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2 DEDICATION This book is primarily dedicated to Almighty God who gave me all things which enabled me to write this book and publish it.


We must give praises to Almighty God Who hymn 1 of S.S & S which reads Praise my soul, the king of heaven etc Praise Him, Praise Him Praise the Everlasting King PREFACE This book titled FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD is for all the people who are inside the fold and flock of Jesus for them to know what to do and not to do inside the fold of God, through Christ Jesus. The writing of this book started in year 1997 with accumulative experiences which are still growing up today.

4 TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PREFACE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION BOOK ONE: - UNDER SHEPHERD AND RELATED MATTERS 1. THE FOLD AND THE FLOCKS a. The Fold b. The Flock c. Interpretation and Application d. Commission to the flock THE PASTOR a. Definations b. The Pastors Call c. How God calls people into His Ministry NECESSARY QULIFICATIONS OF A TRUE PASTOR [PART 1] a. New Birth b. Assurance of New Life c. Knowledge of how to have New Life d. Assurance of what God calls him to do in the Ministry e. Sheep-fold [A flock] f. Christian Education THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS OF A TRUE PASTOR [PART 2] a. Consistence b. Short comment on Modernism and Libralism









c. Sincerity d. Integrity e. Justice THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATION OF A TRUE PASTOR [PART 3] CONVICTION OF WHO JESUS IS: a. Meaning of the Word Conviction b. Meaning of Faith and Belief c. Importance of the Apostle Creed d. Brief History of Apostles Creed e. The Apostles Creed. VARIETIES OF PASTORS a. Introduction b. Retired Pastors c. Desertee Pastors d. Administrative Pastors e. Probationary Pastors f. Cadet [student] Pastors g. Tent Making Pastors h. Assistant Pastors i. Associate Pastors. PARAPASTORAL WORKERS WORKS- [Various Operations] a. Introduction b. Apostles / Evangelists c. Prophets / Preachers d. Bible Teachers e. Chaplains f. Revivalists and Evangelists g. Missionaries. QUALITIES OF PASTORS AND PARAPASTORAL LEADERS. a. Difference between Qualification and quality b. Some Biblical Leaders and their Qualities.

6 9. TOOLS FOR TRUE PASTORS AND THE PARAPASTORAL WORKERS. a. The Need b. The Needed Physical tools c. Why true Pastors must make their sheep feel happy spirituality d. Why true Pastors must make their sheep feel happy physically. e. The Needed Spiritual tools DUTIES OF TRUE PASTORS


BOOK TWO THE SHEEP AND RELATED MATTERS 1. WHO A SHEEP IS a. Meaning of the word Sheep b. Human beings whom Jesus called sheep c. How to become Jesus sheep and not goats. d. Why Jesus called His disciples Sheep e. Some deductions from those characteristics of animal sheep 2. THE GREATEST MIRACLE a. Meaning of the word miracle. b. Brief note on Satans miracle through the necromancers c. The three-in-one- miracle in the greatest miracle d. Results of the Greatest Miracle. 3. NECESSARY QULAIFICATIONS OF GOOD SHEEP OF THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD a. New Birth b. Assurance of Eternal Security of the New Birth. c. Consistence, Conformity and Confirmity. d. Spiritual Conservation e. Canker on the bodies of the Chief Good Shepherds Sheep

FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD 4. THE ROLES OF THE SHEEP IN THE FOLD [PART 1] a. Meaning of the Word role. b. The human sheep c. The roles to play d. Care for the Pastor e. Encouraging the Pastor and Para pastoral workers.


THE ROLES OF THE SHEEP IN THE SHEEP FOLD [PART 2] a. Protection b. How to play the role of protection. c. How the sheep can make the Shepherd {pastor] feel happy spiritually. d. Causes of spiritual happiness of the shepherd [Pastor] through the good sheep. WHY THE SHEEP MUST MAKE PASTORS HAPPY SPIRITUALLY. a. Physical or material happiness. b. Spiritual happiness c. Illustrations from the Bible.


BOOK THREE - MEADOW AND RELATED MATTERS 1. PASTURE a. Meaning of the Word Pasture b. Words to which the word pasture is interpreted c. Pasture without Pastures d. Qualifications of a good Pasture and Pastures. e. A kind of Pasture to avoid f. A kind of Pasture to emulate. 2. PASTURES

8 a. Meaning of the word Pastures b. Pseudo Pastures on Pseudo Pasture. 3. MILK PASTURES. a. Meaning of milk pastures b. Where to find milk pastures. c. Example of milk pastures. MEAT PASTURES. a. Meaning of meat pastures. b. Where to find meat pastures. c. Meat pastures at special occasions. SOME SPECIAL PASTURES AT SPECIAL OCCASIONS. a. Meaning b. The Need WHY GOOD PASTURES FROM GOD ARE REGARDED BY SOME PEOPLE AS BAD PASTURES. a. Meaning b. Causes c. The difficult but possible solution. d. Some of the Chief Good Shepherds direct promises to support you on your stand against wrong doctrines. THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GREAT CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD WITH GOOD SHEEP a. Meaning b. Christ two special relationship with Christians c. How to know that you are a new creation and in good relationship with Christ.





FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD 8. THE KIND OF SHEPHERD WHICH JESUS IS: a. How the Bible describes Him. b. The Good Sheep in the eyes of Jesus Christ. c. My personal examples as illustrations d. How the good Great Shepherd is related with [us] , His Sheep THE THREE WARNING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CHIEF SHEPHERD TO DIFFERENTIATE HUMAN SHEEP FROM HUMAN GOATS. a. Meaning and Introduction. b. First Warning c. Second warning d. Third Warning e. Three main differences between Eva and Jesus in their temptation from Satan



MANGER AND THE TROUGH FOR THE SHEEP AT HOME. a. Meaning b. Interpretation c. What the Bible is to the true sheep of the Good Great Shepherd at home. WORSHIP a. Preamble. b. Invocation [Call to worship] c. Congregational Hymn d. Responsive Reading e. General Prayer f. Lesson Reading g. The use of Halleluyah


10 h. Benediction i. Preaching SUGGESTED ORDER OF SERVICE





This is a three in-one book. The book is likened into a grafted tree with one stem and bears three kinds of fruits- oranges, limes and grapes on its three main branches. The book has one theme which is FACTS ABOUT SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD found in I Peter 5:2. The topics on the themes are written as three separate books. The three topics are:SECTION 1. - Under Shepherd and related matters SECTION 2:- Sheep and related matters SECTION 3:- Meadow and related matters. Please read the three in one book. All must be read because they depend on each other. The book is good for the Pastors, Parapastors and all Church members. All Bible quotations are from K.J.V except where otherwise indicated. You should buy and read this three in one book. Read the three books.




FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD LESSON 1 THE FOLD AND THE FLOCK Key Verse: John 10:16 One fold and one Shepherd A. THE FOLD MEANINGS OF FOLD i. ii. iii. Enclosure for sheep Body of religious believers Members of a Church


We shall now expand these three dictionary meanings a little broader. i. The Enclosure for Sheep Is for their safety from thieves, safety from weather, hazard, safety from dangerous animals and reptiles, safety from unnecessary wanderings of the sheep, etc ii. Body of religious believers One fold and one shepherd said by Jesus was not intended to mean all religious believers. One church denomination, it means all who believe everything that needed to be believed and accepted, about and in Jesus as the Christ. It means all who religiously make Jesus the Christ, their Chief Great Good Shepherd and the only door to the fold of God as seen in John 10:7 and 9. Read it. Read also John 14:6. iii. Members of a Church Note that a church is different from The church. A Church refers to Church denominations. Jesus answer or reaction to his disciples observation in Mark 9:38 40

14 shows that Jesuss intention about His sheep fold is not that all His sheep must be in one flock in this world. Mark 9:38 40. The Church is the one spiritual church under the one Chief Great Good Shepherd. In the Old Testament it was under God and has been transferred to Christ in the New Testament.



i. ii. iii. iv.

B. THE FLOCK MEANINGS OF FLOCK Number of birds, animals [usually sheep], goat of one kind either kept together or feeding together. Christian congregation. Crowd of people. Number of people who are together in somebodys charge. We will not waste time and space in discussing each meaning here. We will only compare the first meaning of fold which means enclosure with the first meaning of Flock which means of one kind kept together or feeding together. Meaning of number four adds. In somebodys charge. The difference between Fold and Flock is explicit enough.

C. INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION i. Christs Fed is the enclosure in which Christ keeps His sheep, all the born again people in the world, from all kind, of Local Church denominations. ii. Christs fold is the mansions to where He had gone to prepare places for the born again Christians. John 14:2. We Christians are spiritually under His shelter. He also keeps us from physical harms as well as spiritual harms. iii. What Jesus called fold in John 10:16 actually mean [I have other herds which is not of this flock] Flocks into one fold. Paul in Acts 20:28-30 was talking to a group of local church leaders. A local Churches as we have them today. Paul, the writer of the book of Romans, also wrote to show that all who had and have the one faith which all born again people had and have are one, hence one Lord one faith one Baptism [Eph. 4:5]. Under one God and Father of all who is above all.

16 One Baptism here means the spiritual baptism which is the immediate incoming of the Holy Spirit, the moment one accepts Christ as his or her saviour. Romans 6:3-4, I Cor. 12:13. Local church denominations are flocks and contain born and unborn again Christians. THE CHURCH MILITANT It contains all Living Born Again Christians only. THE CHURCH TRIUMPH contains departed souls of born again christens only. One fold comprises past, present and future believers. New Birth, New Creatures. D. COMMISSION TO THE FLOCKS OF THE CHURCH MILITANT Church Militant consists of born again Christians on earth without Jesus commissioned to be His witness in this world as read in Acts 1:8. The commission of witnessing is in three parts which we want to consider in our subsequent divisions are lessons in this book. They are:i. THE PASTORS SHEPHERDS. Commissioning of church workers like pastors and Parapastors- Ephesians 4:11-12. he also gives gifts to do the work as in I Cor. 12:7-10. THE SHEEP CHURCH MEMBERS John 10:27-29 THE PASTURE AND PASTURES. I Peter 5:2. this is feeding of the sheep with the word of God for spiritual health and growth. TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE COMMISSION.

ii. iii.



i. To appoint true pastors over each flock as Paul did I Tim. 1:3-4 ii. To care for each sheep in the flock and the flock itself against wolves from inside and outside the flock as Paul warned. Acts 20:28-30 iii. To teach sound doctrine to each sheep in each flock. Titus 1:9. All the above terms of reference should be preached by Acts 1:8, receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. Study this book carefully for details of the terms of reference of the commission.

18 LESSON 2 THE PASTOR UNDER SHEPHERD KEY VERSE JER. 3:15 WHO A SHEPHERD [PASTOR] IS A] DEFINITIONS. 1. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of current English says Minister, especially of non conformist churches. In reality, all pastors are ministers because they all minister. 2. Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary says: One who has care of a flock, a shepherd. According to this Chambers dictionary. A pastor is also a shepherd who has care of a flock, which means the congregation under a pastor in a church as his flock and the members are his sheep. 3. The New Method English Dictionary by Micheal West says; A priest in charge of a church A priest, according to the same dictionary is one who has the right to lead prayers and performs ceremony in a church. This shows that priests are also pastors and pastors are priests. 4. A Bible Dictionary says that pastor is also called shepherd and usually so rendered. That same Bible Dictionary pointed it out that ministers of God are of three kinds. It refers to Jeremiah 2:8. the footnote of Dr. Ryries Study Bible on Jeremiah 2:8 agrees with it that there were three kinds of Gods ministers in the Old Testament. They were:



Priests: Ministers whose main duty was to take the requests of the people to God [spiritual] Prophets: Ministers whose main duty was to take the demands of God to the people [spiritual] Pastors: Ministers whose main duty was to rule the people in civic matters; carefully study Jer. 23:1-5. these verses were not directed to priests and prophets whose duties were spiritual but to the rulers whose duties were of the physical life, the temporal.

Pastors today are the three together: Pray for other people and for his sheep. PROPHET: To deliver the Chief Shepherds message to the sheep under him. PASTOR: To see to the physical welfare of the sheep under him. In summary, the true pastor is a person called by God to stay with the sheep everyday as a full time shepherd to nurture. The totality of human phase, spiritually, socially, economically, politically and biologically [quoted from a hand out note delivered by Rev. S.O. Babawarun at a pastors Seminar of ECWA Egbe District Church Council]. This is implicit in what the Chief Good Shepherd said in John Chapter 10 vs 9 and 11. the pastor whom we call the shepherd is the door of the sheep fold and therefore the keeper of the sheep, while other workers like the Apostles, Missionaries, Chaplains, Bible Teachers, etc are Parapastoral workers who also feed the sheep as seen in Jesus words to Peter in John 21:15-17. Feed my sheep. The pastor is the door for the sheep fold under Jesus the Great Good Shepherd. The Main Door.

20 B] THE PASTORS CALL: Meaning of CALL: The meanings of the word Call are many. The one which we want to discuss is Invitation to do something. Let us note some calls and their results in the Bible. 1. 2. Some are called but they did not answer. Read the results in Proverbs 1:24-28. We have no time for this kind of people. Some are not called but they answer self-call i.e they call themselves and send themselves out as pastors or prophets and priests. See the results in Jer. 14:14-16. If you are not called to be a pastor, please stop doing it. Find another job if you really want to work for the Lord. You cannot succeed as a pastor if you are not called by the Lord to be a pastor. A Yoruba adage says, Ise ti a ko ran ni ton jiya lo nrin kosi ni ri eniyan jise fun. Meaning An errand you are not sent to deliver, will go with you in punishment and there will be nobody to listen to you when you return. You may be saying the truth but there will be punishment for you if you are not sent by God. Read Acts 16:16-18. Some are called, they answered the call but they refuse to go to the places God wants them to go. Jonah the prophet of God is an example. Read Jonah 1:1-3. Jonah heard and answered Gods call but he refused to go to the place he was asked to go. There is no reason why a pastor should refuse transfer. Is it because of fear of murder by people of the opposite religion? Pastors and church members were in Kaduna, Kano, and Zaria etc. when pastors and Christians were being killed but they remained there. I volunteered to go to Kaduna even when the authority of my district






feared to send any pastor to Kaduna. The authority at that time could only say what God said in Isaiah 6:8 Whom shall I send? Remembering a hymn we used to sing in the seminary Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go [S.S. & S Number 627]. I answered like Isaiah Here I am, send me [Isaiah 6:8]. Is it because the place to where you are sent is not civilized or that the church there is small and poor? Remember Philip in Acts 8:20-26 God sent him to the desert and he went without complaint. Remember the S.I.M Missionaries like Titcombe, Bingham etc who left the very civilized countries and came to Nigeria, a very primitive country. No country was called Nigeria then. See the result of Prophet Jonah who refused to go to the place to which he was sent in Jonah 4:8, Jonah at the end preferred death to life. The result of his refusal to got to the place where God sent him it resulted into his sadness. You cannot refuse just because the authority hates you. Let your authority know your genuine problem. Your prayers and your gentle diplomatic approach to God and the authority will convince God and the authority to see your problem and then help you. Some are called, they answered and reluctantly went because it is unavoidable, but refused to deliver Gods message at their working places. Jonah is also an example of such kind of ministers. See Jonah 3:2. God told him to go and preach. He went but instead of preaching he was cursing. Instead of asking the people to repent, he did not tell them to repent. Read his words as he passed through the city in 3:4. Some were called; they answered the call and went to the place where they were asked to go. They did what they were asked to do but they did not follow Gods instruction to the letter. They followed Gods instructions

22 in half. Read the example and the result in I Kings 13:1624. it is very dangerous for a pastor whom God called and who answered the call of God but did not care to obey or follow Gods instructions fully. Some were called, they answered and called but they fed their own belly in-stead of feeding the sheep. They even do worse by feeding the sheep with bad provider. See Rom. 16:17-18, Phil. 2:21. Read the result in Phil. 3:18-19 Some were called, they answered the call, but they used the sheep to feed themselves. Instead of feeding the sheep, they took the advantages of the sheep for themselves. See Ezekiel 34:3. The actions of this group of pastors correspond with a Yoruba joke which says: Ijo nru, Alufa nsanra meaning the Priest is getting fatter, church is getting thinner church here means members and projects Alufa nsanra ijo nru. Some were called; they answered the call, but not fully. They attached excuses or condition. See example of this group in Matt. 8:21-22. This group wants to be called pastors but they cannot leave their homes, relatives and their lucrative jobs or businesses. They are not pastors because they cannot do the work mentioned in Ezekiel 34:4-8. Read the result of those in vs. 9-10. They cannot do what the first set of the Apostles did as we read in Mark 1:14-20 and what Matthew did as we read in Mark 2:13-14. Some are called by man. Some pastors are not called by God but by the advice, urging and counsellings of the people who see their activities in the church and their interests for church programmes somebodys activities and love for or interest in church activities do not mean








Gods call to be a pastor. God can use such a person in another sector in the Chief Shepherds Vineyard. A person like that may go for Bible knowledge in any Bible College to be trained as a C.R.K teacher in a Secondary School or he may go to the University for Religious Studies to become a religious lecturer in any higher educational institution. He can be a chaplain in the army, hospital, etc. one does not have to be a pastor or called a pastor before he can be used by God, One of the examples of those called by men. The result can be seen in the life of Jephthah. Read Judges 11:1-11. He was not called by God like Gideons end and that of Jephthah. Compare Judges 8:28 with Judges 11:34-35. God used him but the end did not bring him joy. Jephthah was called by man because man saw human capability in him. Read the condition he gave before he started his work to which he was called. Judges 11:9-10. Some are called by God, they answered Gods call and follow Gods instruction to the letter. They do not mind any misfortune that may come out from answering Gods call, obeying His tenets and living the Christian pastoral life. Read what Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church in I Cor. 4:8-10. every train called pastor MUST NOT allow his fear of the people who pay his salary make him break the rules and regulations of God and of the pastors church denomination. He should be able to note what Jesus said in John 6:67 and Peters reply in vs. 68-69. HOW GOD CALLS PEOPLE INTO HIS MINISTRY. There are many different ways and methods by which God calls people into His Ministry. Note a few of them; 1. God in Christ does not conscript people into His MINISTRY. Special Apostle Paul whos other name


24 was Saul is a very good illustration. Acts 9:1-8. Some good Christians think that Jesus forced Saul into confession and into the Ministry. Note what Jesus did on Sauls way to Damascus and what Saul did: were; [Acts 9:1-5]. a. Saul Threatening and slaughtering against the disciples of the Lord led Saul to get a written powerful authority from the Jewish authority. Vs 1-2. b. Jesus showed Saul that power passes power. That is; there is an heavenly power and authority which is higher and more powerful than the powerful authority of the Jews human beings, even than the higher authority of the Romans under whom the high authority of the Jews were. Jesus did this by allowing a heavenly light to suddenly shine round about Saul. Vs.3 c. Saul- The strange, strong light was too strong and unnatural, so much that Saul fell to the earth. Vs. 4 Jesus did not push him down. He fell because of fear d. Jesus Jesus only spoke from heaven to Saul. He asked him Saul, Saul why persecuted thou me. Vs. 4? Jesus spoke in the original Hebrew language which Paul alone, among the travelers, understood of Acts 26:14 with Acts 22:9. e. Saul Saul did not know the owner of the voice that spoke to him, however, he knew that the speaker was the One who sent the natural powerful light, that was why he submitted to the power which was above his power and asked Who art thou, Lord? vs.5 f. Jesus The Lord said I am Jesus..vs. 5



g. Saul Saul voluntarily asked Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Vs. 6 h. Jesus After Saul recognized Jesus as the Lord and voluntarily submitted himself to the service of Jesus, then the Lord told Saul what to do vs. 6. We must first submit. 2. A person does not have to be holy or a saint before God can call him to His Ministry. Saul and Moses were murderers before God called them. He called Saul by a violent vision. Acts 9:3-4. He called Moses by a tangible [clear and definite] vision with convincing arguments. Exod. 3:1-22. God called Moses from animal shepherding into human shepherding, spiritually and physically. 3. A person does not have to be educated before God can call him. He called His first set of Apostles from illiteracy to become workers in His vineyard [Acts 4:13] We do not read in the Bible where Pastors Timothy and Titus went to Bible College and yet they were Pastors by the virtue / nature of their work. However, because of the present day false teachers, pastors and prophets, one has to have genuine Bible training in an Evangelical Bible Institution to be able to answer false teachers. Read I Timothy 4:1-2, II Timothy 3:5-7, I John 2:18-20. What the present day pastors must do to be able to stand firmly against the present day false teachers is in II Tim. 2:16 Study to show yourself approved Unto God. Read it from King James Version. [A.V] The Holy Spirit is teaching all things but He uses human- vehicles in Bible College and Seminaries today. Read Titus 1:9-11 and I Peter 3:15 which say Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a

26 reason of the hope that is in you, Going for Biblical Education. In good Bible Colleges and Seminaries is one of the essential ways of getting ready to be able to give an answer to people who are teaching wrong doctrines. The Apostles of Jesus who were unlearned and ignorant men [John 4:13] were called and given specially and owed power to become special evangelists after spending three years in training under Jesus. Paul, a very educated man, had to spend three years in training, alone with Jesus, in Arabia [Gal. 1:17]. Read the story of Pauls conversion and call in Acts 9:20-23. Galatia 1:17 comes between verses 21 and 22 of Acts Chapter 9. Paul was specifically called and given specially and owed power to be a special Apostle to the Gentiles. A Pastor must be spiritually trained in Bible knowledge and in temporal education after his call. But spiritual life is better than any education and any physical progress attained.



What is new Birth? New birth is the spiritual birth into the kingdom of God after the natural birth by our natural mothers. That New Birth is hard to understand by the natural mind, that was why Nicodemus could not understand it, as we read it in John 3:4 New Birth is a new spiritual creation in the heart of a humanbeing. Read II Corinthians 5:17. The words creature as read in Old KJV is really New creation. The Old creation which we read in Gen. 2:17 was killed by the disobedience of Adam and Eve as read in Gen. 2:17 and Gen. 3:6-8. Satan deceived them that they would not die but they died the spiritual death which was what God meant in Genesis 2:17. God, in His mercy, had to create a New life. This New Life is not automatic for everybody but for those who will accept it. John 3:16. A shepherd [pastor] must see that he and his sheep accept that New life through Jesus Christ. 2. The word Born Again in Old KJV can also mean Born from above. Those who are born from above are given power [authority] from above to become children of God [John 1:12]. They are spiritually recreated by God to become members of Gods family, Gods spiritual family. Those that are born again have the New Life and their Names are written in the book of life. Revelation 20:15. ASSURANCE OF NEW LIFE: - John 5:24, 10:28

28 This sub-topic is very important for a true pastor to have because; 1. Some have New life but they do not know 2. Some do not have New life but they think they have it. 3. Some have New life but they are afraid of losing it. 4. Some believe that nobody can know that he has New life in this life until one gets to the coming life. 5. Some do not know that there is a thing called New life. 6. Some regard reformation of life style as regeneration of heart. A pastor who does not have assurance of his New life cannot have boldness to enter into the holiest as written in Hebrew 10:19, 35, I John 5:13-15.



This is very important because: how to get New life seems to be too simple and cost nothing on human part. Some believe the common saying which says Beware of cheap article. Some people think that New life or New Birth salvation is of no value because nobody pays for it. The true pastor has to know and let his flock know the following:1. That somebody had paid for it, and that somebody is Jesus Christ, Man from God of heaven. He is the only person who alone can pay the pride. 2. That the book called Bible, the true reliable word of God makes it known to us. Anything that the Bible says is true. 3. That the reliable Bible says; that a person who wants to have New life must first:a. Acknowledge that everybody on earth is naturally a sinner. I John 1:8-10 b. Acknowledge that no sinner can go unpunished. Rm. 6:23, Prov. 11:21 c. Acknowledge that the punishment is everlasting staying alive in fire. d. Acknowledge that there is nothing anybody can do to avert or escape the punishment. No price than the one paid by Jesus on the cross can satisfy God. The New life is free. Ephessians 2:8-9 4. The person who wants to have New life nor recognizes Jesus who died on the cross for a sinner as the Lord of his life. Meaning: Giving ones whole life to Christ Jesus to direct, control and rule the life of the new born person. 5. Believing what the true reliable Bible says in John 5:24, I John 5:9-12. Doubting this means calling God a liar. Vs. 10

30 D. ASSURANCE OF WHAT GOD CALLS HIM TO DO IN THE MINISTRY. ACTS 9:6, 15 It is not enough to hear and answer Gods call into His Ministry. There are many sections or department in His sheepfold. Eph. 4:11-12 let us know that there are many diverse departments in Gods Ministry. This will form our discussion in the next lesson. Note that the list in Eph. 4:11-12 are the list of offices and officers. That of I Corinthians 12:7-10 is a list of gifts. God told Paul specifically that Saul was to be a chosen vessel unto God to carry Gods Name to the Gentiles and Kings, etc. This shows that Paul was not to stay at a place as a pastor but he was to be a missionary. Jesus called and trained His apostles to be evangelists among their own people. They were not to be missionaries or pastors. See Matthew 10:5-6. He reminded them in Acts 1:8 to start as evangelists in their home town Jerusalem and near Judea. It was Paul who made Titus and Timothy pastors and wrote to them to do the work of true pastors. E. SHEEP FOLD [A LOCAL CHURCH] Nobody can do the work of a pastor unless he has at least one local church over which he rules and leads. He must have a stable church with stable local members. There can be no shepherd without sheep fold. People who have one or two sheep are just domestic pet owners and not shepherds. No other regular full time job can be combined with shepherding the flock of God. Matthew 6:24. A real pastor must be pasturing a flock of God. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION



By Christian Education I do not mean Bible Knowledge or just Christian Religious Knowledge. First what is Education? Education according to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of Current English means: Developments of character and mental abilities. New method English Dictionary by Michael West says: Knowledge, good character, manners and power to make living. I am not writing on book knowledge or on Bible College Knowledge. These two kinds of education do not make a person to become a true pastor. Some true Christian Education which a true pastor must have includes: 1. Knowledge of character, manner and ethics which Christ laid down for Christians. 2. Knowledge of rules and regulations which Christ laid down for Christians. 3. Ability, willingness and living the kind of life laid down by Christ for Christians. 4. Pastoral ethics and manners. I Tim. 4:12 5. Sufficient related Christian instructions in Biblical doctrine, theology, sociology and homiletics. 6. Knowledge of the differences between Christs teachings and Christian traditional teachings which are replacing Christs teachings. Mark. 7:7-9 7. Knowledge of homelitics is an important part of Christian Education for every Christian and much more for good pastors. Knowing Bible stories and where to find them in the Bible only is no Christian Education.

