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Nho Quan B high school English Department

Give the correct form of the words in the parentheses

1. He said Good morning in the most .............. way. 2. My teacher ..............me to take this examination 3. This coffee is too ..............to drink 4. I really don't think he has the ..............to do this job 5. The professor explained his ideas with great .............. 6. Do you know what the .............. of the river ? 7. He is a very .............. Carpenter. 8. He .............. to hit me if I didn't hand over my money. 9. He drives so .............. That he sure to have an accident. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
(care) (threat) (skill) (deep) (clear) (able) (heat) (courage) (friend)

I am ..............He will succeed in his chosen career. John's old jacket was so ..............that he had to buy a new one. The ring was not valuable ; in fact it was almost .............. During his speech , he kept on ..............his tie. The water in this area is .............. and should not be drunk. A successful business needs good ............... Alison's ..............made it hard for her to speak in public. The alpine .............. is very dramatic. The ..............area of the city is not very attractive. ..............is a very serious problem in many countries.

(confidence) (wear)


(straight) (pure)

(organize) (shy) (land)

(industry) (employ) (picture)

The old fishing village is very ..............

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The old couple saved a lot of money for their .............. It is usually forbidden to destroy .............. buildings. Many ..............families have to live in hotels. I have to check the wages in .............. to my normal work. During his .............. , the family lived in Cornwall.
(retire) (history) (home) (add) (child)

26. The government has promise to deal with the problem of .............. among young people. 27.

Ants and bees are described as ..............insects.

28. Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete ..............(satisfy) 29. The restaurant is now under new .............. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
(manage) (harm) (save)


The gas from the chemical factory was extremely ............. The old lady hid all her ..............under the floor. Recently health foods have increased in .............. He was very ..............of the work he had done. Those berries are ...............Dont eat them. This matter is very ............... Dont discuss it outside the office.

(popular) (pride)


(confidence) (create) (loose) (refer)

Artists are ..............people. Oscar had eaten so much that he had to ..............his belt. The dictionaries are with the other .............. books. All the courses ..............in January will finish in June.

40. You can find out what a book is about by looking at the table of .............. (contain) 41. A letter should always end with the ..............of the writer.


World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

42. It is really quite ..............that we should have been at the same college without having met before. 43.
(ordinary) (similar)

There is a great ..............between Harry and his twin brother.

44. With a good ..............of the criminal from witnesses, the police were able to find him easily. 45. In some areas water has to be boiled to ..............it. (pure) 46. Although her visit was .............., we made her welcome just the same. (expect) 47. I know all the boys who live in my ............... 48. He doesnt agree with the ..............that there is life on other planets. (believe) 49. I read an article about ............... Among school- leavers . 50. 51. 52.
(employ) (neighbor) (describe)

His boss told him off because he had behaved .............. She got very angry but later she apologized for her .............. I dont want my money back. I want a ...............

(responsible) (patient)

53. When I had to wait a long time to be served I started to feel.............. (patient) 54. Its a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and ............... (help) 55. Always read a label on a product, it can give you some useful .............. (inform) 56. These shoes look quite smart but they re terribly.............. 57. There is a saying in English:'' ..............speak louder than words''. (act) 58. I have never been ..............like that before. 59. 60. 61.
(threat) (comfort)


There is no ..............between the two. The .............. is that the plan will fail. Please make your ..............at the counter over there.


(conclude) (pay)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

62. 63. 64.
(fault) (fly)

We have had a lot of ..............from customers today. I 'm afraid this iron you sold me is ..............


I would like to book a ..............to Hong Kong. There was a heavy ..............yesterday which completely ruined church Garden Party. Industrial robots work with far greater ..............than most men. The recent hurricane caused ..............damage.

65. the 66. 67.


