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Compare/Contrast Cecile Capadocia 3rd grade, October 16, 2013 Dolphin Name Calling and A Jurassic Discovery Lesson

n Context Description of Student(s) 3 grade 7 girls 10 boys


Description of Classroom. Instructional Independent to small group, then whole group. Setting Relevant Standards Common Core RL.3.9 Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes to topics in order to build knowledge or compare the approaches the authors take. Learner SWBAT compare and contrast characteristics from the articles Dolphin Name Objective(s) Calling and A Jurassic Discovery (Time for Kids) using text-dependent fats and phrases. Summary of Lesson Continuation of compare/contrast unit. Comparing to articles in pairs after reading independently. Working on reading stamina and reading comprehension. Perseverance through difficult texts and classifying characteristics of aquatic animals. Planning for Addressing All Students Needs Students will have the opportunity to work alone first during reading, then will group in pairs for the activity and finally end in whole group for a review and discussion of how they categorized/classified the characteristics of the two animals. Instructional Procedures/Practices Description Materials Like we compared the two articles 5 sheets of yesterday, the Kids Selling to Kids butcher paper and TV Food Fight, we will be 5 facts and comparing and contrasting these two phrases strips in articles. bags markers Each of you will receive a magazine and will have 30 minutes to read both articles. Thats 15 minutes per article. Then, we will break into table groups and you will categorize the sentence

Rationale and Relevance

Differentiated Instruction

Activity Focus/Review/Hook/ Advance Organizer


Presenting the Content/Providing Model(s)

30 minutes to read articles

strips how your group thinks is best based on what you read. We will review as a class when your 20 minutes to collaborate is up.

Assessment Transition Providing Guided Practice/Scaffolding

Announcement after 30 minute timer goes off With T-charts drawn on butcher paper, students will use sentence strips t manipulate the placement of the facts and phrases. They will then

1 min white board tape butcher papers with completed T-charts from the 5 tables 10 minutes to collaborate with table groups

Assessment Closure (procedural & content)

Accommodation, and/or Modifications

Whole group discussion about where each group classified their fact strips based on the information in the articles. Reading difficult words aloud, holding small group discussions to elicit thinking and motivate to look back into text. Ask, Where did you find that in the article?

10 minutes

A total of 60 minutes 8:15-9:45

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