32 LESSON 4 KEY VERSE I CORINTHIANS 15:l58 THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS OF A TRUE PASTOR {PART II} [A] CONSISTENCE AND CONFORMITY I know of many different kinds of Pastors whom I can use to illustrate those important sub-topics. They are at the negative side; therefore I do not want to write their names and denominations. But they are real and not fictitious. Inconsistency and non conformity include:1. RUN AWAY PASTORS. A pastor ran away from his church just as Jesus said in John 10:12-13. The pastor did not run away because of any danger of his physical death or injuries from enemies, he asked for transfer when he sensed agitations for wrong doctrines and wrong practices in his church station. He was a very good Christian pastor and very consistent in Christs doctrines and in his denominations Constitution and standing orders. He was in conformity with his church rules and regulations but he was afraid of Church splitting which would earn him blames from his authorities and some church members. He would be accused of incapability. He chose the way of asking for transfer before the impending apostacy in his local church. Was he right to do so? Was that logical or reasonable? Compare his action with John 10:12-13 and give reason or reasons for his action. CARRY AWAY PASTORS. A Pastor was carried away by some members of his local church who preferred wrong doctrines and practices which their denomination would not accept. He feared that his denomination might not be able to transfer him to another local church. He feared 2.



that even if his denomination transferred him, it might not be to a financially rich church like his presence local church. He feared that the place might be a rural area far from a civilized community. What are the other things you think he feared? The pastors local church denomination. He followed them to be their pastor at their new formed church denomination. MODERNISTIC PASTORS. I want to repeat that I am not compiling imaginary set of pastors. I am writing what I experienced in many years of my Christian religious services in different denominations at different areas. I met two pastors somewhere in Nigeria. Those two pastors were together in a local church. They said, in one of our discussions on consistency and conformity Baba [talking to me]. Do you not know that Christian doctrines and practices of thirty years ago are different from that of today? What should have been my answer? He said we should follow modern ways. There are many pastors today who do not have consistency and conformity with the sound doctrines and belief which their church denominations draw from the Bible and put in their denominational constitutions and standing orders for their pastors to follow and teach. Their inability or unwillingness to conform to the Old Time Religion of Christ and the Apostles, forced them to believe in and practice modernism. [B] SHORT COMMENT ON MODRNISM AND LIBERATION 1. Dictionary meanings are:Modern views or method [in theology] made suitable for present day needs brings up to date Subordination of tradition to modern thoughts. Things of this world may be changed and modernized but spiritual things cannot and should not be changed or modernized. God is the 3.

34 Father of lights, with who is no variableness, neither shadow of turning James 1:17. God said in Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not. It is not only God Himself that does not change. His words also do not change. See II Cor. 1:18-19. It is not the intention of God to change His laws, rules and regulations. He wants them to be fulfilled, all the time. Matt. 5:17-18. We cannot emphasize it too much that Gods rules on how Christians should live their lives which He gave to us through Christ as written in the Bible. The Bible does not contain repeatable laws. The Laws in it are stable and cannot be repealed by our modern man made rules. Jesus condemned such action. Matt. 15:3. Liberalism, in theology means [in short] Freedom to live the kind of life which one desires. But we must note. Matt.15:3, 9. [C] SINCERITY Sincerity is very important for true pastors to have. Religious leaders who had no sincerity in Jesus time on earth were called hypocritical people. Jesus decried them and rained words of woes on them as we read in Matt. 23:13-29. Pastors who are not sincere in their dealings with their sheep and the authorities are not true pastors. They are not qualified and such pastors are called thieves by Jesus in John Chapter ten. [D] INTEGRITY Integrity and sincerity seem to be the same but English dictionaries define them differently. Integrity according to a dictionary is: Quality of being honest and upright in character; condition of being complete. Sincerity according to a dictionary is: straight forward, not in the habit of expressing feelings that are



pretended. See Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of current English for the meanings of the two words. Some of the signs of lack of integrity in a pastors sheepfold are: 1. Progress in outward physical developments; BUT with spiritual depression and depreciation. 2. Outward revival of the body which gives physical health but sickly in inner spiritual health. 3. Making people happy outwardly but making the Holy Spirit sad inwardly. 4. Covering uncoverable sins, sins which everybody is aware of. Some cover sins in their sheep-folds. They compiled with the board of elders to over look sins or pretend not to see sins which almost every member in the church and members of the public clearly see. This shows that the pastors of such churches have no integrity and not fit in the sight of God to be called pastors. 5. Melodious songs [not hymn], rhythmical sound of drums and rhythmical dancing with loud shouting of hailing the drummers, guitarists and dancers and of shouting Halleluyah, where and when there is nothing in their hearts for which they praise God. They shout Halleluyah just for the shouting sake and to show temporal temporary joy. But no everlasting spiritual joy in their hearts and lives. The above five signs of lack of integrity in some pastors and churches are sufficient for now. They are enough to indicate what Jesus said in Luke 18:8. They fit the people described in Matt. 15:8-9. [E] JUSTICE

36 Just means right conduct; the quality of being right and fair. Justice is treatment of all people with fairness equity. It is integral part of a true pastors qualification. Justice is very important to everybody, so much that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, put it in the heart of Jesus to write in support of it in his book. James 2:1-9. Please read; Our pastors and churches today do treat their members with partiality which is against justice. Sinners who have physical talents [not spiritual gifts] and who have money or influence are given special and favourite treatments. It is not the kind of honour spoken of in Romans 13:7. Render honour to which honour is due. Do not allow Satan to use that verse to dupe you and you should not pretend to use that verse for special treatment to the rich, the talented and the influential people in your churches.



LESSON 5 KEY VERSE HEBREW 11:6 THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATION OF A TRUE PASTOR [PART III] CONVICTION OF WHO JESUS CHRIST IS. A MEANING OF THE WORD CONVICTION One of the main dictionary meanings of Conviction is: What one believes to be true or right. The word comes from the verb word Convince. B. MEANING OF FAITH AND BELIEVE There are two words in Hebrew 11:6 which describe the very important and indispensable criterion which God Himself uses for choosing true pastors and true sheep for Himself. The two words, on the Surface, mean the same thing and are interchangeably used. However, the two words have two inner aspects which must be carefully studied and be totally convinced of. The two words are: 1. FAITH- Without faith it is impossible to please Him. The meaning of faith here is acceptance of everything that Jesus says. Regarding all things said by Jesus as truth. 2. BELIEF He that cometh to God must believe that He is. Belief here means accepting and be totally convinced of the eternal existence of Jesus Christ. Eternal means without beginning or end. The true pastor and his sheep must be convinced that Jesus Christ was not created but He is the Creator. See John 1:1-4.

38 The word Begotten in John 3:16 in King James Version should not be there, because Begotten means brought into existence of given life. John 1:1-5 shows that Jesus was from the beginning. Read John 3:16 in C.N.B, R.S.V, N.I.V. etc. The word Bibi in Yoruba should not be there. It should be only Son Omo Re kansoso. The word Son is just a title of Jesus in the work of salvation. Jesus was not given life. He is Life. John 14:6; Phil. 2:6 shows that Jesus had been in form of God, always as God. Phil. 2:17 shows that Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made [by Himself] in the likeness of men. This we call incarnation. Every true pastor and true sheep must be convinced of this irrefutable fact. 3. The third thing to be convinced of about Jesus as we read in Heb. 11:6 is He [Jesus] is the Rewarder, He is not a Rewarder of only those who seek Him. Read II Tim. 4:1. Meekness, humility etc are also qualities of a true pastor and a Para-pastoral worker. C IMPORTANCE OF THE APOSTLES CREED All the above three indispensable facts are what the Apostles Creed is based upon. The Apostles Creed is so important that many churches recite it every Sunday morning worship service, and in all other important worship services. Though ECWA church seems not to put much important on it as she should, yet she has it written on her membership card. Every true pastor and every true sheep must be conversant with the Apostles Creed. Every baptismal candidate must be able to recite it or at least be very familiar with it. We quote below the section of Apostles Creed which concerns our topic. We quote it because of its importance and its indispensable nature. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ the only Son.



From the Apostles time but not as detail as it is today; Let us see some Bible verses to prove it. 1. Acts 8:37 I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This was the confession of the Ethopian Eunock to Philips question before Philip baptized him. 2. Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. This was Pauls answer to the question of the Jailer at Philip before he was baptized. 3. I John 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a Child of God. This was a true statement made by John the beloved of Christ to show the necessary step before one could become a child of God. The present common Apostles Creed which we have in our churches today was the expansion of the short and adequate Creed of the Apostles time. It was adequate then because there were not as many heresies among them as we have among Christians today. Gradually the two Creeds become inadequate. Therefore, the present Apostles Creed come into being since about the second century A.D. it was this Apostles Creed which distinguished Judaism from Christianity and other heretic organizations. It is also serving to distinguish some Churches today from true Churches. We quote below the section of Apostles Creed which concerns our topic. We quote it because of its importance and its indispensable nature. E. THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth. And in Lord Jesus Christ His only Son conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was crucified. He died and was buried and the Third day He rose again

40 from the dead, and ascended into Heaven. And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father, from where He shall come to judge both living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost and the Holy Universal Church and the Resurrection of the dead and in the Life ever lasting. AMEN. All Articles of Faith of all church denominations spring out from this Apostles Creed. All Christians of all church denominations must get convinced of the above Creed.



INTRODUCTION Our key verse shows that it is not everybody who is called by God and has Bible training is called Pastor. Everybody knows that there are different kinds of Ministries in the Government system. There are also many departments and sections in every ministry and in every large set up institution. For examples (1) not every staff in the hospital is a medical worker (2) not everybody in an education institution is a teaching staff. In Christs physical Government and ministries, there are departments and different kinds of offices and officers in the ministries. Ephesians 4:11 shows that Jesus Christ Himself made some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. This system set up by Christ Jesus has not changed except that our cravings for titles make some sheep feeders like the word pastor. They want to be called by the title which is neither theirs nor of the work they do. We should get things straight which is what we want to do in this lesson. Every sheep feeder who is not a pastor over a church has his own title. The group is called Parapastoral workers in the fold and flocks of Jesus. 1. CURRENT ACTIVE PASTORS. a) A person who is currently working as a full time shepherd in a local church. b) He has stable members of a stable local church at a stable area.

42 c) He has a set of board of elders to govern the local church with him. d) He has permanently registered members. e) He knows and visits their homes to know their family needs and their backgrounds. f) He stays among them to be able to help their spiritually and physically. g) His local church may be a member of a church denomination or a group of independent churches. His church must contribute financially to the up-keeping of its denominational church. It should also keep or abide with the constitution of its church denomination. His local church may be an in depart church. h) All his members should be members of the same church under the same and one pastor or pastors of the same denomination. The members should not have another pastor outside their church denomination. The allegiance and loyalty should be to that pastor and his denomination only, under the leadership of the Good great Chief Shepherd. There are many other things that make a person true pastor. The title PASTOR is not an educational attainment. The title is neither awarded by any theological college nor given as a honourary degree. It is obtained by the kind of work which he or she does in the fold and flocks of Jesus. People do not get the title pastor because they had attended a Bible College or Bible Seminary, neither by summer nor by full time studies. A person may be called a pastor, when he is pasturing a church or had pastured a church before. 1. ILLUSTRATION AND EXAMPLES There are many people who attended Bible Colleges and Seminaries but were not called pastors because they never pastured any church, even with their degrees in theology.



There were many Moslems who had interest in C.R.K [Christian Religious Knowledge] in Secondary Schools and because they performed well in the subject they made it their first subject and attended Bible Colleges for degree which qualified them to teach C.R.K. With Social Studies and some other subjects in secondary school. Can we call a Moslem a pastor because he has degree in C.R.K as it is called in a secondary school and C.R.S [Christian Religious Studies] in Universities? It was about a cause a rift between a State Government and Bible Knowledge Teachers Association of that State when the Government posted a Moslem to teach Bible in a secondary school, because he had degree in Bible Knowledge as a subject. We refused but that Government argued that C.R.K was a subject and anybody who passed it well was qualified and had the right to teach it. Can we say he could be a pastor because he was qualified to teach Bible? 3. One of my teachers in Bible in 1950 [Name withheld] went to Bible College in 1941 not with the Intension to be a pastor but just with a burning desire to know more of Christianity. He told us that, [you may see Igbaja Seminary Review of 1954]. His intention was to go back to his lucrative motor mechanic after finishing his Bible Studies in Bible College. [Praise be to God for calling him into pasturing ministry before he graduates from the seminary] We cannot call an applicant to seminary or Bible College a pastor until he has finished and become a pastor over a local church. [C] RETIRED PASTORS Soldiers never die Pastors never die. 1. WHO A RETIRED PASTOR IS? A retired pastor is a person who had worked as a pastor on a local church or churches before he voluntarily

44 retired from active pasturing. He had also had all the qualifications under CURRENT ACTIVE PASTORS. Number A under lesson 4. He should also have had necessary qualifications listed in Lessons 2 and 3, plus pasturing experiences. 2. THINGS A RETIRED PASTOR SHOULD NOTE. Note the following relationship of a retired pastor and the current active pastor of the local church in which he worships regularly and registered as a member. A retired pastor is a pastor who leaves his pastoral work because of old age. 1. He is a sheep under the directives of the local church like other sheep [members] of the local church. 2. He is under the leadership of the local churchs pastor 3. He is not to impose his authority on the local pastor of the church for any reason. 4. A retired pastor should neither make himself an assistant pastor not an associate pastor because he is not posted there to assist or to be an associate pastor. He is there on his own volition as a member. 5. A retired pastor should not be annoyed if his pastor gives him no work to do in the church worship service. 6. A retired pastor should give his pastor a free hand in everything in the church. 7. A retired pastor can only advice and not to direct his pastor. He should not let his advice be like a correction. He should not make himself a corrector. 8. He should not see himself as being better than the pastor of his church, and therefore must be consulted before the church pastor does anything. He is not a consultant pastor. 9. He should try to support the pastor as much as possible because the pastor of the church is the direct representative of






God and of the denominational authority. Not the retired pastor. A retired pastor who knows of an imminent danger in his pastor doings before living should advice the pastor. If the pastor does not heed the advice, the retired pastor can let the Board of Elders know. If the Board of Elders does not heed the advice, the retired pastor can make his stand known to the fellow members when opportunity arises. The retired pastor should not allow himself to be counted as one of the church pastors. Some members do regard the number of retired pastors in their church as the numbers of working pastors in their church. Any retired pastor who feels big to serve or worship under a junior young pastor should follow the saying which says if you WANT TO BE A PEDAGOGUE YOU MUST BUILD YOUR OWN SYNOGOGUE. D. DESERTEE PASTORS 1. WHO A DESERTEE PASTOR IS? Desertee pastors are the pastors who were at a time pastors over some local churches and have had experiences of pastoral work. They have all the qualifications of a pastor as listed above under the current active pastors in number A of this lesson. But they desert their pastoral work for other kinds of works. They are called pastors. Yes, they are pastors by name because they were active pastors with the sheep before now, but they have no sheep at present which they can call their own in the fold. A desertee pastor is a pastor who leaves his pastoral works for better secular work and better pay. A decampee pastor leaves his denomination because of misunderstanding witness denomination. A retiree pastor is a pastor who leaves his pastoral works because of old age.

46 A pastor who is posted by his denominational authority to a work outside pasturing a church is neither a desertee not a decampee pastor. 2. WHAT A DERSETEE PASTOR SHOULD NOTE: A desertee pastor is no more a pastor. He may be a reverend but not a reverend pastor.

E. ADMINISTRATIVE PASTORS 1. WHO AN ADMINISTRATIVE PASTOR ISAdministrative pastors are the pastors who were once time pastors in local churches and have all the pastoral experience with pastoral qualifications. They have all the qualifications of a pastor. BUT they left being full time pastoral workers on local churches because their denominations put them in the office to administer the work of the current active pastors who are over churches in their districts or provinces as the case may be e.g. President, General Secretaries, D.C.C. Secretaries of the denomination etc. They can still go back to work over churches as pastors. 2. WHAT ADMINISTRATIVE PASTORS SHOULD NOTE. What Administrative pastors should note are what a retired pastor should know. 3. Administrative pastors are bosses of current Active Local Pastors of the churches in the office and not in the church



services unless the boss is on official visit or tour to the church. [F] PROBATIONARY PASTORS 1. WHO A PROBATIONARY PASTOR IS A probational pastor is a newly employed pastor who has not been registered or licensed as a pastor. He may be a pastor over a local church or an assistant [not associate] pastor under a senior pastor. Probation is: Testing of a persons conduct, abilities, qualities etc before his final acceptance. He becomes an accredited pastor after a period of his pastoral work and passing a test. He was a pastor during his probationary period because he does the work of a pastor. 2. QUALIFICATIONS OF A PROBATIONARY PASTOR. His qualifications are not different from that of CURRENT ACTIVE PASTORS. He was a pastor before his confirmation. The difference is that he has not stayed long enough in the job to be recognized for registration as a competent full pastor. Confirmation is on what he was before. [G] CADENT [STUDENT] PASTORS 1. WHO IS CADENT PASTOR IS Let us first know the meanings of the word Cadet. Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of current English has two meanings: [1] student of a Naval, Military or Airforce College. [2] Young persons under training for a profession. We will choose to use the letter meaning because pastoral work is a profession.

48 A cadet pastor, therefore, is a student in a theological college. BUT, are all students in the Bible Colleges CALLED? Are they all willing to become active full time pastors after their graduations from their Theological Colleges? If principals of Theological Colleges and ordained ministers do resign from Christs ministry to join more lucrative jobs, what do students in Theological Colleges do when they finish and get more lucrative jobs outside the church? Do we still call them pastor even if they leave immediately after graduation? 2. a. OBSERVATIONS. All students in Bible Colleges in our time were meant to be pastors after graduation and therefore could be called cadet pastors but they were not called so. b. Students in Bible and Theological College today go for Bible Studies for reasons best known to them. Some used it as a stepping stone, some to become Bible teachers and some to earn the name Pastor. For the benefit of doubt we add the word Pastor otherwise they are just students and not even student pastors, because we are not sure of what they will become after their graduations. QUALIFICATIONS OF STUDENT PASTORS a) IN THE PAST. Written recommendation from their pastors, missionaries and board of elders based on evidence of their New Birth, activities in their churches, in their homes, in their primary schools and from among the communities among whom they lived plus relevant education. b) TODAY.



This title was derived from the biography of the Biblical Apostle Paul as read and put together in Acts 18:3, Acts 20:34, I Thess. 2:9 and II Thess. 3:8. The Evangelical Church denominations that used this title made Apostle Pauls statements in Acts 20:34 and II Thess. 3:8 as the base on which they built the title. The statements which formed the base were! These hands ministered [have worked] unto my necessities and into them that were with me Neither did we eat any mans bread [food] for naught but wrought with LABOUR . That we might not be chargeable to any of you. Acts 20:34 and I Thess. 3:8 We can therefore, in this lesson Book of Religious Studies and in our own case confidently say : A TENT MAKING PASTOR is a God called person who had attended a theological college, either as a summer school student or as a residential student, and returned to doing his own personal business or employed by Government or by a private employer after their graduation without having a local church and members. he s no pastoral working experiences. He is a member and neither a pastor nor an assistant pastor of the church where he worships. The pastor of the church where he worships may assign to him some duties in the church if his pastor so desired, but not official from his denominational authorities. He is not in the registers of his church denominational offices as pastor. He wants to continue in his normal secular work and be called pastor. He must be initiated and installed as a pastor. AN ILLUSTRATION

50 My love for Bible studies constrained me to instill the love of Bible studies in my church members. There was a particular member in ECWA Church, Taiwo Road, Kaduna which was one of the churches over which I pastured. The particular member, a church elder whose name was Timothy Ayodele Ake who also loved Bible Studies became a special friend to me because of the Bible studies. He would not miss any Bible class which I organized in the church and thereby become my assistant Bible study pastor, privately. I called him my local Christian education elder. That elder took up the Bible study class after I left the church. His love for Bible studies constrained him to attend ECWA Theological College Oyi where he successfully earned diploma. He was and still a very successful printer. That man, Elder Timothy Ake, is still the elder for Bible studies in ECWA Church, Taiwo Road, Kaduna at the time of writing this book. Such an elder could and should be officially installed as the assistant pastor for Bible studies a local Christian Education Co-ordinator. People called him Pastor he answered Pastor but is officially recognized as a pastor after his theological training? He was helping the church with his lucrative printing works though he did not leave the work to become a pastor on a church. He was and is a Tent making elder like Paul Acts 20:34, II Thess. 3:8. He should be officially promoted from Elder for Bible Studies to Pastor for Christian Education. I am sure he will not ask for remuneration. There are many others like him in many of our churches. We should make official use of their theological training and their willingness to do voluntary service for Christ. ANOTHER ILLSUTRATION One of my teachers in Bible College went to study theology in Bible Seminary to be able to answer the itinerant Jehovah Witness who used to disturb him at his lucrative motor mechanic workshop. He had no intention of being a church pastor after his graduation



from Bible Seminary. Though God called him while he was still a student to teach in the Bible College, yet he was not called a pastor after finishing and when teaching us in the Bible College we called him teacher or lecturer. Some go to Theological College just to receive the title pastor. They have no intention of becoming pastors over any church neither an assistant pastor nor teaching Bible in schools after graduation. They held to their lucrative jobs and were satisfied so far they got what they wanted the title PASTOR. BUT they are not pastors until they go into the pastoral work and have pastoral experiences. Most of the people, interviewed, saw nothing wrong in going to Theological colleges to study theology with no intention of becoming pastors over any local church after graduation. They even encourage it, BUT, the, before such people are recognized as pastors and be so called, they should first be officially and publicly initiated into pastoral profession by their church denominational authorities. This will be beneficiary in many ways to the church and to such people. 1. Such people will have an official approval for their title pastor because that is the only way by which a person can be publicly recognized as pastor an accepted pastor. 2. Such people will have a certificate of recognition from their church denomination to satisfy that they are recognized by the denomination as pastors. The certificates of diplomas received in theological colleges do not read pastor or teacher or any profession than that they have graduated from a theological college. 3. The church will have recognized trained pastors to help in the local church as Bible study pastor, youth pastor, visitation pastor. Etc. A Bible study pastor can be more trusted by the pastor of the church in teaching Bible study class than an elder or just somebody who has no normal and formal bible training as those who have Bible training but refuse to be active church pastors over a church Certificate of recognition

52 must be given to anybody who is recognized as a probationary pastor by the denominational authority. Many of them who have lucrative businesses of their own may want to be made the Youth pastor, Bible study pastor, children pastor, etc. with little renumerations or none. I wish my church denomination can try this. Some other church denominations do it. A tent makers pastor must be given a written test before he is recognized as a pastor. [Probationary]. Just because of ignorance in the part of the people and the Tent making pastors concerning pastoral professional procedures as laid down by the Holy Spirit through Paul in Eph. 4:11 Ignorance and peoples love for titles make us try to create a title for every achievement, little or big, important or of no significance and meaning. My advice to anybody who wants to bear the title pastor without any pastoral experiences should follow the common saying which says if you want to be a pedagogue you must go and build your own synagogue or to ask his denominational authority to have a special service in the church to recognize and certify him publicly as it is done for those people who are ordained as reverend pastors without having any church over which they were pastors. They could have to be installed. There should be step ups for pastors who shepherd in churches from tent making pastors to probationary pastors, to licensed or accredited pastors, to ordained pastors. The step-ups must be based on church work experiences and Christian life, but not based on academic achievements.


1. WHAT TENT MAKING PASTORS SHOULD NOTE. a. That he is not an official pastor of the church where he worships. b. That he has no right to direct his pastor either to do certain things or to give him certain assignments during the



service or outside the service. He has neither official nor moral right to parade himself as on of the serving pastors of the church. His pastor may give him the privilege of taking part in the church services, etc. c. Tent makers pastors can only exercise the right of his church membership in the church where he worships as a member either at his own home town church or outside his town, just as other laities. d. That he should neither harass nor embarrass his pastor, especially his home town church pastor. e. That he should always try to encourage his pastor in everything EXCEPT in sin and in failure to keep the rules and regulations of his church denomination, the constitution and standing orders. f. Tent making pastors should note the Yoruba adage which says: A kii gbe okere mo didun obe meaning you cannot know the flavour of a sauce [soup] until you taste it. Head and book knowledge of the work of pasturing can not make a person become a pastor until he experiences the work. He becomes a pastor when he pastors a church. It is a common saying in English that if you want to be a pedagogue you must go and build your own synagogue. g. Tent makers pastors SHOULD put what they learn in the Theological Colleges into practice, if God really calls them to do the work of pastors. A shepherd must have a local church which he pastors. A Shepherd must have an organized herd or herds of sheep. Not just few sheep as pet. ASSISTANT AND ASSOCIATE PASTORS. The above two pastoral offices in ECWA Church denomination i.e. Associate and Assistant pastors are not the same as

54 some people think. Making the two words synonymous is the main cause of misunderstanding between the prime pastors and the junior working pastors under them in our local churches. Church elders and church members who do not understand the meanings of the two words do fan the members of the people. The incessant quarrels between the prime pastor and what some people call second pastor is not all that is due to the pride of neither the second pastor nor the power drunk of the prime pastor. It is power tussle caused by the words second pastor, junior pastor or assistant / associate.

