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Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle

Published at The Fourth Rail

Written By DJ Elliott & CJ Radin

Iraqi Order of Battle (OOB) Page 9 (ICOD 30 Jun 2007)

Bold is in-lead. No location is briefed minus location. Locs in black are from Jan-Jun 06. Locs in colors are from that
specified month: Jul06/Aug06/Sep06/Oct06/Nov06/Dec06/Jan07/Feb07/Mar07/Apr07/May07/Location Jun07.
Command Equipment/Notes

IA/INP Joint Commands * indicates adhoc cmd area/future permanent cmd area

Baghdad Operational Command (BOC) Joint Corps comanding all ISF in Baghdad
BOC Headquarters-Baghdad (International Zone)
Augment to Baghdad Bns Temp Det to Baghdad
1-9 Bde Special Troops Bn-SE Baghdad(Karadah/Rustimiyah) Type63/HMMWV/6x6
1-1-9 Tank Bn-NE Baghdad (Sadr City) T55/BMP1/HMMWV/6x6
2-1-9 (AAslt) Mechanized Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamayah) T55/BMP1/HMMWV/6x6
3-1-9 Tank Bn-SE Baghdad (Karadah/Rustimiyah) T55/BMP1/HMMWV/6x6
4-1-9 Brigade Support Bn-SE Baghdad(Karadah/Rustimiyah) MTLB/HMMWV/6x6
Second-Deployment-Cycle (Four of five IA Bdes RTB)
4-10 Bde Special Troops Bn-CE Baghdad (Rusafa) HMMWV/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
3-2-10 Infantry Bn-NE Baghdad (Sadr City) HMMWV/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
2-3-10 Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour) HMMWV/DZIK3/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
3-4-10 Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour/Ghazaliyah) HMMWV/DZIK3/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
2-2 Bde Special Troops Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa/Sadriya) HMMWV/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
3-2-2 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamayah) HMMWV/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jun07; B-Mar07
3-2-4 Infantry Bn-E Baghdad (Besmaya) HMMWV/6x6; Rotate-Jul07; B-Apr07;
1-4-10 Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour) HMMWV/DZIK3/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Jul07; B-Apr07
1-4-1 Infantry Bn-E Baghdad (Rusafa) HMMWV/6x6; Rotate-Jul07?; B-Apr07?
2-1 Bde Special Troops Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa) HMMWV/6x6; Rotate-Aug07; B-May07
1-2-1 Infantry Bn-Redeployed fm SW Baghdad (Bayaa) to ? HMMWV/6x6; Rotate-Aug07; B-May07
3-2-3 Infantry Bn-SW Baghdad (Doura) HMMWV/Otokar/Defdr/6x6; Rotate-Sep07; B-Jun07
Fourth-Deployment-Cycle (Starting in Jul2007)

Karkh Area Command (KAC) HQ is 6th IA Div; Cmdr 6IAD is Deputy Cmd
6th Infantry Division
6th Special Troops Bn-W Baghdad HMMWV/6x6; MP Co-DZIK3
6th Motor Transport Regiment-Camp Taji HMMWV/Hvy Truck
6th Base Support Unit (Bn)-Camp Taji HMMWV/6x6
6th Engineer Bn-Baghdad HMMWV/ILAV/6x6 (all companies)
* Karkh Security District
1-6 (Cobras) Infantry Brigade
1-6 Bde Special Troops Bn-CW Baghdad (Karkh) HMMWV/6x6
1-1-6 Infantry Bn-CW Baghdad (Karkh) HMMWV/DZIK3/6x6
5-2 National Police Brigade QLII Jun07? Or 1NPM?
5-2 NP Bde Special Troops Bn-CW Baghdad (Karkh)
* Kadhamayah Security District
3-1-6 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-NW Baghdad (Khadimiyah) HMMWV/6x6
5-1-6 Infantry Bn-NW Baghdad (Khadimiyah) HMMWV/DZIK3/6x6
1-5-2 NP Bn-NW Baghdad (Khadimiyah)
2-5-2 NP Bn-NW Baghdad (Khadimiyah/Hurriyah)
* Mansour Security District
2-1-6 Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour/Amiriyah) HMMWV/DZIK3/6x6
4-1-6 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour) HMMWV/6x6
5-6 (Defenders of Baghdad) (AAslt) Infantry Brigade
5-6 Bde Special Troops Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour) HMMWV/6x6
1-5-6 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour) HMMWV/6x6
2-5-6 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour/Yarmouk) HMMWV/6x6
3-5-6 (AAslt) Infantry Bn-Baghdad HMMWV/DZIK3/6x6
3-5-2 NP Bn-W Baghdad (Mansour)
* Bayaa Security District
2-1 National Police Brigade QLII 2Apr07
2nd NP Bde Special Troops Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa)
1-2-1 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa)
2-2-1 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa)
3-2-1 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa/Risalah)
1-3-1 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Bayaa)
* Doura Security District
7-2 National Police Brigade QLII 30Apr07; Reva
7-2 NP Bde Special Troops Bn-SW Baghdad (Doura)
1-7-2 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Doura)
2-7-2 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Doura)
3-7-2 NP Bn-SW Baghdad (Doura)

Rusafa Area Command (RAC)

11th Infantry Division Battlespace assumption Fall07; Split fm 6IAD
11th Special Troops Bn-E Baghdad (old MoD) forming; HMMWV/6x6
11th Motor Transport Regiment- forming; HMMWV/Hvy Truck
11th Base Support Unit (Bn)- forming; HMMWV/Defdr/6x6
11th Engineer Bn- forming; HMMWV/6x6
?-11 Military Police Brigade
?-11 MP Bde Special Troops Bn-Numaniyah trng Numaniyah-Mar07
?-?-11 Military Police Bn-Numaniyah trng at Numaniyah (Boot Camp-Mar07)
?-?-11 Bn-
3-3-1 NP Bn-?(1xCo-Samarra) QLII 15Feb07
* Rusafa Security District
2-1-11 Infantry Bn-CE Baghdad (Rusafa) HMMWV/6x6 (former 2-2-6)
3-8-2 NP Bn-CE Baghdad (Rusafa)
* Adhamiyah Security District
1-11 (Tigers) Infantry Brigade (former 2-6)
1-11 Bde Special Troops Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamiyah) HMMWV/6x6 (former 2-6)
1-1-11 Infantry Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamiyah) HMMWV/6x6 (former 1-2-6)
3-1-11 (War Eagle) Infantry Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamiyah) HMMWV/6x6 (former 3-2-6)
3-4-1 NP Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamiyah)
2-8-2 NP Bn-NE Baghdad (Adhamiyah)
* Thawra (Sadr City) Security District
8-2 National Police Brigade QLII 14Dec06
8-2 NP Bde Special Troops Bn-NE Baghdad (Sadr City)
1-8-2 NP Bn-NE Baghdad (Sadr City)
* New Baghdad Security District
4-1 (Karrar) National Police Brigade QLII 03Nov06
4-1 NP Bde Special Troops Bn-E Baghdad (New Baghdad)
2-4-1 NP Bn-E Baghdad (New Baghdad/Baladiat)
* Karadah Security District
1-4-1 NP Bn-SE Baghdad (Karadah/Rustamiyah)

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