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Todd Staples Position On Drivers Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Staples voted to give drivers licenses to illegal aliens. In 2001, Todd Staples voted for House Bill 396
(77-R), which allowed illegal immigrants to present a foreign birth certificate or identity card in order to receive a Texas drivers license. Only one Senator voted against the bill: Jane Nelson (77th Legislature, Senate Journal, p. 2343). Opponents of the bill argued: Texas should not make it easier for people who are here illegally to obtain drivers licenses. HB 396 simply would facilitate their living and working illegally in the United States, something that should be discouraged, not encouraged (House Research Organization, HB 396 Bill Analysis). The bill was vetoed by Gov. Perry (Janet Elliott, Perry wields power to block immigrant, health care bills, Houston Chronicle, 06/18/2011).

Staples now says he doesnt remember voting for the bill. When recently asked about his vote on
HB 396, Staples said, I dont remember that ever coming up (David Rauf, Todd Staples Next Immigration Headache?, San Antonio Express-News, 10/10/2013).

Staples record is clear, even if he doesnt remember it. He voted to give illegal immigrants a Texas
drivers license.

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