[H] ASSISTANT PASTOR. 1. MEANING OF THE WORD ASSISTANT. The word assistant is derived from the verb assist which means to help. Assistant, therefore means a helper. 2. WHO AN ASSISTANT PASTOR IS i. An assistant pastor is a pastor who helps the prime pastor of a local church in any of the church duties. ii. An assistant pastor acts on behalf of the prime pastor when the prime is not around or cannot attend a function. He is the deputy pastor of the prime pastor. Deputy according to The new Method English Dictionary by Michael West means one who is given such power. That means a person must be given authority by the high authority, to act when the higher authority is not around, before he acts. The assistant pastor has to work under the directive and assignment of the prime pastor of the local church.



There should be many assistant pastors in a well organized church. For instance, there could be [a] children pastor [b] visitation pastor [c] Bible study pastor [d] etc. Catera. All must be given the mandate by the prime pastor or the board of elders with the prime pastor. Clearly expressed division of labours among the assistant pastors and the prime pastors will easily eliminate the rancours between the prime pastor and the so- called associate pastors in some church denominations. The rancours and misunderstanding usually emanate from pride, insubordination and thirsting for position of authority. All these always bring out insolent in most of our churches today. Division of labour and love will lessen the misunderstanding between prime pastors and assistant pastors. The fear of confusion and misunderstanding caused by jealousy etc between the prime pastor and the so called associate pastor makes big churches prefer one pastor in their churches. Thereby the load on one pastor in a big church becomes too heavy and lack of properly executed physical and spiritual duties in the big churches. Theological College graduate either by summer or resident, who are applicants and who went to work as pastors can be employed by the local church where they worship, with affordable renumerations and make them children pastors. Bible study pastors etc. Such a person should be officially and publicly installed as a pastor including Sunday school classes. Duties of assistant pastors must be clearly spelt out. ASSOCIATE PASTOR 1. MEANING OF THE WORD ASSOCIATE

56 Associate, the new Method English Dictionary by Michael West says A person joined with another person, a member of a group. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English says Join in function or DIGNITY. It is the word Dignity in the meaning of associate that usually deceives the pastors called Associate pastors into believing that they are equal in status with the prime pastors of the local churches. They are not equal.

2. WHO AN ASSOCIATE PASTOR IS Associate pastor is an assistant pastor whom some church denominations inconsiderably call associate pastor. 3. THINGS TO CONSIDER ON CALLING ASSISTANCE PASTOR AN ASSOCIATE PASTOR. i. The word associate has the connotation of two equal parties joined together to form one association. ii. The word associate does not show that one is under the other in an association. iii. A human being, being what he is, an associate pastor would consider himself not a helper of the other pastor but a co-ruler of the local church. Members and other also think so. iv. The associate pastors resent being called assistant because he is not given equal rights in the local church as an associate pastor. He knows that an associate is not an assistant. An assistant pastor knows that he is sent to the local church to assist and to receive orders from the prime pastor of the local



church. An associate pastor believes that he is sent to the local church as the co-ruler of the church. It is equally wrong to call an assistant pastor Junior or second pastor. We should stop calling an assistant pastor as an associate pastor because it is not good to have two drivers driving a car at the same time. There could be many drivers in a car at the same time but they must drive the car one after another. LESSON 7 KEY VERSE: I COR. 12:5-11 PARAPASTORAL WORKERS AND THEIR WORKS A. INTRODUCTION WHO PARAPASTORAL WORKERS ARE: Parapastoral workers are theologically trained Christians who work in feeding Christians with the word of God in Institution outside the church, including evangelists and missionaries. Their works are related to the works of pastors in the church but they are not pastors outside the church. In this lesson, we want to deal with various people who feed the sheep like the pastors but they are not pastors. The work of a pastor is more than just feeding the sheep with the preachings of the word. It is more than attending theological colleges. We want to follow the list in I Corinthians 12:4-11. There are more feeders today than the time when Paul wrote his Epistle. Sheep feeders are varied and called by different names or titles today because of the kinds of the work they do and because harvest is now more than Pauls time.

58 [B] APOSTLES / EVANGELISTS 1. MEANING OF THE WORDAPOSTLE Apostle means according to New Concise Bible Dictionary. a person sent. The word is derived from the Greek word which is a verb to send. A complete concordance of the Holy Scriptures by Alexander Cruden M.A says A messenger sent upon any special errand. The title Apostle is applied to Jesus Hebrew 3:1. Please, read it to see how and why Jesus is called Apostle. He came on special errand from God. The title Apostle is also applied to the twelve messengers immediately sent by Jesus Christ to go to preach the Gospel. Matt. 10:2-6. It also applies to some people sent on special errands. See Gal. 1:1 and Romans. 16:7. Both the Twelve Apostles and the special apostles were not called pastors because they were not doing the work of a pastor. They were special messengers of Christ with special messages. Evangelist is their appropriate title in our days. 2. WHO AN APOSTLE IS; a. IN THE TIME OF JESUS. A specially chosen person for a special errand. His qualifications are seen in Acts 1:15-22. Note vs. 21-22 for the qualifications and verse 20 to see what they must be 12. Other followers of Jesus were called disciples and not apostles. b. IN THE TIME OF PAUL AND THE EARLY CHURCH FATHERS. There were specially chosen people to be called Apostles for special duties. Rom. 1:1



IN OUR TIME. They are the people we call Evangelists today. They are to catch sheep into the sheepfold of Christ.

3. SPECIAL DUTY OF EVANGELISTS. An evangelists special duty is to ANNOUNCE THE GOOD NEWS THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. He leads people into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and into acceptance of Jesus Christ for Salvation. He is also to guide the new born Christian to an evangelical church where an evangelical pastor will give him good pastures. The word evangelical means; according to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary of Current English, According to the teachings of Gospel of the beliefs and teaching of those Protestants who maintain that the soul can be saved only by faith in Jesus Christ. Any church and pastor that follow this dictionary meaning is evangelical. Evangelism is a call and is a spiritual gift. We must wait for the call. [C] PROPHETS / PREACHERS 1. THE MEANING OF THE WORD PROPEHT The sum total of the meaning of prophet is preacher as commonly and rightly used today. A preacher is one who tells the wishes of God to man. It may be what God wished in the past and did or did not do. It may also be what God is wishing to do now and is doing now. It may be what God wants to do in future. 2. WHO A PROPHET IS. A prophet is a specially called person by God to declare the messages of God to man. Not only telling the

60 future as many people wrongly believe. (It is the priest who declares the message of man to God) Some messages from God declared by Prophets which are not necessarily future messages. a. Jonahs message was a sermon for repentance and warning. Jonah 1:1. Read Jonah 3:1-2. It was preaching. b. Most of Isaiahs messages from God were messages of invitations unto salvation, notes Isaiah 45:22. Note also his call in Isaiah 6:1-10. c. Hoseas messages from God were message of past, present and future love of God. Messages of free love. d. Amos was a sermon of call back to TRUE WORSHIP 5:21-24. 3. THE DUTIES OF A PROPHET. a. To warn people and tell what the natural fruits of unheeding warnings are. Isaiah 55:1-3, Jer. 11:1-3. b. To advice people. Ezek. 33:10-11 c. To show Gods love. Hosea 3:1-5 d. To reveal what God had done for mankind in the past e.g. Isaiah 1:2-6 e. There are many more but the last and the least is: Telling the future, telling the future is not our priority. The last and the least should not be put on top of the first and the most. Evangelism is what Christ asked us to put as the priority.



1. MEANING OF THE WORD TEACHER. To know the meaning of the word teacher, we must first know the meaning of teach from which the word teacher is derived. Teaching means to impart the knowledge of something to somebody who does not have that knowledge. To try to make a person learn and help him in so doing. New Method English Dictionary. 2. WHO A TEACHER IS: A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to a person who has no knowledge of that particular thing. A person who helps somebody to learn and help him in so doing. 3. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN [PEDAGOGY] TEACHING AND PREACHING. Teaching: is imparting knowledge, helping people to learn. A teacher usually imparts new knowledge of something, especially in a learning or education institution. Preaching is: to talk solemnly as a priest in the church; to speak urging people to do something. A pastor usually urges people solemnly to do what is already or commonly known. A pastor learns HOMILETICS to be able to effectively FEED THE SHEEP. A Bible teacher learns PEDAGOGY to be able to effectively FEED THE SHEEP: BOTH FEED THE SHEEP.

62 [E] CHAPLAINS 1. THE MEANING OF THE WORD CHAPLAIN. To be able to fully understand the meaning of the word chaplain we must first know the meaning of the word chapel from which the word Chaplain is derived. New Method English Dictionary says A part of a larger church in which services religious ceremonies can be held for a few people. This shows that chapel is dependent upon a larger church the main church. It is not independent. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English says Please [not a parish church] used for a Christian worship e.g. in a large private house, school, prison, etc. other places where chapels are used are: transit camps, hospitals, barracks, etc. More explanations on chapel in Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English show that chapel is not a full practicing church. 2. WHO A CHAPLAIN IS: The above meanings of chapel show that a chaplain is a full time or part time official preacher and leader of a chapel. NOTE. Note that when a chapel starts practicing a denominational administrative system under a certain denomination and pays allegiance to that particular denomination, then the chapel is no more a chapel but a church and chaplain of such chapel is no more a chaplain, but a pastor.



3. THINGS THAT DIFFERENTIATE A CHAPLAIN FROM A PASTOR. A]. A Chaplain cannot urge his or her members to follow the constitution and policy of his denomination because his audiences are not of one denomination. B] A chaplain cannot force his doctrine on his audience because some of his members may be Anglican or Methodist who believe in infant baptism, while some may be Baptist or ECWA, who do not believe in infant baptism and also believe in immersion only and not sprinkling. C] A chaplain cannot urge his members to pay church dues to his own denomination. He has no right to do so because his members are not all members of his denomination. I could not pay the dues I collected from staff and students to my denomination when I was a chaplain at Titcombe College, Egbe, though I attended my denominational meetings and ate food paid for by my denomination. The money collected during service was paid into the purse of F.S.C [Fellowship of Christian Students]. Late Revd. David Mointosh Olusiyi was a chaplain of ECWA Hospital, Egbe after his many years of services as a pastor. When he started the hospital chapel which became s church today. It became an ECWA Church branch after many round table talks. There are many things which a pastor can do and does but which a chaplain cannot do and does not do. A pastor FEEDS THE SHEEP with meat [hard truth] but a chaplain must FEED THE SHEEP WITH MILK [I Cor. 3:2] {words of encouragements

64 and comfort}. Note John 6:60, Heb. 5:12. BOTH FEED THE SHEEP. [F] REVIVALIST AND EVANGELISTS 1. MEANING OF THE WORD REVIVALIST. The words revivalist and revival are derived from the word revive. Revive means: Come or bring back to consciousness, strength, and health of an earlier state [Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English] 2. WHO A REVIVALIST IS According to the meaning of the word revive as seen above: a revivalist is a person who brings church members who are slumbering in church activities into lively Christian spiritual lives and back to consciousness, strength and health. He stirs the born again Christians who are spiritually dormant into spiritual lives of spiritual activities. He urges born again Christians who backslide spiritually to forward slide spiritually in their Christian spiritual lives. Revivalist is a call and a gift. God called prophet Jeremiah to see and do something about the backsliding Israel. Read Jer. 3:6 and 3:12-14. 3. MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN EVANGELIST AND A REVIVALIST. An Evangelist goes round to preach to unborn again people Matt. 10:7. A revivalist goes round to wake up slumbering Christians Jer. 3:12-14. NOTE: During Evangelistic campaign, ALTER CALL is inviting people to NEW BIRTH Regeneration.



During revivalist campaigns, ALTER CALL is inviting Born Again people to REVIVALIZATION Rededication. NEW BIRTH COME ONCE, COMPLETE AND FINAL, REDEDICATION IS GROWTH and is GRADUAL. Evangelists FEED lost SHEEP not yet in the fold and flock of Jesus with milk. Revivalists FEED THE SHEEP already in the fold and flock of Jesus with meat. The two are sheep feeders. [G] CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES MEANING OF THE WORD MISSIONARY The word missionary comes from the word mission. Let us therefore first find out the meaning of the word mission. The word mission means: [according to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English]. i. The sending out of a number of persons entrusted with special work. ii. The sending out of religious teachers to convert people by preaching, teaching, etc. iii. Foreign Missionaries and home Missionaries are to preach to people in the home Country [or foreign], especially those that are not usually interested in religion. iv. Place where the work of a mission is carried on is in building of the organization, etc, needed for such work, settlement where tangible or medical work is carried on, especially among poor people. v. The work which a man feels he is called to do. vi. A special task assigned to an individual.

66 vii. The pastors whom we call E.M.S. pastors are true Home Missionaries though they have supported feedable churches.

CONCLUSION OF LESSON 7 Our key verse for this lesson 7 says in verse 6, There are diversities of operations KJV, C.N.S, translates it There are different abilities. New International Verse says, There are different kinds of working.The quoted words above show that there are different ways of performing the different kinds of works mentioned in Ephesians 4:11 which we choose as key verse for lesson 6. The conference named CONFERENCE OF PASTORS AND TEACHERS could be named CONFERENCE OF PASTORS AND PARAPASTORAL WORKERS to include pastors, chaplains, Bible teachers who are not pastors over churches. Pastors and Parapastoral are working in the name fold and flocks of Jesus, the same Master the same Chief Shepherd.



A. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN QUALIFICATION AND QUALITY [According to the Study] 1. Qualification is receiving or getting the requirements needed to do something. 2. Quality is the ability required to do something. Qualification is usually artificial while quality is natural. Studies lead to educational qualifications. Nature or creation leads to natural ability. B. SOME BIBLICAL LEADERS WITH QUALITIES The following are some of the qualities of pastoral and Parapastoral leaders using some biblical leaders of qualities and their qualities for illustrations. 1. ABRAHAM A LEADER WITH FAITH Gen. 12:1, Hebrews 11:8-10. Abraham did not go to nay educational institution to learn how to have faith. Faith was an endowment to him in his nature. God used Abraham because of the faith created with him by God. He led his family and his house with faith. A good faithful leader of his home. 2. JOSEPH OF THE OLD TESTAMENT A LEADER WITH SELF CONTROL

68 a) b) c) Genesis 39:4-12, Joseph as a leader in his slavery service used his gift of self control against fornication in his masters house. Genesis 39:21-23 Joseph as a leader prisoner in the prison used his gift of self control against down casting and drooping. Genesis 47:23-27 Joseph as the prime minister, plus being minister of finance and trade of a Country Egypt, used his gift of self control against embezzlement. Genesis 50:15-21 Joseph a leader of his senior brothers who hated and sold him into slavery, used his spirit of self control against revenge. See Rom. 12:17-21.


3. MOSES A LEADER WITH PATIENCE AND MEEKNESS. a) Exodus Chapters 5-11. Moses a leader of the Isrealities in Egypt used his God giving patience against Pharaohs stubbornness. Moses waited patiently to deliver Gods message through ten miracles [plagues] before God fulfilled His promises. His own people were not whole heartedly behind him in his patience. Exodus [5:19-23, 14:10-12 etc.]. b) Exodus 15:22, 16:1-12. Moses as the leader of Isrealities in the wilderness used his God given meekness against the murmuring of the people under his leadership. Patience and meekness were part of Moses nature he did not pay for the two characters. Patience and meekness were attributes of Moses. c) Numbers 12:1-6. Moses as a leader over his biological brother and sister Miriam and Aaron, used his meekness humility against the ridicule,



contempt, deviation and reproach from his nearest kinsmen [Aaron] and kinswomen [Miriam] The Bible writers, who wrote, by the inspiration of God, testified to the meekness humility of Moses. Num. 12:3 4. JOSHUA A LEADER WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD Number 27:18. a) Numbers 27:15-23. Because of the spirit of God given to Joshua, God chose him directly without any kind of human choice, neither by election nor by appointment. This personal choice by God was the base of all the qualities of Joshua. It is also the base of all the qualities of our present day pastoral and Parapastoral leaders. b) JOSHUA A LEADER OF GODS WORD. Joshua 1:7-8 This book of the Lord shall not depart out of thy mouth. The book of the Lord means the word of God. The word depart means To go away. Careful studies of the word depart shows that the word had been in the mouth and heart of Joshua before he becomes a leader. What God was telling Joshua was that the word of God which made Joshua a man of Gods word before he become the leader of Israel, should not go away from his mouth and heart. The rest of the verse 8 shows that a person cannot have an Effective Pastoral Leadership without been a man of Gods word. c) JOSHUA A LEADER OF DETERMINATION FOR GOD. Joshua 24:14-15 But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

70 Our Biblical Joshua made a firm decision not to follow a multitude to do evil as command by God through Moses, his master as written in Exodus 23:2. here in Joshua 24:15 he as a leader made a decision to serve the Lord to the end. Joshua as a leader did not defect from serving his Lord to the end of his life. Read Joshua 24:27-29. I believe that many, if not most of us, as pastoral and Parapastoral leaders would defect from serving the Lord if a more lucrative job than our present post was given to us outside the pastoral work. I believe that most, not just many of those we call student pastors in our Bible Colleges and Theological Seminaries are using their Bible training as stepping stones to reach their hands to better financial gains not to more Bible Knowledge for effective pastoral leadership in the church. The Biblical Joshua did not defect in spite of his ardous task as a pastoral leader of Isreal on their hard journey from Egypt to Canaan. To have effective pastoral leadership, our pastors and pastoral leaders must make firm decision to serve the Lord in the church to the end or in related institution where their Biblical training would be useful. That is if they really believe that they were called and chosen by God to serve Him. May God help us to shun crocked ways of getting to the posts of leadership in our churches and councils, Amen. Let no pastor defect from his call to a more lucrative political or company jobs.



5. PETER OF THE NEW TESTAMENT A LEADER OF SELFISHNESS INITIATIVES. a) Matt. 17:4, It was the selfishness initiative which God planted in Peter that prompted Peter to give prompt suggestion that three booths should be built for Jesus. Moses and Elijah without thinking of himself and his three fellow disciples. He was selfishless, especially concerning things of God. b) Matt. 16:15-19. It was the gift of initiative from God to Peter that enabled Peter to instantly gave the correct answer in Matthew 16:16 to Jesus question of verse 15. To inner initiative in Peter also awarded him. Blessing, unexpressed automatic leadership and the key of the kingdom of heaven. The key which he used on the day of Pentecost [Acts. 2:14-44]. Note verse 41. it was the day of opening the door of kingdom of heaven to the Gentiles. Note verses 8-11. God built His church on the day of Pentecost, on THE CONFESSION that JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD Matthew 16:16 (Not on Peter). c) John 21:20-23. It was the selfishless in Peter that made Peter to have concern for another fellow disciple when Jesus was discussing his [Peters] future life with him [Peter]. Peter did not want to be selfish. He wanted Jesus to also have discussion about the other disciples future.

72 SUMMARY The following, plus the in built qualities are important, necessary and essential for all pastoral and Parapastoral leaders. 1. Secular Educational qualifications. 2. Theological education 3. Theological trainings by evangelically trained teachers at theologically renowned Bible Colleges and Seminaries. 4. Written recommendations from authentic church authorities. 5. More qualifications and qualities for pastoral and Parapastoral leaders are found in I Timothy 3:1-13. LESSON 9 KEY VERSE: - PSALM 23:4 TOOLS FOR PASTORS AND PARAPASTORAL WORKERS A. THE NEED The work of pastors, teachers, chaplains, evangelists, missionaries, etc are not abstract, i.e. their work not just ideas in the mind and not spiritual only. We know that all Parapastoral workers including pastors are fighting spiritual wars and need spiritual weapons as read in Ephessians 6:10-18. Their work is also physical and need physical tools and apparatus. Only two tools are mentioned in Psalm 23 [see verse 4]. But there are many more. The Psalmist mentioned the two tools rod and staff which comforted him. He did not mention those that could comfort the shepherd to make the work be easier and effective.



After hearing the call, answering the call and training for the work, what follow spiritual health and strength are physical health and strength. PHYSICAL FOOD. It is nutritious food, not just big or sweet food that can give physical health and strength needed by the body for the work. All the feeders need food just as their sheep need pastures.



THE HOLY BIBLE All persons who would feed the sheep to the satisfaction of the Great Good Shepherd must have:i. Many different kinds of Bible versions like K.J.V, N.T.V., and R.S.V. etc. ii. Many kinds of Bible translations. Translations are not necessarily translations from Old English to Modern English, like New Testament in Modern English by J.B. Phillips. The New English Bible by Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, Good News Bible etc. iii. Many kinds of translations in your own language, like Atoka in Yoruba, New K.J.V, translation, Irohin Ayo etc. 4. BIBLE COMMENTARIES. Different kinds of Bible commentaries like Matthew, Henry Bible Commentary. Etc. BIBLE DICTIONARIES.


74 Different kinds of Bible dictionaries like New Concise Bible Dictionary. There are many other more. 6. BIBLE CONCORDANCES. Bible Concordances like a complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures by Alexander Crudens. There are many others more. NOTE: - To be able to make use of a concordance, one has to be very conversant with the key words of the Bible version or translation one is using. Nobody can use a concordance without being very familiar with key words of Bible Statements. Therefore, all preachers of the Gospel acquaint themselves with key words of the verse he wants to find from the Bible through a concordance, therefore every sheep keeper should read and note what he reads in the Bible. 7. 8. 9. STUDY BIBLES. Study Bibles like N.I.V; study Bible Ryrie Study Bible etc. ENGLISH DICTIONARIES. A very good English Dictionary. STUDY TIME TABLE. Study Time Table. All sheep keepers must have definite time for his personal Bible Studies apart form Bible devotions. NATIVE LANGUAGE. Native Language knowledge and ability to read ones own language is a very good and effective tool in the hands of every sheep feeder. It is disheartening to see Yoruba born students from Theological colleges who say they want to be pastors or other sheep feeders in Yoruba land who cannot




read Yoruba Bible properly. I can name some and their Bible Colleges but I choose to withhold their names, their Theological Colleges and names of their principals. It is a shame on the schools. Theological Colleges should teach Yoruba Students how to read Yoruba, Bible properly. Other tribes should so do so. 11. A PLACE OF STUDY. A place which is quite and suitable for any sheep feeder is a good toll in the hand of all sheep feeders. BORN AGAIN WIFE. A good born again wife who is called like her husband is needed for all sheep feeders. The needs are many which was why God for whom sheep feeders work said, It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make a help mate for him. He acted on its word in good time. We all know the evils in the life of a young man who has no wife with him. We know the bad testimony that can bring on him. It is not fornication alone but many temptations, suspicious and gossiping on him which can mar his work as a pastor. He cannot be free to do his pastoral counseling among young ladies. All the above physical tools are needed for a good pastor to be able to do his work thoroughly, through researches for his messages as the writer of this book does with Gods help, in preparing the writing of this book and other books. Good comfortable self contains house. Good suitable clothing not necessarily costly material.


13. 14.

76 C. THE NEEDED SPIRITUAL TOOLS INTRODUCION: Adequate tools physical and spiritual tools will make the sheep and the pastor happy.There are two kinds of happiness; Physical and spiritual happiness. A true pastor cannot make all his members feel happy physically all the time and cannot make all his members feel happy spiritually all the time. This is so because some of his members are carnal; while others are spiritual. Some are carnal and worldly. Canal group are happy when things are worldly or carnally done in the church. Spiritual members are happy when things are done spiritually in the church. Vis a vis. CAUSES OF SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS OF THE SHEEP THROUGH THE SHEPHERD Prayers for the sheep, following the rules and regulations of Jesus by the pastor and the pastors good spiritual life among the sheep and in the community are foundation stones of happiness among the sheep. Let us take Psalm 23 for our illustrations. I. Verse 2, when the pastor takes his sheep to green pastures Real dug out facts at Bible Studies. Not physical entertaining stories. Not just repetition of the stories of neither the Bible nor retelling the Bible stories. Born again people want to know and follow lessons which the stories and histories in the Bible want them to follow. I beg to quote the following from the DAILY GUIDE which is a book of NOTES FOR DAILY



Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4

REACING FOR THE YEAR 2006. It is published yearly by SCRIPTURE UNION OF NIGERIA. What does the passage teach about God the father, God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?

Is there any example to follow or not to follow? Is there any command to obey? Is there any promise for me to believe or hope for? Notice any conditions mentioned upon which this promise depends. Q.5 Is there any warning for me to heed? Q.6 Is there any prayer for me to remember? Q.7 What truth is God revealing to me in this passage? Q.8 Is there any Biblical passage that can help me to understand this passage better? Bible studies based on the above questions quoted from DAILY GUIDE is green pastures which a true pastor can use to make his sheep feel happy spiritually. ii. Verse 2 when the pastor leads his sheep. Meaning of the word lead Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Current English says: Action of guiding is giving an example, direction given by going in front. A good spiritual pastor can make his sheep to be happy spiritually by making his spiritual life to be like the hen which leads its chicks by going in front of them and not like the duck whose ducklings go in front and the mother follows. Spiritual members cannot be happy, either spiritually or physically, when their pastor follows the members, especially board of elders, to go against Gods rules and regulations. Spiritually members of his fold will feel and instead of feeling happy. The true pastor should lead the board of elders when it comes to spiritual and denominational rules and regulations.