(precise) (wide)

68. Now, dont tell anyone else what Ive just told you. Remember, its ............ (confide) 69. I dont think Toms getting to much sleep lately . His eyes are terribly ............(blood) 70. That rule is not ..............in this case . 71. I hope there wont be too much ..............in getting a work permit. (difficult) 72. Some people claim to be able to ..............the future. 73. 74. 75.
(tell) (apply)

Theres been yet another ..............of cholera in Delhi. He was very ..............when his cat was run over . The lovers stood, hand in hand , gazing at the ..............sky.

(break) (set) (star)

76. I think its very ..............of him to expect us to work over time every night this week. 77. He was born blind ; but despite this ..............he still managed to become one of the top Pop singers of his generation. (able) 78. You can always rely on Barbara. She is very.............. 79. is
(depend) (reason)

Nevertheless, if a woman really has a slimming problem, there only one .............. to make: eat less.

80. No, in some part of the world a husband would be .............. to be seen with a thin wife.


World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

81. It is a really fact life that slim woman are the only really .........ones. (attract) 82. And when they have lost a few pounds are they really any ................. (happy) 83. Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of .............. their diet. 84. There is so much information .............it is no wonder people get confused. (avail) 85. Newspaper articles are eagerly read and radio and TV ..carefully listened to. 86. Otherwise sensible women spend hours in ............ argument about what to it. (end) 87. It has become almost a ..........topic of conservation . 88. Although pubs usually close between 10.30 pm and 11 pm, they are usually granted an ...........until midnight on New Years Eve. (extend) 89. It was extremely ........of you to leave your library books on the bus. (care) 90. Johns beginning to grow out of his jeans. Id better .............. them for him this weekend. 91. Parents who smoke ..............their children to do likewise, whether they realize it or not. 92. him
(courage) ( long ) (day) (discuss) (organize)

He was not a particularly good teacher, but his students love because he had such a lively ................

93. In my opinion, a large number of parents are quite ..........to bring up children. (fit) 94. In Sweden it is customary at a dinner party for the person sitting on the left of the hostess to make a................ 95. 96.
(speak) (post)


The price of the book is $10, including .................and packing. It is ..........to take credit for other peoples ideas.

97. There was a lot of .........this morning as work began on the new supermarket. (active)


World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department


But how could you do? Really, I feel quite ..........of you .

100.The American War of ............was won in 1776. 101. Im afraid youll have to see Mr. Pound. All matters concerning finance are his ..................


102. I was late for work this morning because my car had a ..............on the motorway. 103. The factorys ........has increased considerably in the past few years. (put) 104. Id love to come to your party but, ............ I have to go somewhere else.(fortune) 105. Thousands of people turned up for the Pop Festival where the big ......................was Bob Dylan. (ATTRACT) 106. There was a sudden......................of clapping and cheering as he rose to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. (BURST) 107. As the childs head went under the water for the first time, I stood and watched ......................to help. I couldnt swim. (OWNER) 108. What time do you ......................start work? (USE) 109. While walking in the mountain in North Wales, we came across a ..........quarry.(USE) 110. How are you getting on with your ...................course in Russian? (CORRESPOND) 111. There was ice on the pavement which made it very difficult to walk as it was so .......................... (SLIP) 112. The.........................staff consists of ten experienced journalist. (EDIT) 113. Although the police suspected him of the crime , since they had no definite ....................that he was involved, they could not arrest him. (PROVE)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

114. I spent my ........................in the country. (CHILD) 115. After hours of going from one hotel to another, we ................found one which was not fully booked . (EVENT) 116. The trouble with Mr. Brown is that hes so ..................one minute he goes mad when you come late ;the next he says nothing. You never know where you are! (CONSIST) 117. You cant wear those trousers, Sally. Theyre far too tight. You look............in them. (RIDICULE) 118. It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the ..........................species. (DANGER) 119. The surgeons tried their best to save his life , but unfortunately the operation was ......................... (SUCCESS) 120. Churchill was not only a famous ..................but also a respected ......................... (POLITICS/HISTORY) 121. Im quite an ................person. I play a lot of sport and go running everyday. (ENERGY) 122. John Jameson is a famous ...............who stole five million pounds from a bank.(CRIME) 123. He has very high ..................................of his only son. (EXPECT) 124. There has been a ........... of 10%in the amount of money available for buying new books. (REDUCE) 125. He is interested in the ..........................of old buildings. (PRESERVE) 126. The manager handed in his ........................after being accused of dishonesty. (RESIGN) 127. Dont be so ..........................., weve only been waiting a few minutes. (PATIENT) 128. Dont depend on him ; hes a very ....................person. (RELY)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

