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National/International Moot Court Allotment Rules-2013

1. Students can form their own team to represent the University in National/International Moot Court Competitions for this academic year 2013-14. 2. The team shall consist of Speakers from pool A and Researcher from Pool B.

SPEAKERS(Pool A) 1. BayolaKiran. P 2. PrasannaSwaminathan 3. ManaswiniMalladi 4. Tejaswi Niraj Kumar AnamikaPathak 5. VamsiMohana 6. Sushmita Patel 7. Amiya Kumar Pati 8. Alaap Thomas 9. BinduSreeVemuri 10.Harshavardan Sharma 11.NamrataArora 12.SanjuctaKabasi 13.PurneshUpadhyay 14.Rishabh Singh 15.RaghuveerPuranam 16.Sonia Thomas 17.Nidhi Singh 18.Sneha Singh

RESEARCHERS(Pool-B) 1. Amrendra kumar 2. Ritika priya 3. Payal priya 4. Tsr prannetha 5. Udita miyan 6. Farhan ali khan 7. Sanjana. V 8. Ishita sharma 9. Urmil shah 10.Aditi vyas Ilyana aishwarya kiran 11.Vernika sinha Saumya upadhyay Aditya sharma 12.B. Ravi teja

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19.GarvitPawar 20.Narmaseshwar Prasad 21.PragyanutsavMisra 22.Uttar Kashyap 23.Amandeep Singh 24.AshutoshPrashantShukla

3. Students are entitled to participate in only one National/ International Moot Court Competition in this academic year, 2013-14. 4. In case of any dispute with regard to the allotment of the moot court competition, the benefit shall be given to the higher rank person. 5. Participants shall be granted attendance on the actual days of the competition and the number of days of travel (shortest route). 6. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Faculty Convener-Moot & Advocacy Society shall be final and binding on the parties.

(R.Bharat Kumar) Assistant Professor Faculty Convener-Moot & Advocacy Society

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