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CCTC 14K: Each candidate protects the rights and confidentiality of students and staff.

October 28, 2013. JOURNAL AND REFLECTION ENTRY ON STUDENTS RIGHTS This artifact meets the standard because I have carefully examined the Districts Privacy Student act, and as a general class teacher, mainstream teacher and participant of IEPs and SSTs, I have made it my goal to always respect the Confidentiality Acts students and staff are under. I have always remained with an absolute true value to the idea of protecting students rights through confidentiality. It is imperative that I constantly advocate for those that do not have a voice and cannot protect themselves against the divulging of personal information. I strongly believe that we, teachers, must keep in mind of the kind of information we discuss, share and vent with others in places that are not pertinent to school related premises. I feel very uncomfortable sharing student information to other adults (teachers) or staff for the mere purpose of venting. I find this practice highly unethical and poor in taste. We must take the role of The Lorax, and fight and advocate for those that do not have a voice.

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