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You have been asked to produce a school magazine. State what type of software you would use, and why. DTP (desktop publisher) because it enables you to manipulate both images and text easily; Complete each of the following sentences by stating a type of software that would be used in each instance. a. Minutes of a meeting would be typed using a word processing package b. Company accounts would be calculated using a spreadsheet package c. The World Wide Web is accessed using a web browser d. Web pages are designed using web design software e. Production of advertising leaflets desktop publishing software What is the difference between general application software packages and specific application software packages? Give examples for each application. General application packages is a packages that perform a variety of general tasks, e.g. word processor, spreadsheet, database, graphic, whilst specific application packages are designed to perform a specific job or specialized task. E.g. payroll, morphing program, fuel pump station, simulation programs, industrial robot control and etc. What is the function of a modem? It connects a computer to a telephone line, or other external communication link such as television cables or microwaves. Its function is to encode data so that it can be transmitted, both from and to the computer. What does the term World Wide Web refer to? The World Wide Web is the fastest growing part of Internet and it takes the form of web sites organized into pages where graphics, sound, video and animation are used with text to present information on every topic. What is a web site? A file made of groups of pages that can be displayed on the World Wide Web. Each web site has its own unique address, which is called the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Write one difference between a Local Area Network (LAN) and a Wide Area Network (WAN) A LAN is normally within one room or building. WAN is spread over long distances (e.g. Internet) OR A LAN is a network which is confined to a small area, usually within a single building such as a school or a block of offices which are connected directly by cables. What is: a) an operating system A program or a set of programs that controls and manages a complete operation of the computer. It allows us to interface with the computer hardware. b) a network operating system Software enabling computers to communicate with each other computers over a network. Describe two ways the Data Protection Act 1998 aims to protect individuals from the misuse of personal data. data must be obtained fairly; data must be up to date; data can only be used for the specified purpose; data must be accurate; data must not be kept longer than necessary; individual is entitled to have access to data on him or herself.









10. State three criminal offences that occur due to the misuse of the Internet, and state three social or moral offences that occur due misuse of internet. Three criminal offences are: 1.Legal problems 2.copying peoples work 3.fraud Three social or moral offences are: and moral problems: selling lists of names leading to junk mail 2.pornography on the Internet 3.spreading viruses

11. Give two software methods of preventing illegal access to computer records. 1. Encryption 2. Use of passwords

12. What is the advantage of using encryption files? It ensures privacy for the sender and recipient to share their message. OR It is impossible to read the encrypted files without a decoder.

13. How does a basic data logging system work? It automatically records data as it is produced. The data is collected by sensors or other instruments and the sensors are linked to a computer via an interface board. Readings are taken at regular time intervals, over a fixed period of time.

14. How do viruses infect a computer system? Viruses attach themselves to computer programs and data files. They can then spread without the users knowledge by copying themselves on hard disk and also across network.

15. What precautions can be taken to guard against viruses? It is best to use reliable software always, and to run antivirus software regularly. Data should be backed up regularly and important disks write-protected. Any computer that has been repaired, or any software received second-hand should always be scanned for viruses before use. Beware of software from bulletin boards and freeware. 16. How can accidental damage or computer failure lead to loss of data? With high level of use, computer systems are likely to develop faults that can cause the loss of quantities of data, as can inexperience human users who are unfamiliar with software and do not know the correct procedures to use. Such as mistakes with commands or other interactions with the system. Examples: -A simple command at the operating systems prompt could erase an entire hard disk. -People may get dirt on disks and tapes, and this will not only damage the data stored on them, but may also damage the drive into which they are inserted. -Overloaded with software. -Nearing the end of their working life.

17. Define the term personal data and name individual data that is considered as a sensitive personal data. Personal data is data that can be identify a living person, and allow an opinion to be expressed about that person. Sensitive personal data are: racial or ethnic origins, religious beliefs, political opinions, membership of trades union, state of physical or mental health, sexual life, etc. 18. What is mean by data capture and give one example of data capture. It means obtaining data for a computer. One example is collecting documents which have been filled-in, and preparing them to be entered into the computer using input device such as keyboard. 19. State two sensors useful in a burglar alarm system. Pressure and infrared, OR Acoustic, movement. 20. What output device would be suitable for a computer controlled burglar alarm? Bell, siren, some form of display at police station. 21. What is meant by the expression Read-Only? Data can be read but cannot be altered. 22. Describe the purpose of the microprocessor in a dishwasher machine. A dishwasher uses an embedded system that is pre-programmed to perform the dedicated tasks required for the various wash cycles. Embedded are smaller and more reliable than traditional motor or clockwork driven control systems. Precise timings for pump and motor actions can be controlled by the microprocessor. It is even possible to re-program the microprocessor to cope with advances in washing powder technology. 23. Supermarkets sell goods that are marked with bar codes. a. List three pieces of information that are stored in the supermarket computer to enable the bar code system to work. 1. Price, 2. quantity in stock, 3. item description OR item and bar code number, supplier, manufacturer. b.Give two reasons why supermarket would want to use bar codes on food items. 1. Processing at the cash tills is faster, 2. There are few errors, OR Stock control is automatic OR There is less manual keying in, OR Validation is easy. 24. Ahmad would like to do her banking on the Internet but is worried that other people might be able to obtain his bank account details. a). Identify two possible benefits to Ahmad of Internet banking Benefit 1 can access bank account details from home. Benefit 2 can access detail 24 hours OR he can take more control of his own bank account. b). Identify two benefits to the bank if more people use the Internet to do their banking Benefit 1 fewer bank branches are needed Benefit 2 fewer employees are needed OR with fewer branches and staff means lower business costs for the bank. c). Give two security measures that could help prevent unauthorized access to Ahmads bank details Measure 1 use of username and password Measure 2 use of data encryption software OR additional security features such as date of birth, mothers maiden name etc

