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Professional Inviter

Drill Booklet

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Learn How To Invite with Confidence and Ease
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Page 2

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 3

Section One: Ten Communication Qualities (10-Qs)

The purpose of the 10 Communication Qualities drill is to learn the individual qualities that make up good communication skills. This drill teaches the Student how to identify both good and poor communication qualities. This is achieved by the Student stating and/or demonstrating both good qualities and poor qualities.

Drill Explanation:
You need a partner for this drill. Decide who will be the Instructor and who will be the Student. Student and Instructor read the drill instructions. Ensure the Student fully understands the drill instructions answer any questions. If Instructor doesnt know the answer raise your hand.

Drill Instructions:
Step 1. Student is to read aloud the drill heading. Instructor reads along silently. Example: Student reads aloud, Drill 1. Be Interested in Your Prospect. Step 2. Student reads aloud Part 1 of the drill, and then does what it reads. Instructor reads along silently and then listens to Students response. Example: Student reads aloud, Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Be interested in your prospect. Student then gives or demonstrates this to the Instructor. Example: Well, while the prospect is talking I really listen to what hes saying. Give several examples or demonstration.

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 4

Step 3. Student reads Part 2 of the drill, and then does what it reads. Example: Student reads aloud, Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Be interested in your prospect. Student then gives or demonstrates this to the Instructor. Example: While the prospect is talking, Im thinking about how I will respond to what hes saying. Give several examples or demonstration. Step 4. Instructor, when the Student has given both good and bad examples of each drill that proves to you that he/she completely knows that Communication Quality, switch roles (Student becomes the Instructor; Instructor becomes the Student). DO NOT ADVANCE A STUDENT UNLESS HE/SHE EARNS THE ADVANCEMENT. DO NOT WITHHOLD ADVANCEMENT ONCE EARNED. Drill 1. Be Interested in Your Prospect Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Be interested in your prospect. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Be interested in your prospect. Drill 2. Dont Be Distracted by Anything in the Environment Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Dont be distracted by anything in the environment. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Dont be distracted by anything in the environment. Drill 3. Have a Sincere, Friendly Facial Expression Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Have a sincere, friendly facial expression. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Have a sincere, friendly facial expression.
2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 5

Drill 4. Use the Correct Amount of Assertiveness Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Use the correct amount of assertiveness. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Use the correct amount of assertiveness.

Drill 5. Communicate Easily (No tension, fakeness, strain, sounding rehearsed, stuttering or hesitating.) Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Communicate easily. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Communicate easily.

Drill 6. Make Sure Your Body Doesnt Distract the Prospect (Bad breath, body odor, perfume/cologne, popping gum, etc.) Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Make sure your body doesnt distract the prospect. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Make sure your body doesnt distract the prospect.

Drill 7. Tell the Truth Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Tell the truth. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Tell the truth.

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 6

Drill 8. Know What Youre Talking About Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Know what youre talking about. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Know what youre talking about.

Drill 9. Communicate at the Prospects Level Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Communicate at the prospects level. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Communicate at the prospects level.

Drill 10. Have the Intention to Make the Persons Life Better Part 1: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several good examples of Have the intention to make the persons life better. Part 2: Student gives or demonstrates to the Instructor several poor examples of Have the intention to make the persons life better.

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 7

Section Two: Inviting Formula

The purpose of the Inviting Formula drill is for you to know the very basics of how to ask someone to do something.

Drill Instructions:
Step 1. Student and Instructor read the Drill Instructions (page 7) and the "Inviting Formula" (page 8). Ensure the Student fully understands the drill answer any questions. If Instructor doesnt know the answer raise your hand. Step 2. Student reads the first heading and purpose. Example: "Part 1: Greet. The purpose of the Greeting is to get your prospect willing to talk freely and openly to you." Step 3. When the student has completed Step 2, Instructor asks, What is the purpose of ______________? (name of that part ie: Greet, Qualify, etc.) Example: What is the purpose of the Greeting? Step 4. Student gives in his/her own words (without referencing the text) the purpose. Instructor ensures Student has the correct purpose. STUDENTS RESPONSE DOES NOT NEED TO BE VERBATIM WITH THE TEXT. If the Student offers something that isnt there, Instructor corrects the Student by pointing to the text on page 8. If the Student misses a part of it, Instructor shows the Student the part left out by pointing to the text that was left out. Examples are fine and are recommended. Step 5. When Instructor is satisfied that the Student confidently knows the correct purpose(s) of Part 1 (Greet), Student and Instructor switch roles. After both have completed Part 1 (Greet), switch roles again and move to Part 2 (Qualify), and so on.

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

Page 8

Inviting Formula
Part 1. Greet
Purpose: The purpose of the Greeting is to get your prospect willing to talk freely and openly to you.

Part 2. Qualify
Purpose: The purpose of Qualifying is to find out what the prospect needs, wants and doesnt-want as it pertains to your business. This determines if he/she qualifies to be invited.

Part 3. Invite
Purpose: The purpose of Inviting is to ask your prospect to review information that can help them achieve what theyve stated they need, want, or dont-want.

Part 4. Close to Action

Purpose: The purpose of Close to Action is to create agreeable steps to move the prospect towards what theyve stated they need, want or dont-want and conclude the conversation.

Part 5. Follow-up or Follow-through

Purpose: The purpose of Follow-up is to re-contact the prospect to advance him/her towards what theyve stated they need, want or dont-want. Purpose: The purpose of Follow-through is, once the prospect has made the decision to join the business, to continually advance the Associate towards achieving that which he/she has stated they need, want or dont-want from the business. When the Instructor is satisfied the Student confidently knows the correct purpose(s) of each step of the Inviting Formula, the drill is concluded.

Part 6. Handle Questions and/or Objections

Purpose: The purpose of Handling Questions and Objections is to get the prospect beyond their question(s) and/or opposition(s) which are currently stopping them from attaining what theyve stated they need, want or dont-want.

2011 All rights reserved. All content in this drill packet is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. Training and instruction for these drills are to be used in conjunction with Professional Inviter. (

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