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Use Nested IF function to find the grade of students in Analytics

Scores in Analytics Final Exam

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REPORT

Sachin Vinod Sameer Rahul Imran Vishal Sushil Vimal Zenia Arvind Grand Total Number of Student Maximum Marks Minimum Marks No.of Student >70 No.of Student Failed

Subjects ( Marks out of 100) Excel Accounting Valuations

32 78 39 45 45 89 71 45 45 75 564 10 89 32 4 2 55 65 52 25 28 75 64 45 65 65 539 Number of Subject 75 25 1 2 67 75 59 36 53 61 73 45 30 55 554 3 75 30 2 2

Total Mark
154 218 150 106 126 225 208 135 140 195

Here, the normal count does not con

I have used both Countifs a well as

Please use the following conditions for Results >=75 >=60<75 >=40<60 <40 a b c fail

Want to display results in pass or fail instead of true and false Get answers for balnk colums

51 73 50 35 42 75 69 45 47 65

Fail Pass Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Fail Pass

Grade Results: If any of the subject has marks less than 40 then result would be fail otherwise pa
Fail B Fail Fail Fail A B C Fail B Grade: If result decalred as fail then grade will ot be allocated.

re, the normal count does not consider the text value and hence I used Counta()

ave used both Countifs a well as Countif for your reference

result would be fail otherwise pass.

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