Uoi Reflecation 2

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How the World Works Reflection Reflect

Reflect on this unit. Examples of things to think about: What did you learn? What did you learn about you as a learner? What did you enjoy? What was challenging? What would you do differently next time?

I learned chemical and physical changes. As a leaner I learned that people can use natural materials can be used in a negative and positive way. I enjoyed having all the field trips we went to. The most challenging was when we did the debate. Next time I would try to research more.

Choose What choices did you have to make in this unit? Were they good choices or bad choices? What would you do differently next time? I had good choice like I when I choose the one place I knew most because even though we went to like 5 field trips I choose the one I knew the most.

Act How will you take action with your new knowledge/understandings? Set one goal and tell how you can accomplish that goal. I could make a mini debate and keep doing and doing it and each time and I

Which of the learner profiles (Thinker, Communicator, Risk-Taker, Reflective, Knowledgeable, Open-Minded, Principled, Balanced, Caring, Inquirers) did you show the most during this unit? How did you show that in your work?______________________ Open Minded because we had the group discussion I listen and gave great ideas.__

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