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A Whole New World By: Brian Hernandez A T5 Producation

Based On a True Story

Fall 2013 ENG101-005

MOVE-IN DAY Move-in Day 2013. Justin arrives at Emory for the first time. He steps out of his car, looks at his new residence hall, and smiles contently as the orientation leaders ambush his car to help him unload. Justin: I think Im going to like it here. He then proceeds to unpacking whatever remains from the car. The next shot is Justin stepping out of the elevator, arms filled with his things, and walking to the hall to his new room. All of his luggage and personal belongings are stacked up outside of his room, courtesy of the OLs. Justin opens the door to his room and sees the student he has been chatting with all summer - his new roommate Keywan. They met because they are both students who previously lived in Germany before coming to Emory, so they begin to chat about their old lives in Germany as they organize their room. Justin: Hi Keywan, Im Justin. Nice to finally meet you in person! Keywan: Yes! Nice to meet you too! OUTSIDERS Next shot is of Callie and Natalia (the Sophomore Advisors) knocking on everyones door for a hall meeting. Callie & Natalia: Hall meeting! Justin and Keywan emerge from their room and proceed to the main lounge. CALLIE Hi guys, Im Callie! NATALIA And Im Natalia! CALLIE AND NATALIA (in unison) Welcome to T5! Callie and Natalia lead in playing an icebreaker. Everyone stands in a big circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle says "I like people who...." and if that trait that the person stated is one of yours, you run through the middle to an opposite side of the circle. If you are caught in the middle, you must lead in the next round.




CALLIE I like people who... are from the South! People shuffle across the floor. DENNIS I like people who like football! Everyone except Keywan and Justin move across the floor. NEIL I like people who hate soccer. Keywan and Justin look at each other in disgust. Justin and Keywan like this game at first, but eventually find that their hall mates are VERY different from them. INITIAL CONTACT Justin and Keywan are in their room watching TV... as usual. But this time they decide to be friendly and leave the door open. JUSTIN Hey, lets be friendly and leave the door open So the door to their already messy room is left ajar, held in place by nothing other than a dirty sock. After just a short bit, someone invites themselves in to watch TV with Justin and Keywan. KYLE Hi guys, Im Kyle! Im your neighbor. KEYWAN Nice to meet you Kyle. Im Keywan, and this is Justin. JUSTIN Hi Kyle! KEYWAN Would you like to watch TV with us? KYLE Sure! What are yall watching?




KEYWAN Big Bang Theory! What does yall mean?? They make conversation about different things - very different things. After a while, Kyle leaves the room. KEYWAN Americans are weird people. JUSTIN I hear you dude. KEYWAN What is up with their language?! Why did I go through 10 years of learning how to speak proper English if the smartest Americans cant even speak properly?! JUSTIN Right? And dude, did you hear what he said about soccer? I cant believe he doesnt know who Torres is! KEYWAN They said that nobody watches soccer here! What kind of place is this?! KEYWAN Maybe we should have gone somewhere else. Stayed in Europe. This America place is weird. JUSTIN Yeah, how are we supposed to succeed here if we cant even collaborate and relate with our peers? KEYWAN This sucks. Justin nods his head in agreement. The boys go back to watching Big Bang Theory.


METAMORPHOSIS JUSTIN Dude! Our bio exam is in two weeks, and we havent done anything to prepare for it! KEYWAN Oh! I almost forgot about it! Lets get to work! JUSTIN Ok, but lets go to the lounge. I cant focus in my room. They move into the main lounge to be able to focus more. After about 15 minutes of work, a hall mate comes up in the elevator. JONAH Hey guys! Have I met you? JUSTIN I dont think so. Im Justin. KEYWAN Im Keywan. JONAH Hi! Im Jonah! Nice to meet you! KEYWAN Likewise. At first, they are uneasy about having a conversation with him - in part because of their last encounter with a hall mate, and in part because they have work to do. But alas, they continue the conversation with him. After Jonah leaves, the boys are pleased with how well their second encounter went. JUSTIN He was nice! And he seemed to speak much better English than Kyle. And Kyle is American! (laughs) KEYWAN Maybe being here isnt such a bad thing. If we meet more people like him we can survive!