25. Give one feature of a microprocessor-controlled camera that is not available in a manually controlled camera Pictures taken can be deleted or pictures can be edited by transferring picture(s) to a PC through a special transfer device (or wireless transfer). OR it contains memories that can stored a lot of pictures to be edited later. 26. Explain briefly the Social and Economic Implication in information and communication technology to the following: a). Health hazards. A number of health hazards associated with prolonged use of a computer have been identified: eyestrain from looking at the screen. back problems from sitting too long in one position. repetitive strain injury (RSI) from continual working at a keyboard and causing pain in the arms and wrists. Employees must be given regular breaks or changes in activity. Employers must conduct a risk analysis to evaluate the risks to eyesight, physical problems and mental stress. They must also take appropriate action to remove any risks discovered. The workstations must conform to certain minimum standards. These standards state the maximum radiation emissions from the screen, that the keyboard must be separate from the screen, and that the chair must be adjustable in height and tilt b). Social issues. New computer applications are appearing every day. We already depend on computers for most things that we do and in the main they have improved our standard of living. They have provided many cheap goods of high quality and enabled a range of services that would be impossible without computer systems. There are some concerns that people have about the increasing use of computers: Privacy - computer systems make it possible to track everything we do. Employment - computer systems can cause unemployment. Safety - computer systems control airplanes, railways, and other transport systems. Junk mail - it is possible to send advertising material that is not wanted.37. Communication and Internet : 1. Explain why the rate of data transmission is important? Because the user is connected to a telephone line, and the use of this line costs money. Users also do not want to sit in front of a screen and have to wait ages for files to be downloaded. 2. Why is bandwidth important? It refers to the speed at which data can be transferred across a network. High bandwidth is preferable because it allows transmission of many signals at once. On a monitor screen, high bandwidth provides a sharp image. 3. Outline briefly what the Internet is? The Internet is a world-wide area network that connects to millions of other people and organizations. It is the biggest network in the world. 4. What does the term World Wide Web refer to? The World Wide Web is the fastest growing part of Internet and it takes the form of web sites organized into pages where graphics, sound, video and animation are used with text to present information on every topic.


What is a web site? A file made of groups of pages that can be displayed on the World Wide Web. Each web site has its own unique address, which is called the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). 18. Explain briefly what is meant by Social and Economic Implication in information and communication technology and what are the impact to the following: Social and Economic Implication to: Employment issues. Computers have changed the way that we work. The introduction of computer systems has meant that some occupations have disappeared to be replaced by new ones that require different skills. This has meant that people have lost their jobs and have had to face going back to college to be retrained to do something else. Often people have not lost their jobs but have had to face new working practices, for example secretaries are now using word processing systems instead of typewriters, e-mail has replaced letters, and so on. Some people find it challenging and enjoy the changes while others are worried by them.

Networks: 6. Write one difference between a Local Area Network (LAN) and a Wide Area Network (WAN) A LAN is normally within one room or building. WAN is spread over long distances (e.g. Internet) OR A LAN is a network which is confined to a small area, usually within a single building such as a school or a block of offices which are connected directly by cables. 7. The name given to the ways computer networks are connected together is topology. Name and draw the diagram of each the three topologies. 1. A Star Network Topology 2. A Ring Network Topology 3. A Bus Network Topology 8. Discuss advantages of using email and the World Wide Web. Email provides a quick way of sending messages all around the world. People are often happy to take a few minutes to send e-mail when they would not want to send a letter or make a phone call. The e-mail can be printed, so it could provide valuable valuable proof that a person has agreed to something. The same messages can be sent to many recipients at the same time. Documents prepared in many types of software can be attached to e-,mails and send with them. Users of e-mail can join mailing lists covering specific topics. These give interested people a chance to get together and talk about a subject by e-mail. Some people can discuss problems by e-mail that they cannot express any other way. The World Wide Web provides a cast source of information and can provide valuable information for research of all kinds. The results of research can be published immediately on the Web so that information for research of all kinds. The results of research can be published immediately on the Web so that information available is always up-to-date.

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