HOLIDAY Health 2/3 Health 2/3 Badminton Badminton Badminton Health 4 Health 4 Health 4 Track Track Slo Pitch

Approaches to Learning Approaches to Learning Communication Communication Health and Social Health and Social Health and Social Health and Social Health and Social Environments Community and Service Community and Service Human Ingenuity Human Ingenuity Health and Social Health and Social

Invasion/Territory Invasion/Territory Invasion/Territory Invasion/Territory Growth and Development Growth and Development Growth and Development Net Wall Net Wall Target Games Striking and Fielding Invasion/Territory Invasion/Territory

Body Management Activities Body Management Activities Body Management Activities Body Management Activities Substance Use/Related Behaviours Tobacco/Alcohol Substance Use/Related Behaviours Tobacco/Alcohol Healthy Eating (Nutrition) Invasion./Territory Invasion./Territory Body Management Activities
Personal Safety/Injury Prevention (Bullying/Mental Health) Personal Safety/Injury Prevention (Bullying/Mental Health) Personal Safety/Injury Prevention (Bullying/Mental Health)

Environments Environments Environments Communication Communication Human Ingenuity Community and Service Community and Service Community and Service Approaches to Learning Approaches to Learning Approaches to Learning Environments Environments Approaches to Net Wall Net Wall Net Wall Striking and Fielding Striking and Fielding Body Management

June 2 6 9 13 16 20 23 26

Track Lacrosse Variety Variety

Slo Pitch Variety Lacrosse Variety

Learning Approaches to Learning Community and Service

Activities Body Management Activities Invasion/Territory

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