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List the functional components of chorda tympani

1. Taste (afferent) fibers from anterior 2/3 of tongue 2 and floor of mouth
; cell bodies geniculate ganglion
2. Preganglionic parasympathetic secretomotor fibers to synapse at submandibular
ganglion and then to postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to submandibular sublingual
salivary glands; cell bodies superior salivatory nucleus
2. Lingual nerve contains general sensory fibers from mucous membrane of anterior 2/3 tongue
3. Muscles of larynx are innervated by recurrent laryngeal n.
4. Motor nerve fiber to vocal fold is recurrent laryngeal n.
5. Superior thyroid a. external laryngeal n.
6. Inferior thyroid a. recurrent laryngeal n.
7. Frontal air sinus hiatus semilunaris at middle meatus
8. nasopharynx middle ear auditory (Eustachian) tube
9. Adenoids pharyngeal tonsil
10. pharynx piriform recess
11. Lingual nerve lower 3rd molar
12. tympanic cavity facial n.
13. Tympanic plexus promontory of the labyrinthine wall of the tympanic cavity
tympanic nerve, nerve from geniculate ganglion of facial nerve, sympathetic branches from
the internal carotid plexus, mucosa of the middle ear, the mastoid cells, and the auditory tube
lesser petrosal nerve to the otic ganglion.
14. Glossopharyngeal nerve
1) stylopharyngeous
2) contains secretomotor fibers to parotid gland
3) contains general and taste sensory fibers from posterior 2/3 of tongue
15. intrinsic extrinsic muscles of tongue hypoglossal n. nerve

palatoglossus CN11 via pharyngeal branch CN10 pharyngeal plexus
16. CN6
CN3 ptosis pupil dilate
17. Fracture middle cranial fossa of skull
Cranial nerve 3, 4, 5, 6 , middle meningeal artery, internal carotid artery formen

lacerum cavernous sinus

18. diagram scalp
19. diagram dura mater
20. pulse () superficial temporal a.
21. pulse facial a.
22. Parotid duct upper second molar
23. Parotid gland facial n. muscles of facial expression
paralysis branch facial nerve
24. trigeminal n. 3 divisions
25. stellate ganglion stellate ganglion sympathetic ganglion
fusion of the inferior cervical ganglion and the first thoracic ganglion. Stellate ganglion
transverse process C7, neck of the first rib, subclavian artery.
sympathetic control
- vasadilation of skin vessels
- nasal congestion
- Horners syndrome pupil constrict, anhidrosis (), drooping eyelid
26. head & neck deep cervical lymph nodes
Lymph vessels head neck drain deep cervical group drain
tissue , Efferents deep cervical lymph nodes form jugular
trunk, junction internal jugular subclavian veins
join right lymphatic duct; thoracic duct join
internal jugular vein subclavian vein
27. (Tracheotomy)
1. skin
2. superficial fascia
3. investing layer of deep cervical fascia
4. prevertebral fascia
5. trachea
28. Tympanic nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve tympanic plexus lessor petrosal n.
(secretomotor n.) to synaspse at otic ganglion postsynaptic fibers via auriculotemporal
nerve to parotid gland
29. nasal cavity

1. anterior cranial fossa cribriform plate, foramen caecum emissary veins

2. nasopharynx
3. middle ear auditory tube
4. paranasal air sinuses
5. lacrimal apparatus conjunction
30. mucous nasal cavity ....CN V....
Parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers facial nerve
greater petrosal nerve nerve of the pterygoid canal synapse pterygopalatine ganglion
Parasympathetic nerve pterygopalatine ganglion maxillary nerve
sympathetic preganglionic nerve upper thoracic spinal cord white
rami communicans in that region, cervical sympathetic chain synapse superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion. The postganglionic nerve fibers internal carotid artery
nerve of the pterygoid canal pterygopalatine fossa. nerve the ganglion synapse
join branches of the maxiallary nerve artery nasal mucosa.
nasal cavity
ethmoidal nerves nasociliary branch of ophthalmic division CN V
maxillary division CN V nasopalatine nerve nasal septum posterior superior
lateral nasal posterior inferior lateral nasal branches concha meatus lateral wall
anterior superior alveolar nerve floor inferior meatus
trigeminal nerve
Lateral wall Medial wall
31. Frontal air sinuses supraorbital nerve.
Ethmoidal air sinuses anterior & posterior ethmoidal n. of ophthalmic division of
Maxillary air sinuses maxillary division of CN V
Sphenoidal air sinuses ... orbital branch maxillary division of CN V, posterior ethmoidal
branch ophthalmic division of CN V nerve of pterygoid canal

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