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Drill #11 Karate is more than just an ___1___ of self-defence in ___2___ of trouble.

It builds character and ___3___ its exponents in shape. In karate, individuals learn to ___4___ their minds and bodies, replacing aggression ___5___ tolerance, and pride with humility. They also ___6___ that fighting is always the ___7___ resort in solving a ___8___. Karate instils ___9___ iron-clad discipline, tutoring ___10___ to stretch their tolerance and humility ___11___ levels beyond their normal sphere ___12___ experience. ___13___ the discipline, an exponent ___14___ learns, one cannot master the martial art. Unfortunately, there are ___15___ misconceptions about karate. Most of this misunderstanding ___16___ from the violent shows ___17___ television or on the big screen. ___18___ to all these movies, karate has now become misused ___19___ a lack of understanding of ___20___ basic principles.

Drill #12 Iceland is a country in Europe. It is ___1___ near the Arctic circle. Contrary to what some ___2___ imagine, the land is not entirely covered ___3___ ice. Its name partly came into ___4___ because the ___5___ country was capped with ice during the ice age. Today, ice caps can still be ___6___ at the highest peaks of its many mountains. The country is made ___7___ of volcanic rock. As the soil is infertile, very few farmers ___8___ fruits and vegetables on the land. ___9___ fishing is the main activity. Iceland exports a great amount of fish ___10___ year. If you do get a chance to ___11___ the island, you would find huge fishing fleets in the waters ___12___ the country. Visitors have often been amazed ___13___ the breathtaking beauty of the country. The quiet ___14___ serene surroundings of the country also make it an ___15___ place for world leaders to hold important conferences. Not long ago, talks ___16___ the United States of America and the Soviet Union were ___17___ in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. The ___18___ superpowers discussed how to cut down ___19___ arms spending to make the world a safer ___20___.

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