78 iii. Verse 3- when the pastor leads in the paths of righteousness to be able to lead in the paths of what is right, the pastor has to study every aspect of his church (a) His church i.e. the rules and regulations plus the constitution of his church denominations (b) The rules and regulations of his civic government (c) The custom and culture of his locality the tribe where he leads (d) The problems of his members and the ways and methods that are right for solving the problems. It is after he has carefully studied the situations and circumstances with prayer and advice of Godly people that he can know the right paths in which to lead his sheep. iv. Verse 4 when the pastor is with His sheep. The main thing that differentiates pastor from sheep feeders like chaplains. The Bible teachers, etc, is being WITH THE SHEEP Evangelists, revivalists are not with the sheep as the good pastor is. The sheep are very happy and confident of safety when they see their shepherd with them. The shepherd pastor must be with the sheep in sickness, problems, sadness, depression and in family / relations problems. The pastor can make the sheep feel happy when the pastor is concerned with the sheep is daily living. He should help in giving good spiritual counselling on planning for present and future, especially to young male and female sheep on choosing help mates. Verse 4 when the pastor has his rod and staff with him at the pastures with his sheep. The rod is his weapon while the staff is his tool. The pastor uses his rod to fight against the enemies of the sheep. He uses his staff to rest upon and to bring [draw] back the straying sheep. He also uses the staff to pull up or out a sheep which falls into a pit or a rock cleft.




The staff is also used to spur into faster walk. There are more ways by which a pastor can make his sheep be spiritually happy. vi. The supreme way by which a pastor can make his sheep and himself happy is to obey Jesus commandment in Matthew 6:33 which says Seek ye first the kingdom of God. [D]. WHY THE PASTOR MUST MAKE HIS SHEEP HAPPY SPIRITUALLY. Note that we are dealing with spiritual happiness and neither physical nor carnal happiness. It is grievous to God the Chief Shepherd, when He sees that His sheep are made unhappy by allowing sins among the sheep. A pastor must make his sheep happy because; 1. Psalm 23:4 It is the pastor who has the rod and staff which are sources of comfort happiness to the sheep. 2. Psalm 23:2 The Pastor is the one who knows better where pasture and pastures with still water which are sources of joy can be found. He must lead the sheep to those places of joy. 3. Isaiah 40:1 To comfort and make the sheep glad is the job to which God has called the pastor. 4. I Corinthians 4:17 The church denominational authorities sent the pastor to the church and asked the sheep to pay the salary of the pastor, so that the pastor can give joy to the sheep of that fold. 5. John 10:2-5. The pasture must give spiritual happiness to his sheep so that the spiritual sheep who wants to live spiritual life may follow him. Everybody wants to

80 follow a person who gives him the kind of food he or she wants to eat. [E] WHY THE PASTOR MUST MAKE HIS SHEEP FEED HAPPY PHYSICALLY. We use the action of Jesus in John 6:1-3 and peoples reactions in verse 14-21. v. 14 They confessed Jesus as the prophet. It was not the miracle that led to the confession. See verse 26. v. 15 They wanted to make Him a king v. 25 They sought for Him. Vs 24-25 v. 28 They patiently asked questions about salvation from Him. V. 28 V.32-40 Jesus had opportunity to give them spiritual food. v. 66-60 The sermon of Jesus gave thorough screening, there and then, Spiritual were separated and make known. NOTE Study John Chapter 6 and see the need for physical material helps to the needy outside and inside the church members.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



LESSON 10 DUTIES OF TRUE PASTORS KEY VERSE I PETER 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof. 1. PREAMBLE. The above statement was directed to elders as seen in verse one. The elders at the time of Paul writing is not equivalent with our elders of today churches. The elders of that time were the overseers of the church which were equivalent with our pastors of today who are the overseers of churches above the church elders of today whom we call pastors helpers in administration of the church affairs. The pastor is the undershepherd above the elders and he is the undershepherd under the Chief Great Shepherd Jesus Christ. The pastor is the official and spiritual representative of Jesus Christ over the flock local church The elders mentioned in I Peter 5:1 and given the oversight of the flock were referred to as Bishop in I Timothy 3:1. Please study and compare Titus 1:5 and 7 where Paul used the two words interchangeably which means the two words meant the same thing at that time. They were to overseer the flock. They must have a flock to overseer. There cannot be an overseer without something to overseer. 2. DUTIES WHICH QUALIFY A MAN TO BECOME A PASTOR. We need to hear these duties from the mouth of the Bible which is the word of God. I. I Peter 5:2 FEEDING THE FLOCK OF GOD. This include preaching, teaching, counselling etc. Acts 20: 28 II. I Peter 5:2 OVERSEEING THE FLOCK OF GOD.

82 Overseeing includes seeing to the welfare of the sheep of God in the worship assembly, at their homes at their working places where adviceable. Knowing and helping in their physical and spiritual problems. The Advanced Learners Dictionary defines Overseeing as Looking after. A pastor must be a man who looks after a church a flock. III. Titus 3:1 SUPERVISING THE FLOCK OF GOD. Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers what a pastor must do was what St. Paul through the Holy Spirit commanded pastors Titus to do. Titus as a pastor must supervise his church his flock in obedience to civic authorities. See Advanced Learner English dictionary for the meanings of supervision and oversighting [overseeing] IV. Acts 20:28 HEEDING TO THE FLOCK OF GOD. Take heed to you and to the flock of God. This includes know the kind of sheep or shepherds who come to speak to his flock, which is assembly do each sheep attend, kind of film they watch and kind of sermon they listen to on T.V and radio. It is heeding all the above that can help a real pastor to know what he should preach against in his church. Finding time to visit by pastor is very a bona-fide much essential. The visit of an employed pastor to his member is more important to the members than the visit of a self appointed pastor. The visit of a self appointed pastor would not be recognized like the church pastors visit. The self appointed pastors, who are recognized by unlearned persons only, do not do the above pastors duties because nobody, even their church denominational authorities do not lay hand on them as required in the Bible which is the word of God. Read: (a) O.T Numbers 8:10, Deut., 34:9 (b) N.T Acts 6:6, 13:3, I Tim. 4:14.



v. Acts 20:29 30 GUARDING AGAINST WOLVES VS. 29: 30 A real pastor must have a flock which he is guarding and he must guard it always and seriously. VI. Luke 15:4-7 GOING AFTER STRAYING SHEEP FROM THE FLOCK OF GOD. This includes the different kinds of visitation and purposes (a) visiting for fellowship (b) Visiting to counsel (c) Visiting to condole (d) Visiting the breads (e) Visiting to the sick (f) visiting a celebrate (g) Visiting the distant members. Etc Visitation which is the most important part of pastors duties can only be done effectively by an appointed full time pastor who has no excuse for neglecting regular, visitations, either physically or through phone. I experienced the feeling it in unvisited church by their pastors when I was sick and my pastors paid me no visit either in person or by phone call. All full time pastors have no excuses for not visiting their members. It is those who are self appointed that have excuses. This shows that they are not real pastors but impersonators There are more duties of true pastors but those six are sufficient for the wise. MY QUESTION: GALATIANS 4:16? PLEASE READ BOOKS TWO AND THREE OF THIS BOOK. 2. SHEEP AND RELATED MATTERS. 3. MEADOW AND RELATED MATTERS.



FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD LESSON 1 KEY VERSES JOHN 10:4, 14 WHO A SHEEP IS A. MEANING OF THE WORD SHEEP There are two kinds of sheep as recorded in the Bible. 1. Animal Sheep This kind is domestic animal. 2. Human Sheep This kind are the followers of Jesus. People who believe and follow Jesus. B. HUMAN BEINGS WHOM JESUS CALLED SHEEP


Before Jesus incarnated, He spoke through Prophet Ezekiel. He said Ye are my flock, the flock of my pasture are men and I am your God Ezek. 34:31. He also spoke through King David. The renowned Psalmist wrote: it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. ii. After Jesus incarnated. His discourses in Matt. 25:31-34, shows that Jesus is the owner and Judge of all the nations who are His domestic animals. Both bad and good. He called the good sheep and the bad ones He called goats. iii. His discourse in John 10:1-18 with His disciples also shows that all of us who are his disciples today, both the pastors and members of his church, are Jesus sheep and he is their Great Good Shepherd. HOW TO BECOME JESUS SHEEP AND NOT GOATS

86 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A person must acknowledge that God created everything, including the humanbeing. Genesis 1:31 Acknowledge that God had thought of peace and not of evil to give Jeremiah 29:17. Acknowledge that God gave a good simple instruction to retain man in that peace peace with God, the Creator. Gen. 2:16-17. Acknowledge that the first progenitors of human being disobeyed God and chose to obey Satan. Gen. 3:6 Acknowledge that the disobedience resulted to entrance of sin into the lives of our first progenitors and passed to us- their progenies to last for ever in our spiritual lives which God breathed into the nostrils of man, the breath of life which made man become living soul. Gen. 2:7. The sin and the curses had become part of our gene-unit in our chromosome controlling our heredity. Acknowledge that God had provided ONE METHOD ONLY by which one can become Jesus sheep and not goats [Matt. 25:32-33]. The ONLY ONE METHOD is:i. To admit that Jesus Christ is the only PERSON whom God appointed to cleanse the sin and the curse out from human nature. ii. To admit that Jesus Christ had done it by sacrificing Himself on the cross to appease Gods anger. iii. To admit that ones nature is full of that sin and the curse. iv. To admit that one cannot cleanse himself from the sin and the curse, and nothing else can do it for anybody. v. To ask Jesus Christ the only PERSON qualified and the appointed PERSON by God to cleanse people. Vi To make Him Jesus Christ your Saviour and Lord, then handover the whole control of your life to Him as animal sheep handover the control of their lives to





their shepherd and follow the leadership of their shepherd. Believe that you are now a Christs human sheep and then watch and maintain your spiritual Christian life according to Jesus teachings. Do all things in His name Col. 3:17 [D]. WHY JESUS CALLED HIS DISCIPLES. [FOLLOWERS] SHEEP

{Note that Jesus did not have our Local sheep in mind but His Isreal local sheep} 1. WHAT THE REASONS WERE NOT. i. Not because his followers were just higher mammals. ii Not because they evolved from apes. iii. Not because they were stupid like animal sheep. iv. Not because they were stubborn. v. Not because they were easy to control. 2. WHAT THE REASONS WERE. i. animal sheep and shepherds were a common sight which was very good to be used as illustration of followers and leaders. ii. Animal sheep were CLEAN domesticated animals. Though not all sheep were white in colour but they were clean. iii. Animal sheep were valuable for their fat. iv. Animal sheep were used for sacrifice to peace God. v. Animal sheep were used for delicious and nutrious food. vi. Their wool and hide provided clothing to protect man from cold, insects biting etc. vii. Animal = sheep were harmless. They do not bite.

88 viii. ix. x. xi. Animal sheep lack initiative and therefore could be easily led astray or go astray by themselves and get lost. Animal sheep were weak and helpless therefore they needed shepherds. Animal sheep are meek and calm; therefore they could be easily stolen by thieves. Dogs are usually kept with them to scare away thieves and to slightly bite the seeming stubborn one which do not want to follow other sheep that one following the shepherd. Dogs usually spur them into faster movement. Animal sheep is docile and responsive to affection. No domestic animals among the Jewish domestic animals are as popular, useful and liked, as animal sheep, because of its good characteristics.

xii. xiii.

There are more things to be said about animal sheep on why Jesus called His followers sheep. He wants to see many of these things in His human sheep. Does your spiritual life qualify you to be called the sheep of Jesus? The pastor, his sheep and all other sheep feeders are sheep under the Great Good shepherd, Jesus Christ the Lord. [E] SOME DEDUCTIONS FROM THOSE CHARACTERISTICS OF ANIMAL SHEEP 1. The animal sheep is clean though not necessarily white in colour. Human sheep, should be clean both physically and in spiritually. I Peter 1:15. we must be holy as the sheep of Christ must be holy in conduct and behaviour.






Animal sheep do follow their shepherd in the ways he leads them. Human sheep should follow Jesus our Great Shepherd in ALL the ways He leads us. John 12:26 Animal sheep are easily lost. The human sheep of Jesus are easily spiritually lost, which is the reason for much apostacy among the human sheep today. Many Christians have been led astray. Let us be careful and watchful. Animal sheep are so helpless that they must have shepherd. Man is also helpless, spiritually lost without a true good shepherd. Ordinary Bible Study by oneself is not enough without a true good human shepherd under the Great Good Shepherd. Animal sheep are so much submissive to their shepherds that they keep quiet while the shepherds remove their clothes their wool. Isaiah 53:7. Christians who are Christs sheep should be completely submissive to their Good Great Shepherd without denying Him their selves and their properties. Animal sheep keep quiet when they are led to the slaughter. The Good Shepherd did so for His Human sheep. There is no reason why the human sheep cannot do so for Him. Isaiah 53:7.

APPEAL: - Let all of us who are the sheep of the Great Shepherd obey, follow and keep to His laws, rules and regulations. We should not twist it nor moderate it. It is sinful to do so. It can make our Great Shepherd become angry and sad.

90 LESSON 2 KEY VERSE JOHN 3:3 THE GREATEST MIRACLE 1. Meaning of the word miracle The meaning of the word miracle; according to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, is Act of event which does not follow the known laws of nature. The New Method Dictionary by Michael West says A wonderful event not according to the laws of nature. 2. The key phrase in the meaning of the word miracle is not according to the laws of nature. 3. What makes it the greatest is that Satan cannot perform it. There is no miracle which Satan cannot perform either through his fallen angels or his human agents. i) He can help his agents to transform themselves to deceitful workers, into apostles of Christ which look like genuine ones. See II Cor. 11:13 ii) Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light II Cor. 11:14 iii) Satan gives power to his ministers to transform themselves into ministers of righteousness. I Cor.11:15 iv) His ministers can put on sheeps skin outside though they are ravening wolves inside. Matt.7:15 v) Satan can make lives [not create] out of dead objects Exodus 7:8-12 vi) He, Satan can delay Gods answer to a Christian prayer. Daniel 10:10-14 vii) Satan can empower his agents to falsify a dead person, his voice and some events in the dead persons past life. That was the work of necromancers at the time of Saul. See I Samuel 28:3-25.



B. BRIEF NOTE ON SATANS MIRACLES THROUGH THE NECROMENCERS The case of King Saul and the woman of Ender read in I Samuel 28:3-25. It should not be glossed over as we now discuss the miracles of Satan. i. The womans familiar spirit was forbidden by God. Deut 18:10-11 and therefore King Saul had cut those who had it. ii. The Spirit of God had left Saul because of Sauls disobedience to plans, rules and regulations of his God. He wanted riches, than he wanted Gods plans. This is happening among our pastors and their sheep today. Saul and our modern pastors and their sheep want to modernize Gods plans, rules and regulations. Let us becareful. Be afraid of Gods anger. Eph. 4:30. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed into the day of redemption by modernizing His plans, rules and regulations. iii. Saul resorted to a necromancer. His dog was back to its vomit. iv. Ryrie study Bible says The modern shrieked with fear when Samuel actually appears rather than some spirit that would impersonate him. On this occasion, God miraculously permitted the actual spirit of Samuel to speak and announce Sauls imminent death. v. Though it was God who brought out actual Samuel from the grave to make true statements yet Satan used to empower the necromancers to impersonate the deads to make counterfeit statement. We must watch out. There are many spiritual deceivers in our Community and among the sheep in the flock.

92 C. THE THREE IN ONE MIRACLE IN THE GREATEST MIRACLE 1. WHAT THE GREATEST MIRACLE IS: The greatest miracle is what we call NEW BIRTH. New Birth is very important, very much vital and indispensable for entering the Kingdom of God. Jesus our Great Good Shepherd said Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God John 3:3. This statement of Jesus was too deep for Nicodemus, so he asked How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mothers womb and be born? The full answer to Nicodemus questions are elaborated for our understanding in lesson seven numbers B of this book. 2. WHAT THE NATURE OF THE GREATEST MIRACLE IS: i. It is trinity in nature. That means it is three in one. ii. It takes THE TRINITY TRUE GOD, FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT in the GODHEAD. [Deut. 6:4, Matt. 28:19] to perform the greatest miracle. iii. The three in one in the Greatest Miracle are:a. REGENERATION [II Corinthians 5:17] Meaning Restoration of lost qualities of spiritual rebirth, Advanced Learner Dictionary. b. JUSTIFICATION Rom. 8:25, 5:16 Meaning The state of being free from blame [Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.] c. SANCTIFICATION [I THESS. 5:23, HEB. 10:10] Meaning Making Holy, setting apart as sacred. [Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.]



These three conditions or state of a saved mans soul happen instantly a person realizes that he is a goat; he wants to become a Jesus sheep and asks Jesus wholeheartedly to make him His sheep. They happen currently and decisively. They are embedded in NEW BIRTH and NEW BIRTH is the threshold and also the key of the gate of Gods kingdom on earth into eternal heaven. Sanctification, which means setting apart as sacred is also three fold. Set apart for the position of sonship in Gods family on earth. Matt. 6:10, Matt. 12:28 Set apart for daily walking and working spiritually in the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. II Tess. 2:17, Gal. 5:16-17, 25, Eph. 2:10 created in Jesus for good works etc. Set apart for the final life with Jesus Christ in His Fathers House in the eternal heaven. John 14:1-3 Nobody can perform this greatest miracle which was alone is performing and which puts mans soul in the state of Regeneration, justification and sanctification. Ask Jesus earnestly to perform this greatest miracle in you. Mans preaching of salvation is an eye opener to show pointer to the greatest miracle. Let us continue to show the way of salvation as Jesus commanded us. Acts 1:8. New Birth which is new creation is the greatest miracle which Satan cannot perform. It is the way of this kind which Jesus asked us to point to the people.

94 D. RESULTS OF THE GREATEST MIRACLE We remember that the greatest miracle is salvation of mans soul from hell fire. 1. JOY OF HUMAN BEING ON EARTH Luke 15:1-32 is clear evidence. It is not only outward joy but inward joy. Joy of the heart and soul because man becomes New creature. 2. JOY OF ANGELS IN HEAVEN Luke 15:7, 10 3. JOY OF HUMAN BEINGS IN HEAVEN Luke 16:25, Rev. 21:4 APPEAL Hebrews 3:7-12 All Christians, Including the pastors, Parapastoral workers and the sheep in the fold and flocks of Jesus should endeavour through the Holy Spirit to have the power of performing the greatest miracle which is the New Birth and which Satan and his followers can not perform but which Jesus performs through the followers. Jesus commission in Matt. 20:19-20 which says Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them teach them to [KJV] Go these to all people and make them my disciples [G.H.B], do not mean go and make physical population of my disciples. It means Go and perform the Greatest miracles. E. REQUIREMENTS FOR PERFORMING THE GREATEST MIRACLE 3. ACQUISITION OF THE GREATEST MIRACLE FOR SELF. Remember that we are not discussing physical miracles like opening the physical eyes nor opening the ears of the deaf nor raising the physically dead people. We are discussing the spiritual



raising of spiritually dead persons to spiritually alive. A person who intends to raise a spiritually dead person to become spiritually alive must have spiritual life in him or herself. KNOWING AND FOLLOWING THE WAY TO ACQUIRE THE GREATEST MIRACLE INTO ONESELF. The greatest miracle is very important and has more names than one. It is called New Birth, New creation or creature. See John 3:3, II Cor. 5:17. It is because of its importance and its indispensable nature that made me try many times in this book to give explanations on how to get the new birth. New birth is very much essential in setting to the kingdom of God. John 3:3. i. You must acknowledge that you are naturally sinner by nature through the first parents of human being. ii. You must acknowledge that the result of that sin is everlasting in hell fire. iii. You must acknowledge that your wealth, work of services, your status in the church or in the society and your relations can not save you from that everlasting life in hell fire. iv. You must acknowledge that God, your Creator, had provided one way in the sacrifice of Jesus Christs blood shed on his cross. You must whole heartedly accept that sacrifice of Jesus. v. You must make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, the Director of life. vi. You must ask Him to accept you now. Believe that He has accepted you. 4. PLEASING THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ONESELF. (Grieve not the Holy Spirit) Eph. 4:30 i. Holiness because God is holy. Lev. 11:45 {Separating ones life for God} ii. Sticking to Jesus covenant. Matt 26:28 iii. Drawing nearer to God. James 4:8

96 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Submission to God will. James 4:7 Abstinence from all evils. I Thess 3:12 Walking not after the flesh. Rom. 8:1 Walking after the Holy Spirit. Rom. 8:1 Walking honestly. Rom. 13:13 Avoiding evil communication. Eph. 4:29-31 Having faith to please God. Heb. 13:6 New Birth cannot die but it needs nutrients for growth.



LESSON 3 KEY VERSES: JOHN 3:5, II COR. 5:17 NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS OF GOOD SHEEP OF THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD A. NEW BIRTH This qualification is the first step to become a good sheep of the Chief Good Shepherd. Nobody can by-pass it to become the sheep of Jesus. This is discussed more fully under the qualifications of pastor. Read it in section one, lesson 2 number a. B. ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL SECURITY OF THE NEW BIRTH All good sheep of the Chief Good Shepherd must know that he or is saved. He or she must be sure. Anybody who called himself or herself the sheep of Jesus and is not sure of his or her salvation is saying that what God wrote in John 5:24, 3:18, I John 3:14 etc, are lies. We should know that we HAVE PASSED from death to life I John 3:14. All sheep of Christ Jesus, including Pastors must be sure of his or their eternal security because of what Christ Himself wrote through the Holy Spirit in John 10:28. Jesus meant what He said. He said I gave them eternal life, and they shall never parish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Our problems are that some of the people we think lost their salvation did not even have it, therefore they could not lose what they did not have. They might have renovation of living which we and they mistake for regeneration of the soul. A sheep may become dormant through careless and insufficient participation in reading the Bible, hearing sermons and prayers but he is not dead and can be awakened. This is the main work of revivalists; swoon is not equivalent with dead. Every good sheep of the Good Great Chief

98 Shepherd must believe that the Good Great Chief Shepherd can hold his sheep secured. C. CONSISTENCY, COMFORMITY AND CONFIRMITY Almost thee whole lesson 3 part II of section one is devoted to this topic, please read it. We do not have to repeat it here. What we may add to it in the case of the sheep is that the sheep should not succumb to the subtitle of Satan which he uses by showing that pastors know better than the sheep and that the sheep must follow the pastor in the pastors apostacy. Some pastors [not all pastors] read many books including heretic books and believe them. They want to teach their sheep. The sheep as human beings should try to say No to any apostasy. All true sheep of the Chief Good Shepherd should emulate the Beorea Church read about in Acts 17:10-12, read it. D. SPIRITUAL CONSERVATION According to New Method English Dictionary by Michael West, conservation means; Keeping from decay or from being destroyed. Spiritual conservation therefore means keeping spiritual matters from decay or being destroyed. It is sure that spiritual matters are decaying and are being destroyed in our churches and societies today. Christs flocks of sheep are gradually becoming flocks of goats, but only the wise good sheep are seeing the decaying and their destruction. Every good follower of Christ should have spiritual conversation as one of his or her qualifications. Anybody who has no spiritual conversation is a goat among the sheep in the flock. The wise sheep in the flock should fear the Lord and do what is written in Malachi 3:26. They that feared the Lord spoke often one to another. The end of that verse 16 says A book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord and that thought upon His Name continue reading verses 17 and 18.



Let us consider some of the consequences of lack of spiritual conservation in a sheep. E. CANKER ON THE BODIES OF THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERDS SHEEP. 1. MEANING OF CANNKER: - Some add the word worms a. From New Method English Dictionary by Michael West. A painful place in the body of an animal where the skin is eaten away by diseases, so also on a plant; any evil which slowly grows and destroys. b. From Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English by A.S. Hornby Evil influence or tendency that causes decay. c. What cancer and Aids do to human body is what canker does to the bodies of animals and plants. d. Unspiritual conservation does worse on human soul than what kanka, AIDS and Cancer can jointly do. e. Changing the rules and regulations of the Chief Good Shepherd in the name of modernization is worse than the decaying and destroying on the physical body. It is what Revelation 27:18-19, Deut. 4:2, 12:32, Prov. 30:6 are saying. Read them. It is better to be conservation, primitive and be old school in spiritual matters as God command from the beginning than to be modern, civilized and New School in the rules and regulations of the Chief Great Good Shepherd of the sheep. APPEAL Let us not love melodious music in the church, population of the church, big church building, and beautiful attractive decorations of inside and outside of the church hall and the pastorium etc. than the obedience to the rules and regulations of Christ. Let us be in line

100 with Acts. 1:8, Matt.2:23, James 2:27 etc then we will be able to give Peters answer to Jesus question in John 21:15. Jesus asked Simon Peter lovest thou me more than these? Peter answered Thou knowest that I love Thee. THE SYMPTOMS OF SPIRITUAL CANKER ON THE SHEEP OF THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD There are three symptoms only. The three symptoms had been since the forbidden fruit was in the Garden of Eden. The enemy of our Chief Great Good Shepherd originated them from himself. He used them on Eve and Adam and he succeeded. He used them to make Jesus fall but he, the enemy, failed. He is therefore testifying them on Jesus sheep. They are:i. Too much wrong love of the beauty of anything above the love and obedience to the rules and regulations of the Chief Shepherd to His sheep. a. Eve and Adam It was pleasant to the eyes. Gen. 3:6. They succumbed to the words of Satan and got the symptom of canker. b. Jesus Satan showeth Him [Jesus] all the kingdom of the world Matt. 4:8, Jesus saw but did not look at the kingdom of the world; therefore He did not have the symptom of canker. c. He The Holy Spirit warns us. I John 2:15-16. Love not the world the lust of the eyes. We are in the world and therefore see the world but we must not look Lust not at the world so that you may not have the symptom of spiritual canker. All these three symptoms of spiritual canker culminate into disobedience which is the first and oldest sin in the world. ii. Too much wrong love for the satisfaction of the flesh above anything than the obedience to the rules and



regulations of the Chief Good Shepherd to His sheep. Read the following:a. Genesis 3:6 Eve saw that the tree was good for food. b. Matt. 4:3 Satan said to Jesus Command that these stones be made to bread Jesus refused and Satan failed. c. The Holy Spirit is warning us against disobeying the rules and regulations of God. Putting on the evil desires of the flesh e.g. polygamy, fornication, divorcing ones wife to take another wife or husband etc are evil desires to satisfy the flesh. Getting children through wrong ways is breaking the rules and regulations of Christ. iii. Too much evil love for the glory of this world; a. Gen. 3:6 a tree to be designed to make one wise. They wanted to be wise like God evil ambition. b. Matt. 4:6 if thou be the son of God. Satan wanted Jesus to, through pride; show that he was the Son of God. c. I John 2:16 God warns us against putting status and high positions above the rules and regulations of Jesus Christ. The commonest symptom of Canker in our churches today is material prosperity and spiritual bankruptcy which characterized our churches today. Read Daniel 12:10 The wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand Be wise to understand.

