Ingles 1 Primer Parcial: Choose The Correct Option

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Name___________________________________________________ Choose the correct option
1. What's ____ name? a. you b. your c. youre 2. ____ name is John. a. My b. I c. Her 3. Excuse me. Are ____James? a. she b. they c. you 4. I ____ Jennifer Brown. a. am b. is c. are 5. He ____ the new student. a. s b. m c. re 6. We are students. ____ teacher is Mr. Jameson. a. Their b. Your c. Our 7. A: Hello. B: ____. a. See you b. Hi c. Thanks 8. A: Bye, Jos. B: ____, Martin. a. Good night b. Hello c. Fine, thanks 9. Victor ____ the teacher. a. not b. isnt c. not is 10. The chairs ____ black a. arent b. not are c. is not 11. ____ tomato is ____. a. A red b. An red c. A white 12. ____ cat? a. Is it a b. It is an c. Is a 13. Two hundred and forty-seven a. 2047 b. 247 c. 2470 14. Its a quarter to seven a. 7:45 b. 7:15 c. 6:45 15. Her phone number is four three two five oh five nine seven six eight a. 432 505 9768 b. 432 505 7968 c. 423 505 9768 16. ____ a red car? B: No, she hasnt a. Has your teacher got b. Have your teacher c. Got your teacher have 17. ____ the books a. They have got b. They has got c. They got have 18. January is the ____ month of the year. a. third b. first c. one 19. Wednesday is the ____. a. fourth b. second c. fifth 20. The concert is ____ 4:00 pm ____ the afternoon. a. on at b. at.. on c. at in

Date _______________

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