Ozone Is Missing

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In the Newsroom

of The Daily I?ecpimment...

5ome scientists found a huge HOLE in the 51RAT05PHERE 4j? ~ over the 50UTH POLE! ~ r

Farley meets with a scientist..,

It wrapti all the way around 10t030 mil~ the 5traightup. ozone has the Earth, blocked the about suns From the beginning or UV, rays from to keep UV

Let me eee if Ive got thi5... youre Ming

< pr0te4X5 U5 horn the 5un.


of time,

the owne is a thin layer of atmosphere that >


most dangerou5 reaching radiation h

/ J


us. And it continues

* d

from harming life on the planet.

Thats of three safety keep Earth5 \

right. 5mall

Each ozone molecule oxygen atims getting that down

is made up act to +7 like a

net to cat%h most them from

of the UV rays and the A ozoAJ& A)-..! .

5urface. /



The ozone layer5

big tietny

is the


We call them them foam manufacturing,

CFC5. CFC5 are chemica[s products We u= that make to clean the insides CFC5 in5ide

we human5


and we u5e u5ed in the

in many container.

up modern of computers refrigerata5

life. CFCa are and b

and to make pla5tic produce

cold air that

blows out of every kind of air conditioner.

that u5e CFC5 in order to run, or thing5 that we in the inta atmosphere upper for yeare and year5 thats manufacture u5ing CFCS. CFC5 only become harmful before they break dovm. Finally, they drift the atmosphere, and when they escape m alr int.a the air. They e5cape or refngemto=,
appliance to

No, no, no.






Once CFC5 e5cape,

they can float





or when 5omeone


a UA




CFCe into

a tank

be reused.


can also

Rk#lt now, I%xtwtly5hould nTyreader%G3ft?

)/ Youcantmsm -them, MeOwrthe%uth andthe

thed5 a Me over alm05t all of

Antamtka, andthecmne

Pdei55uuof%r .g&:??&$
The 5outh Pole has the worst there.

problem becaum

it is so

cold and isolated

The 5outh night, them tiny

Pole has veW long, 5upercold ice c~stals trap


Duringthe and break piece5

CFC molecules

into smaller

bits. One of the these worst enemy - chlorine.


of CFC is ozones

Whenthesun night, suniiiht tAggering molecules. other, biting

riseaaftuthefreezing wakea up the chlorine, on the ozone an attack

theaotle layerfitti?routthe

Chlorine bites intu one of and then ana net, until it it We like a 5haA that

ozone*6 oxygen atoms, and anuther. it5 net way through

finally the

i5 50 %yed

cant catch any fish. When thechlonne is finished, the ozone layer is aothin,

Aa the ozone gets thinner, mom and mom hamnfbl IN rays reach the Earth% eurface..and that starts an awfiA chain rea~on among twrything and breathes in the oceans or on land. creatume like plankton that Iii

In the ocean, t.hesmalleet and tiny shrimps, vict.4ms of-

called krill, are among the first

much UV rzdi~on.

tf all of these tiny one-celled crittkm5 are fried up by the UV rays,



Plankton and krill are the ba5i5 of the oceans food chain: these critters are nibbled like popcorn by bigger creatures, who are

-. i~

. . G&EZ

kinds of plants Anima15 cant

Like plankton

in the ocean, plants are exposed

form the base of the Earth5 the food supply plants 5hrinks

food chain. When some all over the Earth. pmple dont

to too much UV radiation,

they grow slower and produce

less food. As the ozone layer thins,

get enough food from tie

ta sumive, and eventually

get enough food either.

Fadey goes to a doctor... ~

The headaches guy, George that


when this little

round the Iaver


was telling

me about ozone



of the

Did he tell you what radiation anima15? can cause can do to Too much

too much UV people and UV radiation

severe sunburns,

Even with a sun screen. the longer you stay out in the sun, the more youre eaI% agi% wrinkling ~ the skin, and evenwo~ after yeara of exposure. If we could phase out the and millions of peopte, erasing worth millions of kin cancer,


to UV rays. Extra

UV rays can cauea

lt5 been proven h

cauee eye damage, like cloudy vision, in millions billions of

use of CFCS, it would be like curing skin cancer cataract5 from peoples eyes, or growing


of food to feed people all over

-T /.


Farfqy g-

on a =rch_and invention that


an inverrbr

wo ,,

,ng on :



wont me (2%5.


My company something about. re-invent er that that any and

really has to crow to

Were txying refrigerates

air condition-

run on a new liquid doesnt CFC5like contain this




are really simple.

At our plant,

we u5ed to use liquid cleansers computers brains-to get We found out we can we

mdde with CFCS to wash off microproceso~he to do the 5ame thing!

them expakyclean lemon oil and water

before they went into the computer. ~~

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