102 LESSON 4 KEY VERSE GALATIANS 6:2 THE ROLE OF THE SHEEP IN THE FOLD {Part 1} A. THE MEANING OF THE WORD ROLE 1. 2. 3. The meaning of the word role is the part taken by an actor in the drama. The sheep fold which embraces all born again believers which we call church is like a drama group in which every member has one or two roles to play. There are two kinds of churches, one is Universal Church which embraces all born again believers in the world. The members are the sheep of Jesus Christ. The other kind is the local church which has many different kinds of church denominations. This kind embraces goats, sheep and wolves in sheeps skins. Every born again member of THE CHURCH or the local church denominations has to take part in the drama which the Great Good Shepherd commanded to His sheep.


B. THE HUMAN SHEEP All born again persons, pastors, Reverend Pastors, Bishops, Deacons, Elders and all sheep feeders like chaplains, missionaries, evangelists teachers and all others are sheep under the umbrella of Jesus Christ the Great Good Shepherd. All must take part personally, individually and generally. Human Sheep are different in sense from animal sheep. The human sheep cannot remain passive, they must be active.



C. ROLES TO PLAY FOUNDING OF A LOCAL SHEEP FOLD [CHURCH PLANTING] A local sheep fold should be established where it is necessary. 1. To provide Christian fellowship for the Christians of the same faith, in an area. Hebrew 10:25. 2. To worship their Lord. Heb. 10:25 3. To give exhortation. Heb. 10:25 4. To remind the Christians of that area of the keeping in mind, the second coming of Jesus Christ. Heb. 10:25 D. CARE FOR THE PASTOR AND THE SHEEP FEEDERS. 1. MEANING OF THE WORD CARE The New Method English Dictionary by Michael West says: To feel strongly To love, also to take charge or support. an anxious feeling; watchfulness and serious thought. The above definitions of the word care show what a good human sheep of Christ should do for his or her pastor who is his shepherd, care for him in all his needs. 2. THE CARE. i. Material Cares. Read the Bible injunctions in a. Leviticus 2:3 And the reminant of the meat offering shall be Aarons and his sons. b. Exodus 28:4 . And they shall make holy garments for Aaron and his sons that he may minister unto me in the priests office. Garment for his official duty pastors uniforms.

104 c. d. Matt. 10:10 The workman is worthy of his meat food. I Corint. 9:9-14 if we have sown unto you spiritual things is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things Vs. 11 R.V.S says Your material benefits.


FINANCIAL CARES. a. I Corinthians 9:7who goeth a warfare anytime at his own charges? R.S.V says At his own expenses? b. Matt. 10:9-10 Provide neither gold nor silver, nor brass in your purses [G.H.B call it mmey] It is the human sheep under the human shepherd that should care for human sheep who keeps them. SPIRITUAL CARES. The pastor is a human being and Satan aims him as a target more than the pastors sheep. The sheep should always pray for the pastor privately and publicly. The sheep should know the problems of the pastor. They should pray against the problems and against temptations from Satan. Paul the Great Church Leader asked the members to pray for the missionaries as leaders. I Thess. 5:25.


3. HOW TO ENCOURAGE THE PASTOR AND SHEEP FEEDERS. Unlike the animal sheep the human sheep should encourage their shepherd in the following ways:[The most important ways] i. As human beings, we should study the Bible and the rules and regulation s of our church denominations to know where the pastor is going wrong then we should








politely, with diplomacy correct him privately if we know of it before the mistake comes to the open public. The sheep should encourage the pastor privately to own up his mistake and make right the wrong fear. The sheep should support him when he is making a genuine confession of the mistake, which he had already owned up Human sheep should always pray earnestly for his pastor. Paul, a great sheep feeder missionary asked his sheep to pray for him and his co-workers of the Gospel. II Cor. 1:11, Romans 15:30-31. The human sheep should let the pastors spiritual and physical concern be the sheeps concern and let the pastor know. I Cor. 12:26-27. The sheep and the pastor are one body in Christ. V. 27 The sheep should know and practice the good teachings of which the pastor teaches him. Matt. 23:13. The sheep should not make the pastor or any sheep feeder to become discouraged and angry as the Galatians church made Paul become Galatians 3:1 The sheep should not become the enemies of the pastor when the pastor tells the truth as found in the Bible and in the standing orders of his denomination. [Gal. 4:16] Paul says Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? R.S.V Note: - This point number vi makes it very important for the leading sheep [Board of Elders] to understand the Bible teachings and the standing orders of their denominations. The elders should not follow the modernistic pastors. Christs laws on ways of living have not changed. They need not to be modernized.

106 Rev.22:18-19. It I s very dangerous to disregard or treat Revelation 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2, 12:32 and Prov. 30:6, with concept. The punishment from God for disregarding these laws of God given to the church by Jesus Christ cannot be compared with the financial and popularity the sheep and the pastor can gain on earth.

FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD LESSON 5 KEY VERSE JOHN 13:34 35 THE ROLES OF THE SHEEP IN THE SHEEP FOLD [Part II] A. PROTECTIONS MEANING OF THE WORD PROTECTION i. To guard, to shelter from evil ii. Keep safe iii. Keep free from attack of enemies.




DANGEROUS ENEMIES AGAINST WHICH THE HUMAN SHEEP MUST PROTECT THE HUMAN SHEPHERD AND SHEEP FEEDERS i. PHYSICAL ENEMIES NATIVE ENEMIES Pastors, missionaries etc are usually strangers. Some natives do not like strangers just because of jealousy or because there is no good relationship between the village of the church and the village of the new pastor, or because his tribe is different. OPPOSITE RELIGIONS. This may simply be because of the opposite doctrine or because of conversion from one religion to another. Fear of taking their members to the new church. It may be the new pastor is gifted with converting people from one faith or belief into another. SPIRITUAL ENEMIES The reason for this is not hard to find out. It is simply because the pastor against the will and wish of the adversary



108 of Christ, the Chief Good Shepherd. Note the proverbs of Jesus in Luke 23:3, Matthew 10:24-25. Pastors preachings and teachings of the true Gospel of Christ usually disturb evil spirits and demons. People who have the spirit of divination like the damsel we read in Acts 16:16-24 do not like pastors and all sheep feeders. SOCIAL ENEMIES i. These are the kind of people in the town and in the fold who would like the pastor to modernize church festivities to suit the modern social activities, for example wearing of modern dresses which cover only part of the body. Boys and girls dancing face to face and robbing chest with chest, etc, at church social festivities.


The pastor plans for the kind of worship we read in Hab. 2:20.These groups can be found within the fold and within the Community. B. HOW TO PLAY THE ROLE OF PROTECTING THE PASTOR 1. BY PRAYER. The best and greatest protection is Jesus Christ who is the Chief Good Shepherd; we must therefore take everything about the pastor to Christ in fervent prayers. Ask in Jesus Name with faith that God should strengthen the pastor physically and spiritually. Ask God to open the eyes of the pastor to know what to do in every situation in the fold. Ask God that God may send the Holy Spirit to help him to be the friend of the Chief Good Shepherd as we read in



John 15:14 Jesus says, Ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you. Pray that God may direct the pastor to read and note Proverbs 28:9. Gods says, He turneth away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shall be abomination. All the sheep should note this verse with the pastor. There are much more things which should be in the sheeps prayer list for the pastor. ii, BY VISITATIONS. The human sheep can visit the sick, the bereaved etc with the pastor and on behalf of the pastor. GIFT TO THE NEEDY. You as a human sheep can donate gifts to the needy in the name of the pastor when visiting on behalf of the pastor not in the name of oneself. BY TALKING GOOD ABOUT THE PASTOR. Let the other sheep in the fold know that the pastor, his wife and children are human beings who can make mistakes and therefore their mistake should not be capitalized. BY LOVE TO THE PASTOR. Love means to let the concern of others be your concern. Love to the pastor does not always mean giving him gifts. It means to let his concern be your concern. Help him to be able to get out of a problem as you would if you were the one in that problem.




110 C. HOW THE SHEEP CAN MAKE THE SHEPHERD FEEL HAPPY SPIRITUALLY. A. INTRODUCTION As has already been explained that the people referred to as sheep by Jesus are the born-again Christians. We also said that they are not called sheep because they are stupid. They are human-beings and should act like human beings. The born again people have been redeemed to the former image of God and therefore should have the spirit of making people happy, much more, their spiritual leaders. Happiness is of two kinds as noted before Spiritual and Physical. We will consider the Spiritual one. CAUSES OF SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS OF THE SHEPHERD THROUGH THE SHEEP 1. John 15:14 By keeping to the commandments of Jesus and thereby become Jesus friend. Good Shepherd pastors feel very happy when they see signs of obedience to Jesus commandments in their sheeps daily lives. I John 2:9-10 By loving one another. Pastors and Christ are happy over the sheep fold that love each other. That is, to let our fellow sheeps concern be the concern of ourselves. I john 2:10 By not being stumbling blocks to one another. See also Matt. 18:7, Luke 17:1 The meaning of these verses is that sin is contagious. No spiritual pastor can feel happy when sin becomes rampant in his sheep fold. Heb. 10:25 By not forsaking the assembly of ourselves.. Full church attendance gladdens the heart of good pastors. II Tim. 2:15 By attending Bible Studies of your church, like Sunday school, fellowship Bible lasses, etc. K.J.V, says;

2. 3.

4. 5.



Study to show thyself approved unto God Bible Studies gladdens the hearts of the pastors and the heart of God who sent him. It also benefits individuals who attend Bible Classes of their church denominations to avoid heresy. No pastor can be happy when his church members do not attend Sunday school, fellowship Bible Study Classes and generally Church Bible Seminars. The members who do not attend the above mentioned Bible Studies are proned to heresies and apostasy. They are the members that cause confusion in the church services and in the laid down standing orders of their churches. LESSON 6 KEY VERSE I COR. 9:11, 13, 16. WHY SHEEP MUST MAKE SHEPHERDS BE HAPPY SPIRITUALLY. We are discussing spiritual happiness and physical happiness. A. PHYSICAL OR MATERIAL HAPPINESS The sheep must provide the physical needs for their pastors to make them feel happy because:1. Deut. 25:4, I Cor. 9:9-10 It is Gods commandment that the pastor must derive his living from his sheeps material provisions. That was why the Levites who were priests were not given plot of land as their heritages. The Lord who appointed them as shepherds over the Israelites was their portions. 2. Luke 10:7, I Cor. 9:11 It is the right of the pastor to get happiness through reaping of the material things of the sheep. It is not a privilege but a right. 3. Philippians 4:16-19

112 The sheep will receive rewards from God for making the pastor feel happy. Paul gave them special prayer which we claim as a promise from God today, note v. 19. 4. Matt. 25:40 What the sheep do to make the pastor feel happy is done for God. 5. Mark 9:41. It has Gods promise behind it. It is not only Gods commandments but it is a basis for Gods blessing A foundation of Gods blessing. SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS I Cor. 9:11 It reads; if we have sown unto you SPIRITUAL THINGS. The pastor is sowing spiritual things; he and God expect the sheep to bring up not material fruit only but also spiritual fruit. This will give the pastor spiritual happiness. The spiritual things which the pastor sows in the sheep must bear the following spiritual fruit which we read in Galatians 5:22-26. 2. Galatians 6:8 It says, For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. It is important to note this verse when we are trying to make the pastor feel happy. If we give him flesh happiness only, without spiritual happiness, we shall reap corruption. We do not need to go over how the sheep can give his shepherd happiness we have studied it in lesson 4 No D. However, we must take care that we do not give flesh happiness to our pastors through sinful lives or in sinful livings. 1.




i. 15-16 ii. Her sick child who was sick near to death became well. Vs 22 iii. Her faith became more established. V. 24. 2. II Kings 4:42-44 A MAN WHO GAVE LOAVES OF BREAD TO A PASTORS TRAINING SCHOOL DURING DEARTH AND FAMINE The Loaves became multiplied. The student pastors became happy. The principal of the school became happy. The giver was blessed and went home happy according to the standing orders of Gods promises as seen in Prov. 19:17. 3. I Kings 18:4,13 [1-15]

C. ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE BIBLE I Kings 17:10-24 THE WIDOW WHO FED A MAN OF GOD DURING DROUGHT AND FOOD FAMINE. She got much food throughout the drought and famine vs

i. ii. iii. iv.


ii. him. 4. II Kings 4:8-17 A FAMILY WHO PROVIDED A LIVING HOUSE FOR A PASTOR AND HIS SERVANT i. The barren family became parents.

THE MAN WHO PROTECTED ONE HUNDRED PASTORS FROM SUDDEN PAINFUL SLAUGHTERING The man fed the one hundred pastors for many months at the place where he kept them. We need not mention the numerous blessings God pour on

114 ii. iii. 5. Their sadness became gladness. The woman gained more faith and she worshipped God. Acts. 9:23-25 SHEEP WHO SAVED A MISSIONARY FROM BEING MURDERED i. They were happy. ii. Gospel of Christ spread wider iii. There were more conversions. 6. 1. Acts. 8:13-24 A BELIVER WHO WANTED TO GAIN SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS WITH PHYSICAL MATERIAL The mans belief was spurious not spiritual [compare verse 13 with verses 20-21] The man thought that money was the answer to everything verse 19. The man received curses instead of blessings and joy, verse 20. NOTE; - Nobody can use money or this physical material to gain spiritual happiness. Money and material may gain physical happiness but not spiritual. Every sheep must play her physical and spiritual role in the fold.




116 LESSON 1 KEY VERSE: - PSALM 95:7 A. 1. MEANING OF THE WORD PASTURE Pasture means a piece of land on which there are much grass suitable for feeding sheep. It is also called meadow, though meadow may be grassland specially kept for making hay. 2. INTERPRETATION. The words shepherd, sheep, pasture and pastures are figuratively used by God in the O.T and by Jesus in the N.T. What we read in Psalm 23:1-4 are figures of speech. The interpretation of the word pasture here is the place where human sheep meet with the pastor to be fed with the pastures by the pastor. B. WORDS TO WHICH THE WORD PASTURE IS INTERPRETED Assembly: - A hall in which people gather together for a purpose. Chapel Place where the chaplain gives exhortations. It is a building set apart for Christian students and teachers, Christian workers and sick people in the hospital and Christian residents in the barracks, etc, for worship. Church: - A building where Christians worship Christ and are fed with the word of God. The meaning of pasture which corresponds with it and is comprehensive is church building where the pastor feeds his sheep with the word of God.

1. 2.





2. 3.

C. PASTURE WITHOUT PASTURES There are many church buildings where there are pastors and sheep but there are no pastures from the pastor to feed the church members and his sheep. Such churches have herbs but no grasses. Some are even deserts. Some lands are full of very green and flamboyant herbs but no grasses on which the sheep can feed. Some so called places of worship are full of medicinal herbs for healing the body only but no feeding grasses for feeding the soul, to make the soul grow and live for God. Such so called places of worship are well described in Jude 1:12, pro. 23:14 and Jeremiah 6:14. They are described as cloud without water cloud and wind without rain please read Jer. 6:14 which says They healed SLIGHTLY saying Peace, Peace, when there is no peace. Every good sheep of the Chief Good Shepherd must be watchful of a pasture without good pastures. We should also be watchful of false Pastures. QUALIFICATIONS OF GOOD PASTURE AND GOOD PASTURES We studied the meanings and interpretation of pasture and pastures in number A of this lesson 1. We want to make it clear again that pasture as referred to in the Bible means the plot of land on which sheep, cattle etc. graze. Pastures mean the grasses on that parcel of land on which cattle, sheep, etc. eat.


1. UNQUALIFIED PASTURE. Any church, Sunday school, Bible Study Classes, Bible College etc which does not put evangelism above the physical matters is not a good pasture.

118 b. Any church which condoles sinners has no good qualification to be a good pasture. By condoling a sinner, we mean by allowing any of the offenders in the church to participate in church worship services and program unchecked before restoration after confession and forsake sin. Prov. 28:13(Please read it and read also Titus 1:13), is not a good pasture church. Please, note that restoration after rebuking must be preceded by confession and forsaking. The offence must be made to acknowledge his or her offence and repent, before restoration. Length of time and amount of suffering of the offender under rebuke do not have bearing on restoration of any offender. His status and usefulness in the church have no part to play in rebuking an offender [a sinner] and in restoration. Do not allow I Tim. 5:1 lure you into mistakes. Study it very well in line with Leviticus 19:32. Any elderly people in the church even a member of Board of elders who sins must be rebuked but with respect and exhortations. 2. UNQUALIFIED PASTURES. Any sermon, exhortation or teaching of the word of God which puts work over grace for salvation is not good. All preachings and teachings which do not regard that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is adequate are not good. Any sermon and teaching which speak of modernizing the rules and regulations of Christ are false pastures, unqualified. Any sermon or teachings which give false promises are not qualified to be good pastures. Any church or anybody who slightly sex between fianc and fiance before church marriage recognition is not a good follower of Jesus teaching in the fold and flocks of Jesus. Known sex between fianc and fiance before church marriage is a sin and should rebuke. All important things

a. b. c. d. e.



must first be put before Gods people and the pastor. [Acts 6:6, 13:2-3]. Sex between fianc and fiance in the fold and flock of Jesus should not be different. A KIND OF PASTURE TO AVOID Let us remember that pasture means plots of land where sheep fed. The interpretation is a place of worship, a church building. The people who use a building determine what the building is and its spiritual worth. THE CHURCH IN SARDIS Rev. 3:1-6 This church thought she was alive but generally, she was dead. Christ saw nothing good in it. The church was alive only in things of this world. A KIND OF PASTURE TO EMULATE 1. 2. 3. THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA Rev. 3:7-13 The church did not boast of anything. Jesus saw nothing bad in that church. Jesus promised them many good things. It is good to be a member of such a church pasture.

120 LESSON 2 KEY VERSE: PSALM 65:11-13 PASTURES A. MEANING OF THE WORD PASTURES We want to re-emphasize it again that there is difference between the words pasture and pastures. Pasture is a piece of land on which grow suitable grasses for feeding sheep, while pastures are the suitable grasses on that piece of land, thereby, pasture is interpreted to mean the assembly of Christians of the same belief where the Christians can feed on the word of God, and pastures means the words of God which are given to the Christians as such assembly. PSEUDO PASTURES ON PSEUDO PASTURE IMPORTANT NOTE All Christian teachings which add to or subtract from the teachings of Christ are pseudo pastures Rev. 22:18-19. Any Christian teaching which does not maintain that the soul can be saved only by faith in Jesus Christ is pseudo teaching and is from Satan. Acts 4:12 Let us take note, in the Bible, some Christian churches taught or allowed pseudo teaching in their churches. PERGAMOS AS AN ILLUSTRATION Rev. 2:12-17 1. THE RIGHT TEACHINGS IN THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS. i. They held fast to the Name of Jesus. ii They did not deny the faith of Jesus even in time of persecution. iii. They even had a Jesus Martyr among them.



2. THE WRONG TEACHINGS IN THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS. They dwelt where Satan dwelled. That is they condoled the worship of the Roman Emperor and that of Zeus at his alter [Ryrie Study Bibles note on Rev. 2:13]. i. They had the doctrine of Balam. See Numbers 22:7, 17 ii. They had the doctrine of Nicolaitanes. iii. Brief explanation on The doctrine of Nicolaitan It is believed by many Bible Scholars that it was Deacon Nicolas of whom we read about in Acts 6:5, though no sufficient evidence. i. He was from Antioch ii. He was a proselyte iii. He was one of the first deacons of the early church. iv. He was introduced compromising of the church with paganism to enable Christians take part in social activities. v. He gave his name Nicolas to a sect, hence Nicolaitan. Compare his deed with that of Israelities read in Numbers 25:1-4. Compare it with many Christian churches today. The compliance which Balam practiced was what Nicolas practiced in pergamos and is being practiced in our Churches today. The pastures where the sheep are supposed to get nutritious pastures through their pastors have become forest of briers thorns. 3. RESULT OF WRONG TEACHINGS IN THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS. i. God would fight them. ii. Gods weapon for fighting them would be terrible. The sword of God.

122 4. THE REMEDY FOR GODS ANGER. 1. The only thing that can turn away Gods anger on anybody who teaches wrong doctrine is REPENTANCE [Rev. 2:16] Repentance isi. Feeling sorry for doing wrong. ii. Turning away from doing that wrong-doing. iii. Asking God for forgiveness. iv. Turning to what is in line with Gods plans.




A. MEANING OF MILK PASTURES. We learnt in Lesson 2 of section 3 that pastures means [in short] suitable grasses for the sheep. Milk pastures therefore means; Food for baby sheep before it can eat hard food like hay. Human baby sheep are new converts whom Paul called new novice in I Tim. 3:6, K.J.V. It is called recent convert in R.S.V. B. WHERE TO FIND MILK PASTURES. 1. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH SERVICES AND WORSHIPS. Every church building should be a spiritual diary where new converts can get spiritual milk for their souls. There must be solid spiritual food in church sermons but the spiritual milk pastures should always top all sermons preached in the church. The pastor must give the milk pastures as desert food which will make the spiritual babies grow and build one of adults bodies. It also gives the adults spiritual happiness and spiritual assurance of salvation. Desert food is the last soft food eaten after the main food, just before leaving the dinning table. It gives refreshment just as milk pastures do to mature Christians in the Lord and the baby Christians in the Lord after the main sermon. The preacher must always give the elementary rudiments of the way to salvation after the main sermon.

124 2. AT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES. Sunday school of the church is not for children only. It is for adults also. Nobody ever got to the end of learning, especially the word of God. Sunday school of the church is where Christians do the following:i. Ask questions which one cannot ask from the preacher during the sermon. ii. Each student usually has the chance of reading the Bible to others publicly. iv. Each student can give his view on a subject matter. NOTE WELL. Sunday school must NOT be turning to a debating class where every student is trying to make other student take his view. Debating a subject in the class will not give any student further knowledge on the subject. He may not know whose view to believe. The teacher is the teacher and must know better than the students. His view should be noticed. Anybody whom we know that is Biblically trained should be referred to on any topic which the teacher who is not Biblically trained cannot answer adequately. v. Harder Biblical subjects that affect Christians life or the church practices can be treated in the Sunday school.

NOTE WELLWe cannot treat or condemn the constitution and bye-laws or standing orders of the church denomination in Sunday school. Sunday school is for further knowledge on what the Bible says about a Bible subject. vi. The milk pastures are always referred to in the Sunday school. Few seconds must be spent on the way of salvation.



A Bible verse or verses like Phil. 4:13 may be used to encourage young believers who may think that certain Christs orders are too hard for human beings to keep. Cor. 12:9, Mark 9:20 etc are also good as milk pasture for new convert and carnal Christians. 3. AT FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CLASSES. It is not all men, women and youths that attend their fellowship bible Classes that are born again nor mature in Christian living. Simple way to salvation must be always be touched in Bible Classes. The fellowship Bible Classes MUST be taught by the pastor unless there is an unavoidable reason why the pastor should be absent because: i. The lessons in Bible Classes are deeper to theology. ii. Students of the Bible Classes have more confidence in the pastor who is theologically trained. iii. The Class may turn to a debating group if the pastor is not around. iv. It may become an arena of plots against the pastor and the Church as a whole. v. And at the other available chances like funeral, marriage, naming and so on. NOTE: - A Pastor may delegate a person whom he believes knows better among the members, but he himself should be there. C. EXAMPLES OF MILK PASTURES PSALM 23:1-6 The Psalm is full of promises with nothing to do on the sheeps side, especially verse 6 which speaks of good things. Many people use that verse to replace the usual


126 benediction used through-out the Bible with it. Instead of saying The Grace of God.etc. They say goodness and mercy. Psalm 66:18 shows that goodness cannot follow but grace because of sin in our hearts. MATT 7:7 Anything you do ask in my name, I will do it Almost everybody knows that verse by memory. Very few Christians know I John 5:14-15, especially verse 14 which says, If we ask anything according to His will. ROMANS 16:20 And the God of peace shall bruise [crush] Satan under your feet shortly People forget James 4:7-8. It says submit. PSALM 20:1-6. Many people pray this prayer for people but the one praying, and the one praying for, do not note verse 7. The prayee and the recipient trust in money and population of the sheep fold. They forget Rev. 22:18-19 which forbids modernization of Gods words by adding to and by subtracting from it. Babies in Christ like that Psalm 20:1-6 but do not take note of verse 7. For the king trusted in the Lord. Hebrew 5:12 speaks of many kinds of pastors and many kinds of sheep.






