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ICT Skills Matrix

Grade Parts of Computer Grade 1

Know some parts of computer and their functions: monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, speaker, printer. Turn on and shut down a computer independently Open applications by clicking the icons Close applications Type with ten fingers Use mouse to open applications and operate the computer properly

Ms. Word


Applications Ms. PowerPoint



Comic Life


Change font and Open and Close a font size drawing application. Apply simple font attributes Use pencil and bold, italics, line tools to underline, color draw an object Use the undo and Use the eraser redo functions tool and undo/redo features. Use fill with color tool to color the picture Save and open a file

Grade 2

Change alignment left, right, full Apply lists bulleted and numbered

Open and Close a drawing application. Use pencil, line, and shape tools to draw an

Choose a template Insert pictures or photos Use speech

Open a wordle website ( or Load selfprepared text

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Juggle several windows on a computer using the mouse. Save a file in a certain directory on a computer. Use speakers. Type with ten fingers

Change line spacing Insert Clipart and file graphics Re-size and repositioning a graphic Use the Text Wrap feature on a graphic Create borders including adjustments to color, width, and border type Create text boxes

object Insert text Use fill with color, brush, and air brush tools to color the picture Move, copypaste, change or delete objects Save and open the file

Open and Close a drawing application. Use pencil, line, and shape tools to draw an object Insert text Change text size, style and alignment within a drawing Insert text to a slide Insert graphic files (picture from file, clip art, shape, etc) to a slide Use slide theme Change slide layout Use animation and transition Sign up to Sign in to Start creating a presentation Add and customize shapes

bubbles and lettering Insert text in speech bubbles Add and delete a page Change the size of the font using Bigger and Smaller commands on the tool bar. Resize and reposition pictures and speech bubbles. Save and open the file

Choose shape Customize colours Customize font Save the file Share as an image file

Grade 3

Use flash disk to save a file. Plug in and remove a flash disk on a computer. Copy a file from and to a flash disk. Use Alt+Tab to juggle several windows.

Change line orientation portrait and landscape Change page margins Use spell and grammar check Create tables including adjustments to shading, row,

Change the font type, colour and size. Use details tab to make further changes to the page, panel and speech bubbles.

Load text from a certain website using the URL address Choose shape Customize colors Customize font

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Type with ten fingers.

and column width

document. Use fill with color, brush, and air brush tools to color the picture Move, copypaste, change or delete

Display a presentation on a monitor Move forward and backward through a presentation

Add and customize text Customize font and color scheme Add and customize pictures Save presentation

Grade 4

Open a CD/DVD to access a file. Copy-paste a file from a CD/DVD to a computer. Use Print Screen button to capture the screen. Use Insert button. Use Page Up and Page Down to scroll the screen up and down.

Create headers and footers including page numbering Create custom tab stops Create multiple columns Create hanging indents Create charts using SmartArt Graphic Use Spelling Check and

Apply gradient in coloring the picture Use air brush tool to draw the picture

Insert graphic files (picture from file, clip art, shape, etc) to a slide Insert a video Use animation and transition Use header and footer Insert text box Display a presentation on a monitor Move forward

Edit a presentation Customize path Add and customize videos Insert frames Edit together Use a Prezi presentation file in presenting a topic

Save and open as Independent image file. User Use the image file in different kinds of documents. Print the comic.

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Grade 5

Use keyboard shortcuts (save, open, copy, paste, print, undo, redo). Use headphones in replacement of speakers. Type with ten fingers. Use keyboard shortcuts (find, go to, alignment, sticky keys) Use right-click to go to format window. Use keyboard to replace a mouse. Type with ten fingers.

Grammar Use Word Count.

and backward through a presentation Effectively display a presentation using a data projector to a group Use animation and transition in more varied ways Insert a video Insert text box Use header and footer Insert hyperlink Use Ms Power Point to create slides used for purposes other than giving presentation (quizzes, stage background, digital photo album, etc) Display a presentation on Insert images and diagrams Insert files Insert PPT file Download a Prezi presentation to a computer Independent User Independent User

Add a watermark to a document Use Thesaurus. Create a web page Publish a web page Send a Word document to PowerPoint

Independent user (can combine using pictures created on Paint with other applications: Power Point, Comic Life,

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a monitor Move forward and backward through a presentation Effectively displaying a presentation using a data projector to a group Independent User Independent User Independent USer Independent User

Grade 6

Burn a CD/DVD. Duplicate a CD/DVD. Use a printer in a network. Type with ten fingers.

Independent User

Independent User

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Grade Ms. Excel Grade 3 Adobe Photoshop

Applications Google Sketch ConceptDraw Up

Video Editing

Grade 4

Create a mind map using a

Open and close a video editing

Flip Boom Classic Create a picture using brush tool Use brush with different sizes Use erase tool to delete an object Use fill with color tool Use select tool to move an object Use add and delete page Customize the animations speed Insert sound from library

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provided template Edit text Insert pictures Insert symbols Save (as a ConceptDraw File and as an image)

Grade 5

Open and close the application Insert row and column Delete row and column Use undo and redo features Customize the lines

Open a graphic file Simple adjustments (brightness, sharpness, etc) Change colors Use Lasso, Magic Wand and Quick

Open and close the application. Use pencil, line and shapes tools to create 2D objects. Use push/pull tool to convert 2D objects to