JUSTIN Yeah, everyone seems to be so friendly. Maybe we were overreacting. Everyone is so friendly, and the customs may be a bit different, but thats the way things are. They begin to think that maybe they could get used to the States. KEYWAN Maybe I can get used to this place. The only problem with their change of heart is that they are now inviting everyone that passes by the main lounge to sit down and talk with them. Pretty soon, the main lounge table is filled with students sitting and standing around it, engaging in friendly conversation. This goes on for awhile... a long while. But hey, at least theyre having fun. LATE NIGHT SHENANIGANS By the time everyone leaves, its one oclock in the morning. ONE OCLOCK?! They need to get to work! Theyre quiz is only a day and a half away and theyve done absolutely nothing to prepare for it!! But theres one problem... theyre hungry. They cant study on an empty stomach, right? But what would be open for delivery at this time? Thats when they see another hall mate on a website called "GrubHub." Upon closer inspection, Keywan realizes that this person is ordering food, and he asks what he is ordering. The floor mate responds, "Wingnuts!" Confused, Keywan asks what that is. The floor mate responds by saying, "I dont know, but its up there on the delivery options paper on the wall." Justin and Keywan had never seen that, why? This was a gateway to as much food as they could handle whenever they wanted! Why were they not informed of this?! They order Wingnuts and discover theyve found love for the first time. UH-OH Justin and Keywan wake up at 10:55 and realize that they are going to be late to class. JUSTIN DUDE! ITS 10:55! WE HAVE BIO NOW!




Not even bothering to change, they grab their bags and sandals and run out of the room. They arrive in class 10 minutes late to find that there was an assignment due today. An assignment that they would have done had it not been for the previous nights ordeal. KEYWAN Seriously?! This was due today?! JUSTIN I guess so! We would have finished it last night if the whole floor hadnt been talking to us all night. Keywan and Justin look at their tests disapprovingly. BACK TO WORK Justin and Keywan are sitting in the main lounge. JUSTIN Ok, so that cant happen again. KEYWAN Yeah, that sucked. KEYWAN We need to be more disciplined. No more distractions until after all of our work is done! Justin agrees. KEYWAN Im hungry. JUSTIN ME TOO. Justin opens up his laptop, and you can see on the screen that he is ordering Wingnuts. Lots of Wingnuts. The food arrives. Justin and Keywan are shown running down to the first floor to pick it up, and they are pushing each other out of the way and tripping over each other on the way down. Then, the same thing as last night repeats. They sing, dance, eat, laugh, and goof off until 4am.


...AND AGAIN...AND AGAIN... This scene consists solely of a chronological sequence of days. Each day, Justin and Keywan will be doing something (anything) other than homework. For each "day", text at the bottom of the screen will indicate the time passing. there will be a heading specifying the day of the week, and a larger heading counting down the days until their biology exam. The penultimate clip will show Justin turning off the music playing and saying, JUSTIN Ok, this really needs to stop. We have gotten no work done at all and our exam is tomorrow. Lets get down to business. KEYWAN Tomorrow. Justin shrugs in agreement and resumes playing music. "WERE SCREWED" Justin and Keywan arrive at their Biology exam. They are both panicking, as they are not prepared for this exam. At all. JUSTIN Dude, why did we do this to ourselves? KEYWAN Im not sure. We are so stupid. JUSTIN Were screwed. Thats what we are. They receive the test, look at each other with heartbroken faces, and put their heads down to cry. The exam finishes, and they walk back to their room in self-disappointment. After a couple of hours, they both receive an e-mail from the Office of Undergraduate Education informing them of their failure status in Biology, and that they must schedule an appointment to meet with an academic advisor.


REHAB The boys receive counseling from academic advisors for two consecutive days. Following the counseling, they both talk about how they have a new outlook on school and their life and are ready to get back on track. FIN Justin and Keywan dancing in the main lounge at 4am, with their homework not finished. They have clearly not been rehabilitated. The End.

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