A. MEANING OF MEAT PASTURES According to Hebrews 5:12, meat pastures is strong meat that means solid food as opposed to liquid food, such as milk, Strong Christian believers can eat strong food, while weak believers eat or drink liquid food soft words of God. B. WHERE TO GET MEAT PASTURES. IN BIBLE COLLEGES AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARIES Theology, like the nature of God and other studies about God which cannot be discussed where weak Christians are, can be discussed where mature Christians are studying. Other strong food teachings that cannot be taught in the Church, Sunday school, and Fellowship Bible Classes are many. Doctrine is different from theology. Some doctrines are so controversial that they cannot be taught outside Theological Seminaries. A pastor should not become a doctrinaire to his sheep in the sheep fold during services and worships. None Christian religion like African Traditional Religion, cultism, sects, etc are hard and strong pastures which can not be fed to the fold where weak and strong sheep gather for worship. HIGHER PASTORS SEMINARS Some doctrines can also be discussed for ratification and general acceptance within a denomination Church Clergy council and may not be discussed in the lower pastors meetings where there are some Immature in faith pastors.

128 Special doctrine and theologies that were discussed and formulated in 4th century A.D. in the Council at Nicaea 325 A.D etc are strong met which cannot be discussed in Sunday services. C. BITTER MEAT PASTURES AT SPECIAL OCCASIONS There are many occasions when the pastor must feed his sheep with bitter truth as doctor doses out bitter pills and injections to his patients. Amputations and surgical operations are not pleasant but they are occasionally necessary. What could we call a doctor who gave sweat cough syrup to a patient with leg pains, because the syrup is sweat, and promised the patient an easy relief because the medicine he gave was sweet?. A pastor must not do likewise to his sheep. He must give bitter or strong pastures when it is necessary. 1. UNDER ILLNESS PAUL AS AN EXAMPLE I Cor. 12:7-10 God may not want to heal you because:a. He wants to give something better His grace. b. He does not want you to be proud on your achievements. c. He wants to give you spiritual strength to replace your physical strength. d. You must glory in this, your physical illness. e. You must take pleasure in your protracted illness after many of your ineffective prayers on the illness.



2. UNDER PERSECUTION. JAMES THE BROTHER OF JESUS AS AN ILLUSTRATION Acts 12:1-2 a. Why did God allow James the brother of Jesus to be killed by the unbeliever Herod? b. Nobody knows the reason, but God may want to use the same reason for you as you are in prison, or under persecution. He may choose not to deliver you as He chooses for James. He believe James prayed and the apostles prayed as they prayed for Peter as we read in Acts 12:3=17. Their prayers were not effective for James as it was for Peter, Why? Gods will supersede mans will in James case but concurred with mans will in the case of Peter. Why? 3. UNDER POVERTY LUKE 16:19-31. LAZARUS THE BEGGAR AS AN EXAMPLE The rich man [Dives] was a very, very rich man and he was not a believer. We can call him a wicked man. Lazarus the beggar was a man of God and he was also a pauper at the same time. Why? Gods promises in Matt. 7:7 says Ask and it shall be given you could we say that Lazarus the beggar did not ask? Could we say that it was not the wish and will of Lazarus the beggar to be rich or at least to get his daily bread without begging for it? I believe that Lazarus the beggar prayed earnestly with faith in God but God did not give him what he prayed for food and healing from his sores. Why? The answer can be found in Isaiah 55:8 = 9. Gods ways and thoughts are above mans ways and thoughts. He knows better and He is always right. God is good all the time and in all conditions and events. When we quote Matt. 7:7 and other similar verses let us always remember I john 5:14 If we ask anything

130 CCORDING TO HIS WILL He heareth us. We should also take James 4:13-15 into consideration: note verse 15 in particular, it says, For that ye ought to say IF THE LORD WILL, we shall live and do this or that IF THE LORD WILL. Gods will for a Christian in his life is better and he should therefore abide with Gods will and plans for him in his life. Gods will and plans are better because He knows better. He knows and plans what is best for our lives. Please, blame nobody for your unfavourable condition on earth. Put everything in Gods hand. He knows better and His will do better for you. It may not be in this world. 4. UNDER TIME SET SET TIME Genesis 21:2 FAMILY OF ABRAHAM AND SARAH AS AN EXAMPLE God had promised Abraham a son when he was seventy five years old Gen. 12:4-7. He had been married to Sarah his wife but Sarah the wife was barren. Abraham and his wife believed the promise of a son which we read in verse 7 and had begun to expect the seed since that time. There was no son born to them by Sarah. Sarah remained barren for ten years after the promise and the beginning of their expectation. Abraham did not doubt the promise of God to give him a seed, but the time Abraham set to have a child was passing or had passed, so he said what he said to God in Genesis 15:2-3. We will believe that this shows that the time set by God to give Abraham a seed was not in line with the time set by Abraham for himself. God was not angry with Abraham and therefore He confirmed this promise again as we read in Genesis 15:4-7. It was customary for childless rich people at that time to adopt a servant, especially the servant born in the rich mans household, to be the heir of the rich man. That was what Abraham



was asking God to let him do then. He thought that it was getting too late for him to have a child from Sarah his wife. See Genesis 15:3. Though his own setting time had passed, yet he believed in Gods promise of his own child Genesis 15:6. Sarahs suggestion to Abraham and Abrahams acceptance of Sarahs suggestion, the story of which we read in Genesis Chapter 16:1-4, happened because Sarahs and Abrahams set time for having a son from Sarahs body had passed. The incident happened after the promise of God to them was re-affirmed to them as we read in Genesis 15:4. Read some of the results of insisting on our own set time instead of Gods set time in Genesis 16:4b to verse 13. i. Sarah lost the former honour which she had from Hagar her handmaid. V. 4b ii. Sarah became sad instead of being happy v.5 iii. Hagar fled away from home because there was no more happiness for the wife, husband and Hagar in the home v.6 iv. The child they planned for their own set time would become the opposite of what they wanted vs. 11-12 Verse 16 shows that eleven years had passed between the first promise of a child of their own and the birth of the unpromised child of their own set-time. Compare Genesis 12:12 with Genesis 16:16. Fifteen years. Chapter 17 of Genesis shows that God opened and reaffirmed His promise of a child to Abrahams family again. This happened fifteen years after the re-affirmation of the promise made in chapter 15 of Genesis. This one in chapter 17 happened after the 13th year of Ishmaels birth. See Genesis 17:25. Now, in Genesis 21:2, we read, For Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son in his old age. AT THE SET TIME of which God had spoken. Verse 5 of Genesis Chapter 21 shows that Abraham was one hundred years old

132 when his son, Isaac, the promised son was born unto him. Comparing Genesis 12:4, 7 with Genesis 21:5 shows that Gods SET TIME was 25 years while that of Abraham and Sarah was immediate. They planned and bore an unpromised son at their own SET TIME which brought trouble to them and to the whole world today. It is a meat pasture a hard advice to tell a Christian that 25 years may be Gods SET TIME for him to have a child.



LESSON 5 KEY VERSE: PSALM 119:11 SOME SPECIAL PASTURES AT SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. MEANING We have learnt in our previous lessons that pastures mean the grasses on the pasture which are good for feeding the sheep. This is now interpreted to mean the word of God is good for feeding the human sheep of Christ. This lesson deals with special Bible verses which are appropriate with different conditions in which a Christian may find himself. THE NEED FOR THE SPECIAL VERSES Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us many promises which are written in the Bible because He wants us to always be happy. ii. He does not want to leave us in darkness or in bad conditions. iii. The promises written in the Bible are so many and scattered in the Bible that may not readily come to memory when we need them. I cannot write all out in this little book but those that I write give the samples and every pastor and all the good sheep should be able to search the scripture for more by themselves. John 5:39, Acts 17:11. C. THE HAYSTACK AND TIME OF USAGE MEANING: Large pile of hay firmly packed for storing, usually kept near the sheep living place. Too much volume and cost prevent me from giving more than these few ones. Every good industrious pastor can get more From the Bible; i.

134 1. AT BAD FEELING CONDITIONS. 1. DISCOURAGEMENT. i. Psalm 138:7 ii. Isaiah 51:11 iii. I Peter 1:6-9 iv. II Cor. 4:8-9 v. Psalm 31:24 vi. Phil. 1:6 vii. Psalm 37:4 2. TIME OF WORRY. i. Psalm 119: 165 ii. Colosians 3:5 iii. I Peter 5:7 iv. John 14:27 v. Isaiah 26:3 vi. Prov. 3:24 vii. Psalm 91:1-2 CONFUSION. i. I Cor. 14:33 ii. Psalm 32:8 iii. I Peter 4:12-13 iv. James 1:5 v. Prov. 3:5-6 vi. II Tim. 1:7 vii. Psalm 119:163 viii. Psalm 55:22 ix. James 3:16 18 x. Isaiah 30:21 LONELINESS. i. Matt. 28:20 ii. Rom. 8:35-39 iii. Acts 18:10



FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 5. Psalm 46:1 Psalm 147:3 Deut 4:31 Psalm 27:10 Heb. 15:5 Deut. 33:27 Isaiah 54:10


PHYSICAL ILLNESS. i. Matt. 9:35 ii. Psalm 103:3 iii. Matt. 4:23 iv. Rom. 4:22 v. Jer. 17:14 vi. James 5:15-17 vii. Jer. 30:17 viii. Matt. 8:8 ix. Luke 6:19 x. Psalm 107:20 MENTAL ILLNESS. i. Psalm 147:3 ii. Matt. 17:14-18 iii. II Cor. 1:4-5 iv. Phil. 4:6-7 v. Mark 1:23-27 vi. Isaiah 50:7 vii. Matt. 8:28-32 viii. Matt. 12:22-23 SPIRITUAL ILLNESS. i. Deut. 8:11-14 ii. I Peter 4:7 iii. Heb. 3:12-13



136 iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 8. I Peter 5:7 Psalm 44:20-21 Rev. 2:25 Deut. 4:9 Phil. 3:14 Eccl. 12:1 II Tim. 1:12

FEELING GUILTY IN SIN. i. Psalm 66:18 ii. Amos 4:12 iii. Ezek. 33:11 iv. Rom. 13:13-14 v. Prov. 11:21 vi. Isaiah 59:1-2 vii. Isaiah 55:6 viii. John 9:31 ix. Hosea 14:1-2 x. Prov. 15:29


FEELING GENERAL DISAPPOINTMENT i. Psalm 27:14 ii. II Cor. 9:8-9 iii. Isaiah 43:2 iv. Matt. 6:31-33 v. I Peter 4:12-13 vi. Phil. 4:19 vii. Malachi 3:11-12 viii. Heb. 13:5-6

10. WHEN CERTAIN STATEMENTS OF GOD SEEM UNREASONABLE [e.g. Isa. 45:7] i. Isaiah 55:8-9 ii. Deut. 29:29

FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. 11. Jer. 33:3 Job 21:22 Isaiah 65:2 Job 35:11 Prov. 14:12 Eph. 1:11 Job. 40:1-2 Isaiah 9:6


WHEN FILLED WITH ANGER. i. Eph. 4:26 ii. Matt. 6:14 iii. James 1:19-20 iv. Eccl. 7:9 v. Prov. 15:1 vi. Matt. 5:21-25 vii. Prov. 16:32 viii. Psalm 37:8 ix. Prov. 14:29 x. Heb. 10:30 xi. Eph. 4:31-32 xii. Rom. 12:14 xiii. Rom. 12:17-18 FEELING DISAPPOINTMENT IN THE HOME. i. Prov. 10:12 ii. I Pet. 1:11 iii. Prov. 3:5-6 iv. Eph. 5:33 v. I Peter 3:8-9 vi. Eph. 6:1-3 vii. Psalm 101:2 viii. Matt. 5:44-47 ix. Rom. 13:10


138 x. 13. Heb. 12:14

FEELING DESERTION BY LOVED ONES. i. Psalm 27:10 ii. Matt. 28:20 iii. Psalm 37:25 iv. II Cor. 4:9 v. Psalm 91:15 vi. Isaiah 62:4 vii. Heb. 13:5 viii. I Sam. 12:22 ix. Isaiah 41:17 x. Isaiah 49:15-16


FEELING PENDING BANKRUPTCY. i. Psalm 34:10 ii. III John 1:2 iii. Psalm 23:1 iv. Joshua 1:8 v. Deut. 28:8 vi. Deut. 8:18 vii. Psalm 71:14 viii. II Kings 4:1-7 ix. Deut 28:10 x. Phil. 4:19 15. FEELING SORROW i. II Thess. 4:13 ii. Matt. 5:4 iii. Isaiah 45:2-3 iv. II Cor. 5:8 v. I Thess. 2:16-17 vi. Rev. 21:4 vii. II Cor. 1:3-4

FACTS ON SHEPHERING THE FLOCK OF GOD viii. ix. x. 16. Psalm 23:4 Isaiah 61:1-3 Heb. 4:14-16


TIME OF WEARINESS. i. Jonah 2:2 ii. John 16:33 iii. Jonah 2:4 iv. Matt 11:28-29 v. Heb. 4:8 vi. Prov. 18:24 vii. Heb. 4:9 viii. Psalm 30:5 ix. Heb. 4:15 x. Mark 4:38-40 TIME OF DEPRESSION. i. Psalm 34:17 ii. Psalm 30:5 iii. Isaiah 43:2 iv. Isaiah 40:31 v. Rom. 8:38-39 vi. Isaiah 61:3 vii. II Cor. 1:3-4 viii. Isaiah 51:11 ix. Isaiah 26:3 x. Psalm 147:3


140 LESSON 6 KEY VERSE: I COR. 1:8 WHY GOOD PASTURES FROM GOD ARE REGARDED AS BAD PASTURES BY SOME PEOPLE. A. PREAMBLE The rules and regulations of God written in the Bible through the Holy Spirit are to guide spiritual lives of human sheep of Jesus. While instinct guides the lives of animal sheep and the body part of human sheep. All born again Christians, irrespective of Church status, are human sheep of Christ who is the Chief Good Shepherd. All are to be under the rules and regulations of God. CAUSES 1. FROM MEMBERS AND ELDERS. i. many members, especially the influential and the rich people in the Church, are carnal and therefore find the truth from the pastor unpalatable. They are old Church members but they are babes in spiritual matters. I Cor. 3:2-4. ii. Many Church members cannot please God whose messenger is the pastor, because the members are in the flesh. Rom. 8:7-8 iii. Many members of Board of Elders cannot subject themselves to the laws of God which the pastor preaches. Rom. 8:7 iv. Many so called followers of Jesus in the Church find the true words of God too hard to accept, so they want to opt out and the pastor would not like to see it happen. John 8:59-60. The pastor cannot say what Jesus said in John 8:67. v. Most, not just many of the members are like Demas. They love this present world which is against the life to come.



Majority of Church members want to liberalize the Church rules and regulations. The words of God become absolute to them.

2. FROM THE CLERGY. i. The care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word of God in the hearts and mouths of the pastors, Bible teachers, etc, so much that most of them have closed their eyes to the truth they learnt and know. Anybody who calls their attention to the good pastures becomes preacher of bad pastures in their eyes. Such a person is regarded as a modern man who lives in the past and preaches the past Christian life. ii. Desires for populous and prosperous local churches by local pastors have beclouded their core-assignment which Jesus Christ called them for. [Matt. 23:23] For ye pay tithe of mint and arise and cumin and have OMITTED THE WEIGHTER MATTERS OF THE LAW. iii. Popularity, honours and status have replaced Christs Status in the local churches from the mouths and lives of the clergies. 3. FROM THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES OF THE CHURCH DENOMINATION. i. Prompt and complete payment of dues and levies are the measuring yard sticks in the hands of higher denomination church authorities to measure the progress of local churches and the standards of their pastors. I know, practically a Reverend Pastor who was framed robed and expelled from his church just

142 because he was not able to squeeze money out from his members to pay the dues and levies promptly and completely. The financial secretary of his church was regarded by the high administrative pastors as an uncooperative elder. New buildings and new costly projects on the church compound rate high in the progress reports. The kind of buses and cars which a local church has tells the growth of the local church, not spiritual lives. There are paid financial auditors but no adequate paid Evangelists revivalists and missionaries as many as financial auditors.

ii. iii. iv.

C. THE DIFFICULT BUT POSSIBLE SOLUTION The only solution to the problems mentioned in number B of this lesson 6, is one though it has many steps. Take the steps personally. NOTE WELL. 1. REASONS FOR TAKING THE STEPS PERSONALLY. i. Daniel resolved in his heart that he would not defile himself. It was Daniel who first resolved in himself than others followed. The resolution of Joshua which we read in Joshua 24:15 which says As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, may be too broad for you. First take the initiative, then pray and urge your family and others. They may follow your steps. ii. Rom. 14:12 Every one of us shall give account of himself to God. iii. Matt. 7:5, First cast out the beam from their own eye.



2. PERSONAL STEPS TO SOLVING THE PROBLEMS MENTIONED IN NUMBER D OF THIS LESSON. i. Be sure that you are born again John 3:3 New birth is the only foundation for solving all spiritual solutions. ii. Acknowledge that the problems are in our churches. iii. Accept that the problems are not small sins. They are real, big sins which are preventing God from hearing and answering our prayers as we expect Psalm 66:18, Prov. 1:24-29, Isaiah 59:1. iv. Accept that the rules and regulations of God for Christian living have not changed, they cannot be modernized, and neither can they be dunged without bad consequences. Jesus who was is and will be [Rev. 1:4-6] said in Matthew 5:17-19 that he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill them. It is clear from Matthew 5:1719 that To relax or modernize any of the rules and regulations, which Jesus gave to His sheep in the Bible and through our fathers, is to claim authority over God. Twisting the rules and regulations of Jesus is bringing destruction on themselves. [II Peter 3:16]. v. Desire and resolve to your heart not to defile yourself by disobeying the rules and regulations of Christ Jesus. vi. Pray the kind of prayer which Jesus recommends in Matthew 21:21 and be confident in God your father to whom you pray. He will not leave you in the hands of those who do not want to keep His rules and regulations.

144 SOME OF THE GOOD SHEPHERDS DIRECT PROMISES TO SUPPORT YOU ON YOUR STAND AGAINST WRONG DOCTRINE 3. John 16:3 Be of good courage. I have overcome the World. 4. Matt. 28:20 I am with you always. 5. Matt. 17:20 Nothing shall be impossible unto you. 6. Matt. 10:28-33 Fear not them which kill the body but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value. 7. Luke 1:50 And His mercy is on them that fear Him from generation to generation. 8. John 15:7 If ye abide in me and my words in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. 9. Matt. 10:32 Whosoever shall confess me before men will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 10. John 14:2-3 in my Fathers house are many mansions. There ye may be also. 11. John 14:27. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. 12. John 16:22 Your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you. 13. Rev. 2:10 Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life. 14. Hab. 13:5-6 He hath said I will never leave [fail] thee nor forsake thee THE LORD IS MY HELPER, I WILL NEVER FEAR WHAT MAN SHALL DO UNTO ME.



LESSON 7 KEY VERSE: JOHN 15:14 THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD WITH HIS GOOD SHEEP [MATT. 12:49-50] A. MEANINGS 1. New Method English Dictionary says the way in which persons united, or the effect which they have on each other. 2. Jesus Christ, as the Good Shepherd, is the only person who can be called Good Shepherd. 3. Human Shepherd is the undershepherd and their sheep. That is, the pastor, and their members. All born again persons are the human sheep of Jesus Christ The Good Shepherd. This lesson is therefore on how Jesus Christ and Christians are united. The effects which Christ has on Christians and the effect which the lives of Christians have on Christ and on each other. B. CHRISTS TWO SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRITSTIANS TWO SPECIAL CREATIONS. 1. FIRST CREATION, John 1:1-4 i. Christ Jesus is God created man with His hand, unlike other creations which he created with the words of His mouth. Gen. 2:7 ii. He breathed into his nostrils the breath of LIFE, the kind of LIFE which other living creatures do not have. [Gen. 2:7]. iii. The man becomes a LIVING SOUL. The kind of LIVING SOUL which other creatures do not have, because that kind of soul is the seat of the Spirit of

146 God in man. John 1:4. In Him was LIFE. This is the kind of life read in Gen. 2:7. That LIFE is the LIGHT of the world, compare John 14:6 iv. Man was created in the image of God. Gen. 1:26 v. Man was given dominion over all other created things. Gen. 1:26 vi. God created man for His own glory Isaiah 43:7. For my glory means for my special pleasure in fellowshipping, other than angels in heaven. Angels etc are not Gods image and likeness. Animals and plants, living and non living things are created for mans use because man is related with God. 2. MEANING OF IN OUR IMAGE AFTER OUR LIKENESS Gen. 1:26 Image likeness, these two interchangeable terms [Gen. 5:3] indicates that man was created in natural and moral likeness of God. When he sinned, he lost the moral likeness which was his sinlessness, but the natural likeness of interest, emotions and will, he retains. [c.f 9:6, James 3:9] The above quotation from Ryries study Bible shows that man is a loosenable triune being. Mans three in-one is separatable, not equal in value, did not start to exist at the same time and will not end at the same time. God desired to show this relation with man, that was why He created man in His own image and likeness. THE THREE BIBLICAL COMPONENT PARTS OF MAN God made man to have three parts so that man can resemble God in nature, though that of man is very much incomparable with that of God. All the three parts of God are spiritual and eternal. No beginning, no end, mans three parts have beginnings and ends, except the soul of man which has no end.



PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF MAN Gen. 2:7a God has no physical structure. By physical structure of man we mean the flesh, bones, muscle, blood, etc of human being including animals. All living things have those things to make them able to live on earth and be visible with physical eyes. ii. SPIRITUAL MIND OF MAN Gen. 2:7b, II Pet. 3:1 Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English in one of its meaning says, That which animates the body and is distinct from its conscious thought Animate means to make lively become living. The New Method English Dictionary calls it Power of thinking. Some Bible verses which show that mind is an integral spiritual part of man and distinguished from heart soul and body is in Mark, 2:30, Jesus mentioned the heart, the soul and the mind. The third is the physical part of man to link the physical with the spiritual. The physical must take part in loving God and the neighbors. The spiritual mind is not material. It cannot be felt with hand nor seen with eyes but it is an integral part of human life. Spiritual mind is not the brain. We do not love God with brain. Philosophers and psychologists of mind do study physical mind. God created mind with man so that man can use it to have fellowship with Him. The spiritual mind is used to find out how and why to keep the rules and regulations of God. How to fulfill the purpose for which God created man. Isaiah 43:7. it is one of the means by which men and God are related. iii. SPIRITUAL HEART SOUL OF MAN. The two words Soul and heart are used interchangeably except where heart is used to mean that physical organ of the body which pumps blood into the

148 physical body. The two words are so much interchangeably used in the Bible that it becomes very hard to distinguished one from the other. However, we deduct from the numerous and serious studies of their Bible usages and the Bible Commentarys explanations that Spiritual soul / heart is the seat of God in man. There He uses His Holy Spirit in man to direct human life through the mind. Read the following Bible verses to see that the mind is different from soul / heart and it is very vital in man, especially in the N.T. Phil. 4:7 Keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. II Peter 3:1 Stir up your pure minds. Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind Mind is rated or put on the same level with soul heart. Soul / heart and mind are integral spiritual parts of human beings. The physical Body is temporal and returns to the dust at death. It cannot be taken to heaven. Only soul heart and mind will go as one entity to enjoy the fellowship of relationship between the Good Shepherds and His Human good sheep. 3. THE DEATH OF THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GOOD SHEPHERD AND HIS CREATED HUMAN BEINGS. i. We read in John 1:1-4, especially verse 3 that All things were created by Him and without Him was not any thing made that was made. This shows that Christ Jesus was the creator of man for His own glory and fellowship. ii. Jesus in God commanded man not to eat a certain tree of the garden. iii. Jesus made it clear and sound that the man would die on the day he ate it.



iv. Satan urged the man to eat of the tree which God had commanded man not to eat. v. Man looked at the deceiving beauty, sweetness and the seeming enlightening appearance of the tree. vi. The man deliberately ate the fruit of the tree in defiance of Gods command, of which He had forewarned the man. vii. The man died the kind of death of which God had forwarned the man. NOTE WELL: MEANING OF THE KIND OF THE DEATH WHICH MAN DIED ON THE DAY HE ATE THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT. It is not enough just to say he died spiritual death. Gen. 1:26 shows that there are two kinds of Gods natures in man. Image and Likeness; the two words are used interchangeable. Dr. Ryrie, on Gen. 1:26, says indicating that man was created in a natural and moral likeness of God. When he sinned, he lost the moral likeness of God, which was his sinlessness but the natural likeness of intellect, emotions and will, he retains, those three in the likeness of God are still in man but enveloped with sin. They are being released as man struggles INVENTIONS. viii. The soul with which man served God [Rom. 7:25] became darkened [Eph. 4:18] ix. Man hid himself away from God Good relationship between man and God become dead. x. God cursed man and expelled-injected him out of the blissful garden. The first paradise. It is about this alienation from the life of God which we read about in Ephessians 4:18 that which God declared in Gen. 2:17 Thou shall surely die.

150 4. SECOND CREATION II COR. 5:17 R.S.V The DISOBEDIENCE of man called the FALL of man. The curse on man and the expulsion of man from the blissful garden marked the end of mans moral value and his sinlessness status. This we call the end of the first creation though all worldly materials continue to exist including mans intellect, emotion and will in his physical body. The DISOBEDIENCE of man to the rules and regulations of God read in Gen. 2:17 was the beginning of the separation of man from God and the fellowship of God with man. The good relationship between the Good Shepherd and His created man come to an end. God, the Creator of heaven and earth including man whom He created for His own glory, re-called His fellowship and relationship with man. God then made a provision which we call THE WAY OF SALVATION. The only way was the sacrifice of sinless blood. Jesus, who alone could meet the demand, because He was sinless, volunteered to come to shed His sinless blood to redeem man. God accepted Jesus offer because Jesus Himself was, is and will continue to be God. He came and died on the cross and rose from the dead by that restored the lost fellowship and relationship between God and man. The way to the fellowship with God is opened to every human being but it is not automatic. There is one very simple rules and regulations to obey as it was given to our fore-fathers [Genesis 2:17], for us today. It is Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved Acts 16:31, because of what John 3:16, 18 say, you must MUST believe and accept Jesus Christ today now and the MORAL likeness of God will be created in you and you will become a new creation II Cor. 5:17. Do it today and tell others to do likewise.