Create a mind map using blank document Add theme Add topic and subtopic Change lines Change colors Insert picture Insert symbols

application Load graphic, video and sound files to the Arrange graphic, video and sound files on the track Customize the duration of each component on the track Insert transition Use video effects Save and open the file Share the file as a video file Open and close a video editing application Load graphic, video and sound files to the gallery Arrange graphic, video and sound files on the track Trim a video file Use overlay to

Record sound Combine self-made pictures with components (object or background) from library

Independent User

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Enter data into a table Save and open the file

Selection to combine two pictures Save the file

3D objects. Use erase tool to delete parts or to create a hole on an object. Insert a readyto-use component

Save as a ConceptDraw File and as an image

combine videos/pictures/vid eo and picture in one frame Customize the duration of each component on the track Insert transition Use Pan and Zoom Use video effects Save and open the file Share the file as a video file Independent User Independent User

Grade 6

Use formula to process data (SUM, AVG, etc) Use data to create a chart Use undo and redo features Use data

Use effects Use History Brush Tool to experiment with painting. Color a picture using gradient. Photo manipulation: restore, retouch, and

Measurements Independent User of objects. Scale and resize. Text tool. 3D text. Find components online Edit components

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rearrange. Correct exposures and colors in a picture.

Grade Ms. Publisher Grade 3 Grade 4 Corel Draw -

Applications Adobe Adobe InDesign Pagemaker

Open Microsoft Office Publisher Choose the kind of publication from among some options (brochure, newsletter, etc.) Choose a

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Grade 5

template Insert text Insert picture Customize font (size, color, type, style) Create simple publications (for example: flyer) Create a more complicated publication: newsletter, brochure, etc. Add and delete a page. Import a Word document onto a publication template. Use pictures from URL.

Create a new document Use different page setup (portrait or landscape) based on what is needed. Use basic shape tools (ellipse and rectangle) to draw an object Use Polygon, Star, Spiral, and Perfect Shape tools to draw more intricate

Open Adobe Pagemaker. Create a new document. Customize Document Setup. Use Text Tool. Zoom in and zoom out the documents view. Customize the font (size, style, type, color) Resize a frame. Save and open

Open Adobe InDesign. Choose a template of publication. Create a custom letterhead: choose settings for a new file, add background images, and organize the content. Create a matching envelope.

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shapes. Use Convert Line to Curve to modify a line. Color a picture Use ArrangeGroup to group parts of a picture. Insert text.

Grade 6 Create a publication using a blank template. Insert and delete a text box. Insert and delete a placeholder. Use freehand tool and pen tool to draw. Customize a line by changing the width, color, corner, style, etc. Use Fix Text To Path to create artistic

a saved document. Insert a picture using FilePlace. Use Text Wrap. Press Shift button while clicking and dragging the corner of a picture to resize it. Crop the picture.

Use different layouts. Use grids and document coordinates to set out a page evenly. Insert and manage text. Add and manage images.

Use keyboard shortcuts. Import text from Word. Format a paragraph. Import image files. Use the Control Pallete.

Use Pathfinder tool to combine simply drawn shapes and convert them into more complex and interesting objects. Use a table to

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text. Use Place Inside Container to put a picture in a shape. Use Transformati on to customize a picture or a shape.

organize data being displayed.

Grade Grade 1 Browsing for Information Guided by teacher, browse for information on digital encyclopedia (Encarta Kids, Britannica, etc) Use certain keywords to Blogging


ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Grade 2

find information on digital encyclopedia. Use certain keywords to find information on digital encyclopedia. Copy-paste text or picture from digital encyclopedia to word processing application (Microsoft Office Word) Guided by teacher, browse for information on the internet. Save pictures found on the internet to the computer.

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Grade 3

Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto a word processing application (Microsoft Office Word) Browse for information on the internet. Save pictures found on the internet to the computer. Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Grade 4

Office PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Include URL addresses on the bibliography page when used as resource(s) in doing an assignment. Browse for information on the internet. Save pictures found on the internet to the computer. Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft

Open a blog. Find information on a blog. Copy-paste information from a blog and use it on different application. Include a blogs URL address on the bibliography page when used in doing

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Include URL addresses on the bibliography page when used as resource(s) in doing an assignment.

an assignment.

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Grade 5

Create an email address (guided by teacher) Open an email. Send a simple email. Browse for information on the internet. Save pictures found on the internet to the computer. Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, ComicLife,

Create a blog. Create posts containing text. Insert picture(s) onto a post. Customize settings related to visitors comments.

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etc) Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Include URL addresses on the bibliography page when used as resource(s) in doing an assignment. Create an email address (guided by teacher) Open an email

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Grade 6

and reply it. Send a formal email. Forward an email. Attach a document in different formats onto an email. Browse for information on the internet. Save pictures found on the internet to the computer. Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office

Create a blog. Create posts containing text. Insert picture(s) onto a post. Customize settings related to visitors comments.

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PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Copy-paste information in the form of text or shape from the internet onto an application (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office PowerPoint, ComicLife, etc) Include URL addresses on the bibliography page when used as resource(s) in doing an assignment. Create an email address (guided by

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teacher) Send a formal email with CC and/or BCC. Forward and email. Attach a document in different formats onto an email.

ICTMatrix/Yani Fretty H. Panggabean/2012

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