C. HOW TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE A NEW CREATION [II COR. 5:17] AND IN GOOD RELATION WITH THE GREAT GOOD SHEPHERD [JOHN 15:1415] Let us put the answer to the above statement into question and answer from the Bible. John 15:14 DO YOU SHOW LOVE TO THE CHIEF SHEPHERD BY KEEPING HIS COMMANDS SUCH AS:i. Keeping yourself away from fornication. ii. Keeping yourself away from adultery. iii. Keeping yourself away from polygamy as He made it clear in Matthew 19:5 they twain shall be one not they three or more. He also through the Holy Spirit, revealed it to us as Paul wrote it in I Corint. 7:2 Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband. No room for two women to share one husband in the commandment of the Chief Good Shepherd. iv. Keeping yourself away from putting your wife or husband asunder Matt. 19:6. the Holy Spirit also wrote through Paul in I Cor. 7:10-11 read it and Rm. 7:2-3. v. Keeping away yourself from drinking and anything that can make your brother / sister fall. I Cor. 8:9 vi. Keeping yourself away from modernizing the Good Shepherds rules and regulations Rev. 22:19 vii. Keeping yourself away from anything that can make the Chief Good Shepherd become angry. Matt. 10:40-42 DO YOU SHOW LOVE TO THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD BY LOVING HIS UNDER SHEPHERDS?

152 Under Shepherds are Pastors and all Gospel preachers of the Gospel. ii. Do you receive them because of Jesus sake? iii. Do you give them gifts because of Christ Name? 3. John 15:12, 17. DO YOU LOVE OTHER SHEEP OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD? i. A born again Christian should always seek for the good of his / her fellow Christian. ii. Love among the true followers of Christ is a witness that one is a follower of Christ read John 13:35. 4. I John 2:16-17 DO YOU LOVE THINGS OF THIS LIFE THAN YOU LOVE THINGS OF CHRIST YOUR CHIEF SHEPHERD? i. Are attending family meetings, political meetings, social meetings and social or is community celebrations taking first position in your life? ii. Whatever prevents you from attending Church services, Bible classes, Sunday school etc is a sign that your relationship with your Chief Shepherd is doubtful or weak. 5. John 15:18-20 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HATED, PERSECUTED OR JEERED AT FOR YOUR STAND ON THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF JESUS THE GOOD CHIEF SHEPHERD OF YOUR CHURCH? i. You cannot escape one of these if you are a true born again person because Jesus Himself had gone through all in His earthly life. ii. Persecution, etc are ingredients of Christian Spiritual life. There are more signs of knowing whether you are born again and in fellowship with Christ, but those mentioned above are enough. Please check your Christian life i.



to defeat Satans subtlety as in Genesis 3:1. Be sure now so that you may not at the end, become like the people of Matt. 7:22-23 and the five virgins cut of ten. Matt. 25:1-13.

154 LESSON 8 KEWY VERSE: I PETER 5:4 THE KIND OF SHEPHERD WHICH JESUS IS A. HOW THE BIBLE DESCRIBEDS HIM He called Himself Good Shepherd John 10:11 The writer of the Bible book called The letter to the Hebrews called Him Great Shepherd Hebrew 13:20 Peter, one of the 12 Apostles, called Him Chief Shepherd I Peter 5:4. The ever living Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever, is Good, Great and Chief Shepherd who took good care of His good sheep when he was physically living on earth. He continues to take good care of His good sheep now that is spiritually living on earth and in heaven. THE GOOD SHEEP IN THE EYES OF JESUS CHRIST All sheep that are good in Jesus eyes are:1. All the born again Christians who have become New Creation in all ages from Adam to the time we read about in Rev. 21:1 and II Peter 3:12. The day of God [not the day of the Lord]. It is beyond the rapture and millennium] when the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shell melt with fervent heart. 2. All born again Christians from all nations Rev. 5:9 Please heed the words of II Peter 3:13-15. Note specially verse 14. Accept Jesus Christ who is the Great and Good Chief Shepherd now and live according to His rules and regulations before it is too late. Heb. 3:12-13. When a person with known sin is taking part in any holy thing in the church, that person, the elders and the

1. 2. 3.



i. ii.

members of that church are playing with the anger of the Great Good Chief Shepherd. Another mistake we make is that we think that money, population of the church and melodious songs and drumming can replace Gods rules and regulations in the church and in the spiritual lives of His sheep and in the undershepherd that is the pastor of that Church. Everybody in that Church is in danger of Gods anger. ON RESTORATION Gal. 6:1 We must have a little summarized exposition of Galatians 6:1 to be able to have little understanding on restoration of an offender unto fellowship. BRETHREN Born again Christians in the church. Those with full membership. OVERTAKEN IN A FAULT Overtaken could mean caught red handed. It can mean catch up with. It could also mean fall into as it is translated in Yoruba Bible. Let us deal with the meaning to which it is translated in Yoruba Bible. How did somebody who fell into sin get into the Did he jump into the sin? Did he slip into the sin or was he pushed into that sin?. Slipping into sin is different from walking and or jumping into sin. Walking or jumping into sin is a premeditated sin while slipping into is an unforeplanned sin. A sin committed by losing ones balance suddenly unaware. Example Peters denial of Jesus was a fall by losing his balance unaware. He slipped into sin. Judass betrayer of Jesus was a premeditated sin. He planned it. It is very easy for a slipper into sin to repent. It is very hard for a jumper or walker into sin to repent. Peter slipped into sin after he was filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. Read Galatians 2:11-13.


156 iii. RESTORE SUCH ONE Restore means bring back to a former position or status. Somebody who falls into a sin loses two statuses in the church (1) he loses his spiritual position or status before God. (2) He loses his temporal position or status before man. He must first be restored into fellowship and good relation with God. Matt. 6:33. Seek FIRST the KINGDOM of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS. The sinner must seek the face of the Lord. Ps. 27:8. He must then be restored into fellowship and good relation with man the church. Luke 15:32. Please read it. Let us do first thing first for a fallen church member whom we love. Taking the second step first, without taking the first, first is not a sign of love as we supposed it to be. Let us stop our Bible exposition here on Galatians 6:1 to avoid too much volume.

C. HOW THE CHIEF GREAT GOOD SHEPHERD IS RELATED WITH US HIS GOOD SHEEP. 1. INTRODUCTION:The relationship of Jesus which we are discussing here is the relationship between the sheep of the Chief Great Good Shepherd with His sheep not with His goats. There are goats among the sheep. Matt. 25:31-34 shows that the sheep are in good relationship with the Chief Great Shepherd while goats are not in good relationship with Him. The goats will be judged and condemned. 2. WHAT HE IS TO US. i. HE IS OUR SAVIOUR. a) Luke 1:47 My spirit hath rejoice in God my saviour. b) II Tim. 1:9 Who hath saved us with a holy calling. Which was in Christ Jesus.



Titus 3:5-6 But according to His mercy. He

HE IS OUR REDEEMER. a) Gal. 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curses b) Titus 2:14 Who gave Himself for that He might redeem us from all iniquity. c) Rev. 14:4 these were redeemed from among men. iii. HE IS OUR GUARDIAN. a) I Peter 3:12 The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous. b) Psalm 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand but shall not come near thee. c) Psalm 61:3 For thou has been a shelter for me. iv. HE IS OUR SECURITY. a) John 10:27-29 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow me. My father who gave them to me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand. v. HE IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. a) Heb. 8:12 for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. b) Psalm 85:2 Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. vi. HE IS OUR LORD Acts 2:36. God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified both LORD and CHRIST. We make Jesus our Lord because of what He is to us. Nobody has so

158 much good and sure relationship as Jesus has with us. His good sheep.



LESSON 9 KEY VERSES: - I John 2:15-17 THE THREE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CHIEF GOOD SHEPHERD TO DIFFERENTIATE MAN SHEEP FROM MAN GOATS A. 1. MEANING: i. Rule means, according to Advanced Learners English Dictionary, Law or custom which guides or controls behaviours or action Decision made by an organization. ii. Regulation is, according to the same English Dictionary, control systematically, and cause to obey a rule or standard. The two words are commonly used together to mean guiding or controlling of custom, behaviour and action. 2. INTRODUCTION: Animal sheep have no moral consciousness therefore God did not give them rules and regulations to keep. They act and behave on instinct with no moral consciousness behind it. Man was given moral consciousness after his creation as an animal (see Gen. 2:7). The main difference between animals and man is that animal has no moral but man has moral which makes him to be the image and likeness of God. B. FIRST WARNING I JOHN 2:16 THE LUST OF THE FLESH The LUST OF THE FLESH includes sexual act, eating and drinking. I have no opportunity to mention all Gods rules against the lust of the flesh; many so-called Christians do habitually break

160 the rules and regulations on sexual act, like adultery, fornication and polygamy. They are like animal sheep. They are goats among the sheep. Likewise any Christian who eats or drinks what God forbids, is a goat among the sheep. Read what will happen to them in Matt. 25:33-34, and any Christian who cannot control himself or herself to obey Gods rules and regulations on sexing [sex-intercourse], eating and drinking, is a goat among the sheep. Please regulate satisfying the body in line with Gods rule and regulations. C. SECOND WARNING I JOHN 2:16 THE LUST OF THE EYES The LUST OF THE EYES includes DELIGHT in obscenity. DELIGHT in looking at ones own riches and possessions, that is, accumulating riches and possessions without using them. Just to be seeing them, DELIGHT in looking at a thing with intention to commit sin. That kind of looking is what Jesus is telling us in Matt. 5:28. There is nothing wrong in looking at the opposite sex in appreciation of beauty, decency and normalcy. Back to the word obscenity obscenity, according to an English Dictionary, are words, thoughts, books, pictures morally disgusting, likely to corrupt [the mind] e.g. describing sex indecently. Anybody who calls himself or herself a Christian and desires to look at obscene pictures and films on television etc is not a Christs sheep. All such people are goats among the sheep. Looking or having pornographic pictures and video cassette is a sign of being carnal and sensual. It shows that animalism in that person is reigning in the life of such a person. He is surely a goat among the sheep if he calls himself or herself a Christian. Such people will pass away with the world. They cannot abideth forever. Read John 2:17. They cannot inherit the kingdom of God. They have no room in the place where our Chief Great Good Shepherd has gone to prepare for us,



unless they repent and abide with the rules and regulations of Jesus as written in the Bible. Gal. 5:19-21. Are you regulating your living to be in line with the rules and regulations of Jesus? Bleaching of the body, costly plaiting of headhair, indecent dressing and other tempting actions are not in line with Gods set-ups. A lady who leaves her head uncovered in public so that people may see her beautiful hair do is committing the sin of the lust of the eye. She is in danger of what Jesus said in Matt. 18:7 and 8-9. THIRD WARNING I JOHN 2:16 THE PRIDE OF LIFE Pride of life is the desire of worldly honour, fame and glory above that of heaven which one can get through Christ Jesus. It is the goats among the sheep that crave for the pride of life above the things of heaven. Read about their kinds in Matt. 23:5-7. i. Their works they do to be seen by men. ii. They make broad their phylacteries. iii. They love the uppermost rooms at feasts and the Chief seats in the Synagogue. Jesus taught us not to choose the highest place for ourselves. Luke 14:7-11 gives us a lesson on allowing God to choose high position for us. Those who call themselves Christians but struggle violently for high positions will one day be abased on earth or in heaven. That of heaven is sure. Those three things, Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life were what Satan used to bring Eve down. He tried them on Jesus on the hill of temptation but Jesus over came the temptation. Satan is still trying cunnings to push and pull us, the sheep of Jesus, into the pit of those three evils. E. THREE MAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EVE AND JESUS IN THEIR TEMPTATIONS FROM SATAN 1. Eve did not recognize Satan. She knew him as one of the beasts which the Lord God had made as one of the dwellers of the garden of Eden.

162 Jesus knew Satan and recognized him when he comes to Jesus. 2. Eve did not have the written words of God to quote though she heard the word of God orally. However, she could not be justified, because she had heard the word of God. Jesus knew and had the written words of God and therefore quoted it against Satan. Jesus said IT IS WRITTEN. 3. Eve put the words of Satan above the words of God. Gen.3:34. God hath said and the serpent said. Jesus put Gods words above that of Satan. OUR PART TODAY Let us, as Jesus sheep, recognize Satan as Satan and recognize his words among us. John 10:3-5. They know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow. Are you following a stranger? We have the written words of God, let us read it and follow what is written in the bible. Let us not add or subtract from it to please the kind of living we want to live. Let us not put mans words, words of traditions and customs, above Gods word as Eve did.


2. 3.



LESSON 10 KEY VERSES: LUKE 2:3, 12, 16 THE MANGER AND THE TROUGH FOR THE SHEEP AT HOME A MEANINGS MANGER A long open box ... for horses or cattle [and sheep] to feed from. This is usually at home not in the bush. Not the pasture. TROUGH Long open box for animals to feed or drink . Manger is usually for holding hay at home for feeding animals, including sheep. While Trough is usually for holding water for animals. These two shepherds instruments are not kept in the bush. They are at home for caring for the sheep when they are away from the bush. Not at the pasture. B. INTERPRETATION Both Manger and Trough represent the Bible for human

1. 2.

i. sheep. ii. Home feeding from Manger and Trough stand for family alter bible reading and devotions at home, personal Bible Study or devotion at home. iii. Green pasture and Still water in the grazing land in the bush stand for Church Sunday Services, Sunday school week days, fellowship Bible Studies and all other group. Bible Studies where the word of God are served as spiritual food and water for hungry and thirsty souls away from peoples homes. Where people can ask questions and discuss Christian topics. Jesus Christ and His Apostles went about to gain sheep into the fold for God. Paul and other Missionaries spent their lives carrying pastures to the scattered or lost

164 animals into the sheep fold. Today we have Church buildings where the human sheep gather together as flocks to receive Gods words. We must feed them with spiritual nourishing word of God. We must also go into the field to bring more human animals to become human sheep. As Mangers and Trough stand to contain food and drink at home for the animal sheep so the Bible is filled with spiritual food and drink for human sheep at home. C. WHAT THE BIBLE IS TO THE TRUS SHEEP OF THE CHIEF GREAT GOOD SHEPHERD 1. IT IS OUR SPIRITUAL ATLAS. i. Prov. 6:23 The commandments is a lamp and instruction are the way of life. ii. Psalm 119:9 wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy way. iii. Psalm 37:23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delighted in his way. iv. Psalm 32:8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine eye. v. Joshua 1:8 This book of law Shall make thy way prosperous. 2. IT IS OUR MAKERS MANUAL i. Psalm 119:28 My soul melteth for heaviness, strong then thou according to they Words. ii. Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength iii. Isaiah 40:29 He giveth power to the fair he increaseth their strength. iv. Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me. v. Psalm 34:20 He keepeth all his bones.



IT IS ON INSURANCE PAPERS. i. Matt. 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. ii. Rom. 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? iii. II Thess. 3:3 The Lord is faithful who shall establish you and keep you from evil. iv. Heb. 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith v. Heb. 7:25 Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. 4. IT IS OUR ONLY UNCHANGEABLE STANDING ORDERS FROM THE CHIUEF GREAT GOOD SHEPHERD. i. Psalm 33:9 He spoke and it was done; He commanded and stood fast. ii. Psalm 119:89 For ever O Lord thy word is settled in heaven. iii. II Peter 1:20-21 the prophecy came out in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. iv. Psalm 33:6 By the word of the Lord were the heavens made v. I Peter 1:23 Being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. 5. IT IS OUR COMAPNION. i. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shall mediate therein day and night that thou mayest observed to do all that is written therein ii. Joshua 8:35 There was not a word of all that Moses commanded which Joshua read not.

166 iii. Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I may not sin against thee. iv. Luke 2:19 And Mary kept all these things [Gods word] and pondered them in her heart. iv. Acts 17:11 They received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily



A PREAMBLE. As I wrote in the introduction of this book, I am not writing this book for or because of any particular Church denomination but here I want to beg to use my church denomination as an illustration. I am not using any particular location. I do not mean a flock but flocks at different locations. We, the under shepherds, the sheep feeders and all the sheep of our Great and Good Chief Shepherd, should let the people who attend our assemblies be able to say, what the people of Jesus time said about our Great and Good Chief Shepherd, may be said about all of us. The people said He hath done all things well. Let us do all things well in our services and worships. Wrong means: Not right not according to fact, not fitted for the purpose, to do opposite of what is correct. Those dictionary meanings may not be sinful, but they are not according to or fit the purposes of which they are made. B. CALL TO WORSHIP. This is to be done by a superior male sheep at the very beginning of any worship service. Not just anybody. By superior we mean the most top officiating minister in that assembly. It should be the prime pastor of the church or next to him in status if he is not available. This is a calling upon God, a prayer. An appropriate word for it is INVOCATION which means to ask God solemnly.



168 iii. A church denominational MINISTERS HAND BOOK says: Call to worship [includes adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication]. Supplication which means humble a request should center on the moment worship service. Call to worship prayer must not be long and should be appropriate to the present conditions of the SERVICE. Call to worship becomes wrongly made when it goes beyond the present worship. Call to worship should fit, suit and be adapted and limited to the on going service. Other requests should be left for the general prayer to avoid repetition at the general prayer. Every pastor and elders MUST HAVE READ AND PUT into practice what is in ECWA PASTORS HAND BOOK page 15-20 especially section D number 2 on page 16, of the ministers handbook. The full special prayer of the pastor for the congregation should be reserved to the time of offeratory prayer which must be done by the pastor.

C. CONGREGATIONAL HYMN i. First hymn should be Hymn of praise. ii. There should be at least three hymns from the hymn book as recommended by the ECWA Ministers handbook iii. Other two hymns should be appropriate to the sermon team of the day. iv. Hymns in the service should not be cut. All stanzas must be sung by the whole congregation. It is wrongly used when church services are used for testing who can sing better women or men etc. it is not a singing practice. It is in the congregational hymns that all present in the church do participate practically. Nobody should be denied singing any stanza.



RESPONSIVE READING Responsive Reading SHOULD NOT BE OMITTED in all church main worship services, especially morning services because:ii. It was a very important item in the Old Testament Worship services. iii. Psalms were very vital in spiritual awakening in the hearts of the worshippers. iv. It is made mandatory to us in the New Testament: a. Eph. 5:1a Speaking to yourselves in Psalm This speaking in Psalms should be part of worship services. b. Colossians 3:16 Teaching an admonishing one kind and should be in item, apart from songs from hymn books and special locally composed lyrics. c. James 5:13 Is any Merry? Let him sing Psalms. v. That we do not know the tunes which were used in the O.T time should not make us abandon them in our usual worship services. Many Christian church denominations sing them as canticles. We may find tones for them for just read them as many churches do. However, it is better to read the Psalms than to abandon the use of Psalms totally from being an item in our regular church worship services. Psalms only should be read at the item of responsive reading. No other Bible book fits or can replace the Psalms as the responsive reading. One of the purposes of responsive readings is to bring an item of Bible worshippers into our worships of today. Psalms to be read in services should fit or correspond with the topic of that Sunday Sermon as much as possible. Responsive Reading should not be called First Lesson. It is not. It is wrong use to call it first lesson.


vii. viii.

170 Ix Responsive Reading is the second item in the worship service in which everybody in the service takes active part. Congregational hymns and responsive readings are the only two items in which the whole congregational jointly participate actively and not passively. Responsive Readings add to the reading of the Bible by the sheep and the Shepherd in worship services. It spurs Bible reading than the text reading. Omission of reading a Psalm as responsive reading and using another book of the Bible as responsive reading is NOT DOING ALL THINGS WELL in our Sunday morning worship services. The book called THE BOOK OF PSALM in the Bible was the hymal of the old Testament believers, meant to be sung, during their worship services. The Psalms were usually sung to the accompayment of musical instruments. It is DOING ALL THINGS WELL, if we sing it in unison or read it responsively in our worship services today. The Psalms in the Book of Psalms were songs composed by various song composers of Old Testament believers and therefore it is wrong to refer to each song as chapters. We should refer to them as Psalm so, so, and so.

x. xi.


D. GENERAL PRAYER What we call General Prayer is the item which follows the Responsive Reading in ECWA Churches which follows responsive reading. We call it so because it is the item in which a baptized full member among the congregation is called to pray. There may be one or two. They are asked to pray as the Lord led or sometimes given some items to pray for. Call to worship, offeratory prayers and almost all other prayers are special prayers. Time of General Prayer is the time when the prayers are not limited in their prayers. The prayers at General prayer time should be a baptized member who



lives in obedience to the Great Chief Good Shepherds Rules and Regulations which is ECWAS standing Oder.


E. LESSON READING The word Text in Christian homiletics means short passage of scripture, as the subject of the sermon or discussion. Lesson Reading, therefore is the passage of the Bible from which the preacher chooses his text for or as the topic of his sermon. Lesson reading is the Bible passage which relates to the sermon. It is the context which may or may not contain the text, but should be related to the sermon. Neither reading only one or two verses as lesson reading nor using the passage for lesson reading as responsive reading is good. What goes before and after the text should be read in the lesson reading. Failure to read the context in lesson reading is a deferment to the interest of the worshippers whom come to the service to hear Bible passages read from the Bible. Bible passage reading in the church is the only Bible which most of the worshippers have in at the week. Failure to read the context in lesson reading also shows the ignorance and lack of interest in Bible reading in the worship service. Bible readings should be more than any other thing in a worship service. That is why the church denominations who love Bible reading and its importance have, responsive reading, first lesson reading from O.T and second from N.T in one morning worship service. Announcement should not be more or than Bible reading in worship services. Do not say We begin with verses say we begin with verse you

172 cannot begin with more than one verse at a time. You may say we shall read Verse so to so It is wrong, though not a sin, to read the verses along with the words. The chapters and verse numbers were not part of the passages. The writers did not put them there. They were put there by an early church father to facilitate easy reference. It is wrong to mention the verse where one is stopping the reading when one gets there e.g [1] wrong to say verse 13 where we stop reading. Just say we are stopping here then say any kind of prayer you want to say. Some say May God bless the reading and the hearing of the word of God some say This is the word of God e.g [2] It is wrong and misleading to say The last verse when we are stopping, when actually many times, the stopping verse is not the last verse of the chapter of which one is reading. NOTE: - The evils which reading the numbers at the beginnings of each verse do are:a) It distops the smooth reading of a good reader in the hearings of good and knowledgeable listeners. b) It is weeds among the wheat because the verses were not what the original writers wrote in their writings. c) Reading the numbers with the words shows the ignorance of the reader on the history of the writing of the Bible. d) Reading the numbers with the words is wrong, not fitting and not according to the purpose of the verse numbers. The numbers can be mentioned when there is an accidental disturbance and stoppage before finishing the passage intended to read. It is mentioned to call







back the attentions of the hearers to the verse from which to continue after the disturbance is over. It is wrong to call the only one lesson reading in one worship service second lesson. Orthodox denominational churches, [I do not mean The Orthodox Church] do have two lesson readings in one worship service as their usual practice. The first lesson is taken from the Old Testament while the second lesson is taken from the New Testament. I am not advocating for a lectionary as they have because the lesson readings have to be in line with the topic of the preaching of that day. I am soliciting for having two lesson readings in our morning Sunday worship services. Reasons why I am advocating for two lesson readings in our morning worship services [First lesson to be taken from Old Testament and second from the New Testament. Each to relate to the sermon topic of that Sunday] are:iv) It shows more harmony between the Old and the New Testaments. v) It is a proof that the Old Testament is in the New and the New Testament is in the Old. vi) It gives the worshippers more hearings of the word of God in the service. vii) It makes people want to carry their Bibles to the church to avoid having no Bible to read while others are reading silently along the lesson reader. viii) It enforces the preacher to be more serious and work harder in his preparations for his sermon because he has to search for two lessons for his sermon. [I know, lazy preachers who are in the habit of Jumping to preaching sermons without preparations will oppose this very good idea.]

174 It helps the preacher to get more materials for his sermon as he searches for first and second lessons. x) Two lesson-readings give more opportunity for more lesson readers in the church. Good members who want to participate in the service will feel belonging. A reader for 1st lesson, another for second one. This is not compulsory. There are more good reasons to support two lesson readings at our morning service but we stop here. I did use this method as experiment in some of the churches which I pastured. It was successful. They liked it and supported it. The only complaint was that it added to the time spent in the morning worship. We solved that seeming problem by reducing the number of people who made announcements and the time for announcements. They believed that time spent for reading the word of God is better than the times spent for wild ecstatical dancing, wrongly called praise worship. Praise worship in the service is very good but many churches use them wrongly. Praise worship should not last too long. I am not the only person who is soliciting for two lessons, apart from responsive reading, in morning services. Let us try it and see the blessings which the words of God give to the worshippers. Jeremiah 15:16. F. THE USE OF EXPRESSION HALLELUYAH The word Halleluyah is a universal expression of the Christendom. It is not a word but just an expression which means Praise God. It is not even Praise the Lord. There are two main ways by which Halleluyah is used wrongly in our worship service and at other Christian gatherings. a. DILLUSION OF WORDS. It is not doing a thing well by commanding in English words and expects people to respond in a Hebrew expression. A good speaker or commander who expects response in Hebrew should ix)



say it clearly like this SHOUT HALLELUYAH every body will automatically shout Halleluyah. If the commander wants people to say AMEN. He should make it clear in English by saying shout Amen. Everybody will say Amen. To use the expression halleluyah correctly. Note the followings well:i. In English service, always say shout Halleluyah in English. ii. In Yoruba service say E yin Oluwa logo in Yoruba. iii. In Hausa service say A yabo Ubangi or ku che halleluyah iv. In Ibo Si or tien Hallelujeh v. Use the language of the service to command. Praise God, then there will be no more confusion in our gathering over the expression of halleluyah. Why do we suddenly turn to English Language from the language in Praise God? If the conductor wants people to respond in Hebrew he should say in Yoruba E ke Halleluyah. In Hausa he should say Ku Che Halleluyah. It is very wrong to ask people to shout halleluyah three times or seven times once is enough. It is wrong to prolong the expression of saying Halle, Halle, Halle, HALLEEEE Halleluuuuu. It is also wrong to say praise, praise, praise etc. Some illiterate people say pire the Lur because they do not know the meaning and how to say praise the Lord. b. DISHONOURING GOD The word Halleluyah means Praise Yahweh. Yahweh means God. i. Halleluyah should not be used to mean stop making noise as it is commonly used in most of our churches today. It should not be used to call attention of the audience to the speaker. ii. It should be used carefully, not carelessly; shouting of the Name of God should be used with honour.

176 It should be spared for a time when a special wonderful thing happens for which we really must praise God. When news of a great thing done by God is given, we must be careful to see that we are not calling Gods name in vain. The word Yahweh is not a playing word. We should shout Halleluyah at an appropriate time and when necessary. G. BENEDICTION Benediction means Blessing, especially one given by a priest at the end of a church service Oxford Advanced English Dictionary. i. It should not be turned to another usual prayer as many pastors do in our churches today. ii. There should be only ONE AMEN at its end of benediction. iii. Benediction is wrongly used against its purpose when it is turned to another usual prayer. iv. Any so called benediction which is different from one of what are in ECWA Ministers Handbook of 1991 on pages 19-21 under benediction of the topic worship service of chapter 4 page 15 is not benediction at all. Unless it follows the ones found in the Bible. v. Benediction must be made by the senior minister [Pastor] in the worship service. vi. Benediction are not to be made in a meeting or service by a woman where a baptized full member man who keeps the rules and regulations of the Great Good Chief Shepherd of ECWA, is present. Such practice is not in the Bible. iii.



This book is not a book on how to preach but on how to avoid observations in preaching. i. It is wrong to do the praying part of the sermon, between the introduction of the sermon and the sermon proper. Unless you forget to begin with prayer. You and the congregation need the help of God in both the introduction and the sermon proper. It is very wrong to exclude introduction of the sermon from Gods help and blessing in all the sermon. ii. It is wrong to become a pendulum on the rostrum. It causes distraction in the minds of your audience when you swing or run or roam on the rostrum. An action to demonstrate a point may be appropriate.

178 LESSON 12 KEY VERSES: - I Cor. 14:33, 40 SUGGESTED ORDER OF SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE! [Not for conformist and Pentecostal churches] Let us not forget our KEY VERSE for these appendices. Mark 7:37. He hath done all things well. Order of Sunday morning worship service is one of the things we must do well. The following order of Sunday morning worship service is in line with ECWA Minister Handbook page 15-21, but this is a little more detail and made to accommodate two lessons readings in one Sunday morning worship service. The following order of service is a suggestion. i. Prayer in the vestry with the pastor, elders and the main choir or all the church choirs. ii. Procession of pastor, elders and choir from the vestry to their seats in the church. iii. Main Choirs introit [optimal] iv. Invocation [call to worship] by the prime pastor or a senior minister in status present, who is on the restrum. v. Congregational hymn Hymn of Praise. vi. Responsive Reading Necessary should be from the book of Psalms. vii. General Prayer Usually from the congregation. viii. Congregational hymn On sermon topic. ix. 1st Lesson from Old Testament. x. Special Number [Optional] Intermediate Choir or others xi. 2nd Lesson From New Testament. xii. Special Number [Optional] Women Choir. xiii. Announcement Church Secretary Only. Pastor may throw more light on any that is not clear but not to repeat.



xiv. Sunday Offering and Main Choir. xv. Offertory and Special Prayer by the prime Pastor [Main Choir] [An elder where necessary] where unavoidable. xvi. Congregational Hymn, to suit the sermon. xvii. Sermon. xviii. Closing Sermon Hymn From Hymn Book when there is time. xix. Benediction by the Prime Pastor who did the Invocation. xx. Recessional Songs by the Choir. Worshipping God in the church should be put above money raising. Musical instrument sounds must be lower than the words of the songs. NOTE THE FOLLOWING WELL. Do not consider the number of the items on the above suggested programme. It is the times spent on each item that is to be considered. And worked wisely upon. Especially announcements. b. We are not Penticostal in the way of worship service. Therefore we must not act be like one of the Pentecostal Churches. I do not say what they do is sinful but they are wrongfully used if brought into ECWA which is not Penticostal, vice versa. c. ECWA Church started many years before todays Penticostal Churches. ECWA should not copy from them; they are to copy from ECWA. d. ECWA should be identified by her originality in her mode of worship services. e. ECWA should be identified by spiritual Christian life and Biblical mode of worship. a.

180 f. Do act be like a Chameleon in you mode of worship it does not make a church draw nearer to God. g. S.I.M, the church of our fathers did not have flambouyant mode of worship and yet they performed the greatest miracle which we studied in Lesson 2 of section two. h. ECWA denominational authorities should see to the uniformity of mode of worship service with they minimal differences in ALL ECWA Churches in West Africa. This should be made loud and clear. i. ECWA Pastors, Parapastors, and all members should remain ECWA in faith, in spiritual life and mode of worship. j. The Good Great Shepherd is one. Read John 4:19-24, I Cor. 14:40, Heb. 2:20, Psalm 96:9.



AN EXEGESIS OF 1TIMOTHY 3:1-7 AS THE PRINCIPLES AND PANACEA FOR CHURCH LEADERSHIP IN NIGERIA INTRODUCTION God is the author, the master-planner, and the first actor of leadership; it is so because He is portrayed in the Holy Writ as the leader of the Heavenly Council. In the Garden of Eden God gave man the opportunity to lead and oversee the affairs on earth (Psalm 115:16). Suffice it to say that it is as a result of the fall of man that propelled God to have qualifications for leadership. In the chain of events as recorded in the Bible God laid down qualifications for leadership in every generation, the nation Israel included and even the church in spite of the new covenant relationship. Realizing the essence and the significance of leadership in the church, Peter Wagner asserts, The important factor that determines church growth or decline is its leadership.1 The church is not and will never be a business and yet many of the leadership principles pastors depend on today are based on secular teachings rather than on the foundational Word of God. In essence, the church may be trying to do Gods work in mans way. 2 In spite of the modern innovations posed by science and technology the Bible remains our status quo and manual for every church leader regardless of the generation.



Peter Wagner, Your Church can Grow (Glendale: Royal Books, 1976),

2 Fred Smith Leading with Integrity Book Review http://www.leadingwithintegrity.html

182 Pastor William F. Kumuyi expressed his concern for church leadership in the following ways as he wrote the forward to the book titled, 2 Models of Leadership for Kingdom Building written by Danny McCain: There is dearth of true leaders in many spheres of the worlds institution today, especially in the church. Many who have taken on themselves positions of leadership are neither gifted for the role, nor do they take the pain to understand the intricacies of the office. Some others, who though called to the office of leadership, are either too timid to face the task, or are docile and lethargic about serving (loving) the Lord faithfully with their whole minds. Consequently, they are unable to use the mind to focus on their God-given or divinely generated ideas or vision.3 Chris Ajaero in Newswatch, August, 27, 2007 reports They are churches but they are more into the business of making money than winning souls. Bishop David Oyedepo explained that just as business involves investment and profit making, pastors invest in ministry to make profit. Still the reporter comments that Bishop David Oyedepo and some other Pentecostal pastors have re-invented the core meaning of Christianity by pushing the frontiers of affluence in the socio-political, business and educational realms of Nigeria. On 16th September 2007, Rev. Dr. Maigadi (the Deputy Provost of ECWA Theological Seminary Jos and the Pastor of the ECWA Seminary Church ) in his preaching expressed his pitiful concern about church leadership in Nigeria. He further said he came across a newspaper and in it was written boldly The Most Fifty Powerful Pastors in Nigeria where the names of the pastors that use the most expensive car, the most numerous miracle performers and
3 Danny McCain, 2 Models of Leadership for Kingdom Building (Jos: Capro Media Publishing, 2000), 8, 9.



so on. This is also attested to by Prof. Samuel Kuniyhop (the Provost of ECWA Theological Seminary Jos) on 21st October 2007 in ECWA Seminary Church. Means has rightly observed that the church going through a leadership crisis or chaos which is glaring from five symptoms which are: 1. The absence of meaningful growth in the churches 2. The amount of discord and disharmony among congregations 3. The number of brief pastorates and ministerial burnout 4. The rise of a spectator religion that caters to the fallout from churches with leadership problems 5. The high percentage of non-ministering churches.4 In this paper, the researcher sees the qualifications in 1Timothy 3:1-7 as the principles for a successful church leadership which as a result will serve as panacea (a curing device). At different times the researcher will be using these terms principles and qualifications interchangeably in order to avoid ambiguity. DEFINITIONS OF CHURCH LEADERSHIP Robert Clinton did define leadership well when he wrote: A Christian leader is a person with God-given capacity and with a Godgiven responsibility to influence a specific group of Gods people toward Gods purpose for the group.5 Pastoral Leadership is the ability to assume long tern responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of believers.6

James Means, Leadership in Christian Ministry, 18-22.

B. Motty, (Paper Presentation for Leadership Week, ECWA theological Seminary, Jos: First Semester 2007), 1. Bruce Jones, Ministerial Leadership in a Managerial World (Tyndale House, 1988), 71.

184 Quoting George Barna, Blackaby defines Christian leadership as A Christian leader is someone who is called by God to lead; leads with and Christlike character; and demonstrates the functional competencies that permit effective leadership to take place.7 Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose, and the character which inspires confidence. Boice Montgomery.8 AN OVERVIEW OF 1TIMOTHY 3:1-7 Paul gives instruction about how to choose church leaders in 1Timothy 3: 1-13 and Titus 1:5-9, there is absolutely no mention of need for a special call. Judgment is to be based purely on ones ability and the quality of ones Christian example. Likewise, where we see Paul choosing leaders himself, there is no indication he required a specific call.9 Having introduced the office of a bishop as a good thing and that one should desire it, Apostle Paul further goes ahead to give the qualifications for that office. The reason must have been the fact that it is a very sensitive and key office in the church. The qualifications number fifteen in all. One must pay attention to this word dei meaning be necessary, must; should, ought; be proper.10 In that case it is of high value and imperative for these conditions to be met before
Henry & Richard Blackaby, Spiritual Leadership (Kaduna: Evangel Publishers Ltd, 2001), 17. Ibid., 2. Blain M. Smith, Knowing Gods Will: Finding Guidance for Personal Decisions (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1991), 122.
8 7


Bible Works 5 on 1Timothy 3:2



anyone can assume this noble office. As seen in this passage, there are four cardinals principles of church leadership: there are two social qualifications relating with the reputation of the leader within the church and outside the church, one ministry qualification-the ability to teach, eight qualifications which have to do with the leaders behaviour, three on family life, and one on his spiritual maturity 11He should not be a recent convert. An Outline of 1Timothy 3:1-7 1. The Office (1) 2. Character Qualifications(2-3) 3. Family Qualifications (4-5) 4. Spiritual Qualifications (6) 5. Ministry Qualifications (7) THE OFFICE Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task. This saying is trustworthy: the saying introduced is so unlike others after this phrase that some later Western manuscripts read, "This saying is popular." It is understood by some interpreters as concluding the preceding section (1 Tim 2:8-15). This saying may have been submitted to Paul for his comment, and he responded by commending it as good and acceptable. Pauls exhortation in Romans 12 that if an individuals gift is leadership he should govern diligently (verse 8) implies the temptation to shrink sometimes from the exercise of leadership because of its demanding nature.12
11 Ajith Fernando, Leadership Lifestyle: A Study of 1Timothy (Mumbai: GLS Publishing, 1985), 52. For other accounts on this see New American Bible (Bible Works 5)

Derek Prime, Pastors and Teachers: The Calling and Work of Christs Ministers (Dorian Grove: Christian Books for Africa and Asia, 2003), 179.


186 ovre,gomai $ovre,gw) Meaning: be eager for, long for, desire 1) to stretch one's self out in order to touch or to grasp something, to reach after or desire something 2) to give one's self up to the love of money.13 It is quite true that the two meanings are relevant still today because some come into this noble office either with positive or negative intention. The picture this word tends to portray is that church leadership is a goal one sets before him with enthusiastic longing. Christian aspiration is not the same selfish aspiration. Christian aspiration stems out of a desire to be used by God to the fullest. The primary goal toward which a Christian strives is to be totally available for God to use as he sees fit, because availability breeds productivity. As noted by the Roman historian Tacitus, The lust for power, for dominating others, influences the heart more than any other passion.14 The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once examined, Wherever I found a living creature, I found the unconditioned will to power, to overpower. Let us conclude this section with what Bertrand Russell noted, Of the infinite desires of man, the chief are the desires for power and for glory. evpiskoph, Meaning: Bishop: literally, "overseer"; cf. Philippians 1:1. By having an extensive search could mean the following: investigation, inspection, and visitation. Furthermore it could go a long way to mean: First, that act by which God looks into and searches out the ways, deeds character, of men, in order to adjudge them their lot accordingly, whether joyous or sad. Second oversight: overseership, office, charge, the office of an elder and seer or presiding officers of a Christian church. Never are church leaders to think of their status as lordship, but as servanthood. Leaders are not selected so that they might have

BibleWorks Greek LXX/BNT Morphology, BibleWorks 5. David Prior, Jesus and Power (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1987),





dominion over the body of believers, but that there might be guidance in spiritual matters by qualified, godly individuals under the lordship of Christ. Therefore, however we interpret the words: rule, direct, obey and submit, they cannot be interpreted in a way that gives leader the kind of authority that the rulers of the Gentiles had, or that officials exercise in the secular world. 15 Oswald Sanders has rightly observed when he writes: True greatness, true leadership, is achieved not by reducing men to ones service but in giving oneself in selfless service to them.16Church leadership should not be seen as an opportunity to exploit the members. Choosing men for office in the church or any of its auxiliaries without reference to spiritual qualifications must of necessity result in an unspiritual administration. Appointment of men with a secular or materialistic outlook prevents the Holy Spirit from carrying out His programme for the church in the world.17 CHARACTER QUALIFICATIONS Now the overseer must be above reproach, temperate, selfcontrolled, respectable, hospitable, , 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.7 He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap. Titus 1:6-8 is a twin Scripture passage to 1Timothy 3:2-3 since it is written by one author, Apostle Paul. In these passages Paul
15 2

James E. Means, Leadership in Christian Ministry (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1989), 97.

Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership, 23. cited by John Stott New Issues Facing Christians Today (Michigan, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999), 432.

J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Leadership (Chicago: Moody Press, 1980),


188 presents a phenomenon to discuss the character traits necessary for one who holds the pastoral office in a local church. First, he must be a man with the highest of morals in his sexual behaviour, including a wholesome relationship with his wife. Second, he must also be one who has proven his leadership capabilities in his own children spiritually as well as otherwise. Third, he must demonstrate nobility in his attitude and conduct by being free from self-will, quick temperedness, addiction to wine, aggressiveness, and a fondness of sordid gain, he must have the positive qualities of hospitality, a love for the good, sensibleness, justice, purity, and self-control.18 To begin with Blameless. avnepi,lhmpton meaning to be above reproach. Every virtue is implied in this word; so that if any one be conscious to himself of any sins, he does not will to desire an office for which his own actions have disqualified him. For such a person ought to be ruled, and not to rule others. For he who bears rule should be brighter than any luminary; his life should be unspotted, so that all should look up to him, and make his life the model of their own.19 However we must be conscious of the fact that, Strong people always have strong weaknesses too. 20 Character is what someone is in the dark writes D. L. Moody. In regards to this Greeley has this to say, Fame is vapor; popularity an accident; riches take wings. Only one thing endures, and that is character. Spencer expresses himself this way, Not education but character is man's greatest need and man's greatest safeguard. To round off with Macaulay says, The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
John MacArthur, Jr. ed. Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry: Shaping Contemporary Ministry with Biblical Mandates (Nashville, Tennessee, 1995), 281.
19 18

John Chrysostom, Homilies on the First Epistle to Timothy.

Peter F. Drucker, The Effective Executive (Harper & row, 1966), 72. John Stott, 433.




Hospitality referred literally to taking in trustworthy travelers as guests. Such hospitality was a universal virtue, but because inns in antiquity usually functioned also as brothels, Jewish people in the Diaspora were especially willing to take in fellow Jewish travelers, as long as the travelers bore letters of recommendations certifying their trustworthiness (612,3). Clarendon It is not the quantity of the meat, but the cheerfulness of the guests which makes the feast. MINISTERIAL QUALIFICATION 2 able to teach Didaktiko,j meaning apt and skilful in teaching. One of the problems that churches in have is the inability to teach properly the Word of God. At times it is on the part of the church members, teaching programmes might have been organized by the pastor but nobody is available. One cannot over-emphasize the significance of teaching in the church. The early church was committed to this, They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching (Acts 2:42). Gbile Akanni notes that what sustains the church is not [only] administration but ministry.21 SPIRITUAL QUALIFICATIONS He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. The word translated recent convert neo,futoj where we got our English word neophyte and could mean: newly planted, a new convert. The Africa Bible Commentary comments on this that The most important requirement for a pastor is maturity. Pride is the worst trap that lies in wait for a new convert given a position of leadership. Once caught in the devils trap, the pastor and the entire
21 Gbile Akanni, The Price, Plight and Perils of the Anointed (Gboko, Benue State: Peace Hose, 1999), 134.

190 community can no longer give a good testimony for God.22 This looks straight to the problem that pride can cause in Nigerian church leadership and in a wider range African church leadership. Spurgeon observes, There is nothing into which the heart of man so easily falls as pride. And yet there is no vice that is more frequently, more emphatically, and more eloquently condemned in Scripture.23 FAMILY LIFE the husband of but one wife, 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect.5 (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?) The husband of but one wife.24 There have been different interpretations throughout the history of the church.25The question that one is faced with is should a pastor be allowed to serve if he has more than one wife, either through death or divorce? On this matter Pulpit Commentary has this to offer: If we consider the general laxity in regard to marriage, and the facility of divorce, which prevailed among Jews and Romans at this time, it must have been a common

Tokunboh Adeyemo, ed. Africa Bible Commentary (Nairobi, Kenya: Word Alive Publishers, 2006), 1472.

Spurgeon Quotations Power Bible CD 2000.


New American Bible translates the phrase mia/j gunaiko.j a;ndra( this way: married only once. This is exegetically incorrect and doctrinally imbalanced.

For detail accounts of this see William Barclay, Daily Study Bible Series: The Letters to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press, Began 1953, 87. Cited in The Preachers and Outline and Sermon Bible, Volume 10. (Chattanooga: Alpha-Omega Ministries, inc., 1998), 136, 7.



thing for a man to have more than one woman living who had been his wife. And this [was] a distinct breach of the primeval law (Genesis 2:24), [and] would properly be a bar to any one being called to the office of a bishop. It is utterly unsupported by any single passage in Scripture that a second marriage should disqualify a man for the sacred ministry. As regards the opinion of the early church, it was not at all uniform, and among those who held that this passage absolutely prohibits second marriages in the case of a [overseer], it was merely a part of the asceticism of the day.26 The researcher agrees with the opinion of John Chrysostom that when the Apostle says the husband of one wife. This he does not lay down as a rule, as if he must not be without one, but as prohibiting the church leader of having more than one.27 House oi=koj of uncertain affinity; a dwelling (more or less
extensive, literally or figuratively); by implication a family (more or less related, literally or figuratively): - home, house (-hold), temple .28

Politicians were often evaluated by how well their children obeyed them; it had long been accepted that the family was a microcosm of society and that a leader first needed to demonstrate his leadership skills in the home. Men in Pauls day exercised a great deal of authority over their wives and children. That childrens behaviour reflected on their parents was a commonplace of ancient wisdom.29
H. D. M. Spence & Joseph S. Exell, eds. The Pulpit Commentary, Volume 21 (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1950), 51. John Chrysostom, Homilies on the First Epistle to Timothy Classic Christian Ethereal Library2000. 28 Rick Meyers, 1Timothy 3:6-7 e-Sword Bible CD 2005. Craig S. Keener, The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament (Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2000), 613.
29 27 26

192 In an interview conducted with Miss Bunmi on 5th October 2007, she laid more emphasis on the roles of the parents in the upbringing of the children. She went further by referring to the case of her family thus blaming her parents for their failure. Evans has a wonderful comment on home, Home should be a place of mutual responsibility and respect, of encouragement and cooperation and counsel, of integrity, of willingness to work, of discipline when necessary, with the tempering quality of love added to it, with a sense of belonging, and with someone to talk to. 30 In an interview conducted on 13th November, 2007, with Pastor Abafi, the Head of Department for Pastoral Department of Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, said There are many problems at home but more are there in the church, so the capacity to perform effectively in the church leadership must be tested at home.

Evidence given (judicially or generally): - record, report, testimony, witness. If you want your neighbor to see what the Christ spirit will do for him, let him see what it has done for you. -H. Beecher CHURCH LEADERSHIP Spiritual leadership is the development of relationships with the people of a Christian institution or body in such a way that individuals and the group are enabled to formulate and achieve biblically compatible goals that meet real needs. By their ethical influence, spiritual leaders serve to motivate and enable others to achieve what otherwise would never be achieved.31


Evans, Quotations Power Bible CD 2000. James Means, Leadership in Christian Ministry, 59.




If a leader is worthy of the position, he is worthy to be followed. If he cannot be trusted, he ought not to be the leader. The man who is qualified to be pastor of a congregation is entitled to the loyal allegiance and support of every member of his flock. If the official board feels that they must take his orders and get his vision from them, then they ought not to have him as their pastor at all. If a man is capable of being the pastor, he is capable of leading the flock and guiding.32 Purpose-driven churches are led by purpose-driven leaders.33 Successful ministry is building the church on the purposes of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and expecting the results from God (397). CONCLUSION Nigeria has not been enjoying effective leadership which has resulted in our lagging behind. The Nigeria church leadership should set a pace for the Nigerian Political leaders in order to emulate. Without any shadow of doubt, most Christians even non-Christians will admit that there are spiritual and moral maladies in the Nigerian church leadership. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (along with other Scripture passages like Titus 1:5-9) presents to every God-leadership a way out of the ill-health of the church thus serving as a panacea (cure). Integrity is required from any leader that is going to effect a lasting and qualitative revival in this generation. Church leaders must be prepared to pay the price because they can do that. Nigerian church leadership should be challenged with the principle of Fred Smith One principle I have learned is that God will not do for me what I
Oswald J. Smith, The Battle for Truth Benin: The Voice of Evangelism, 1993, 116. Rick Warren The Purpose Driven Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1995). 395.
33 32

194 can do for myself but he will not let me do for myself what only he can do.34


Fred Smith.



Adeyemo, Tokunboh ed. Africa Bible Commentary Nairobi, Kenya: Word Alive Publishers, 2006. Akanni, Gbile. The Price, Plight and Perils of the Anointed Gboko, Benue State: Peace House, 1999. Drucker, Peter F. The Effective Executive Illinois: Harper & Row, 1966. Fernando, Ajith. Leadership Lifestyle: A Study of 1Timothy Mumbai: GLS Publishing, 1985. Janvier, George & Bitrus Thaba. Understanding Leadership: An African Christian Model Kaduna, Nigeria: Baraka Press and Publishers Ltd., 2005. Chrysostom, John. Homilies on the First Epistle to Timothy Classic Christian Ethereal Library2000. Keener, Craig S. The IVP Bible Background Commentary New Testament Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 2000. MacArthur, John Jr. ed. Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry: Shaping Contemporary Ministry with Biblical Mandates Nashville, Tennessee, 1995. McCain, Danny. 2 Models of Leadership for Kingdom Building Jos: Capro Media Publishing, 2000. Smith, Oswald J. The Battle for Truth Benin: The Voice of Evangelism, 1993. Prime, Derek. Pastors and Teachers: The Calling and Work of Christs Ministers Dorian Grove: Christian Books for Africa and Asia, 2003. Prior, David. Jesus and Power Downers Grove: Intervarsity Press, 1987. Sanders, J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership Chicago: Moody Press, 1980.

196 Spence, H. D. M. & Joseph S. Exell, eds. The Pulpit Commentary, Volume 21 Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1950. The Preachers and Outline and Sermon Bible, Volume 10. Chattanooga: Alpha-Omega Ministries, inc., 1998. Wagner, Peter. Your Church can Grow Glendale: Royal Books, 1976. CD ROMS & INTERNET FACILITIES Bible Works Greek LXX/BNT Morphology: 1Timothy 3 Bible Works 5. Rick Meyers, 1Timothy 3:6-7 e-Sword Bible CD 2005. Spurgeon Quotations Power Bible CD 2000. Fred Smith Leading with Integrity Book Review http://www.leadingwithintegrity.html Evans, Quotations Power Bible CD 2000. P. D. Meyer on March 16, 2007, (Accessed on 11th November 2007)



Rev. Moses Adebayo Olubamigbe is a retired minister of ECWA. He has served in schools and churches. He has written several Gospel books, lecture handouts, tract and pamphlets. Pastor Michael Adedeji Olajide is a lecturer at ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, A member of Bible and Theology Department. He teaches Greek Language and Exegesis. He has served as a pastor.

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