129. We ask a policeman to ........................us to the right house. (DIRECTION) 130.The .............................. of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. (ARRIVE) 131. He was .......................of the consequences in advance. (INFORMATION) 132. He regularly writes.......................for our newspaper. (POET) 133. Why was his lecture so ......................? Perhaps he consulted his papers so often.(BORE) 134. Roy was dismissed after being told by his .......................that he must leave in a mouths time. (EMPLOY) 135. The weather was terrible, so we had a very .......................holyday. (PLEASE) 136. I was kept .......................last night by the noise from a party in the flat above. (WAKE) 137. Elizabeth Taylor won an Oscar for her ....................... in Whos afraid of Virginia Wolf (PERFORM) 138. Many people think it is very .......................whether a cure will be found for cancer before the year 2000. (DOUBT) 139. My wife is.......................of spiders. (TERROR) 140. An airplane has to overcome the....................... of the air. (RESIST) 141. He suffered from constant ....................... . (SLEEP) 142. 7.30 a.m. on a Saturday is a rather ........................time for an appointment. (CONVENIENT) 143. Please dont be so ......................., I cant do all the work by myself. (REASON) 144. Sorry about the mistakes, I .......................the instruction you gave me. (UNDERSTAND)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

145. Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is ........................ (HARM) 146. I understand ........................ What you are saying. (PERFECT) 147. Janes .......................as director came as no surprise. (APPOINT) 148. A holyday in America can be ........................cheap. (SURPRISE) 149. The .....................of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Hilton, was announcedyesterday.(DIE) 150. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is little ....................... (FRIEND) 151. It was .......................of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie. (JUSTICE ) 152. He was turned down for the job because he is ........................ (QUALITY) 153. ....................... to the school is by examination only . (ADMIT) 154. He has been constant in his ........................to scientific studies. (DEVOTE) 155. ....................... is not enough by itself; you must work hard too. (INSPIRE ) 156. I didnt know who it was- with a mask on she was completely..................(RECOGNIZE) 157. Telling lie is ...................... (MORAL) 158. I have no excuse. My actions were ................. (EXPLAIN) 159. The heroine had a .................love affair with the butcher. (PASSION) 160. To be successful, an artist must show great .................. (ORIGIN) 161. Hara wanted a divorce because his wife had been .................. (FAITH) 162. The chairman expressed doubts about the ...................of showing the film on children television. (SUIT) 163. Ill resign if you continue to .................everything I say. (REGARD) 164. Theres no .................to the problem of the beginning of the universe. (SOLVE)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

165. Its the most .................film Ive ever seen. (FRIGHT) 167. Its very ..................to live in damp room. (HEALTH) 168. They have a big .................shop in London. (JEWEL) 169. How much does .................of this club cost? (MEMBER) 170. He promised to come but hes very ................. . (RELY) 171. How much do you ..................? (WEIGH) 172. Her ..................was so great that she broke a glass. (ANXIOUS) 173. The audience burst into ................. at the end of the play. (APPLAUD) 174. He felt very .................when he saw he had failed the exam again. (COURAGE) 175. The work is still at a very ................. level. (EXPERIMENT) 176. The plane had to make a crash ..................in a field. (LAND) 177. Are they .................pearl or they are real? (IMITATE) 178. He owes his .................largely to his sense of humour. (POPULAR) 179. She has an .................command of the language. (IMPRESS) 180. As she is so .................with her present job she has decided to leave. (SATISFACTION) 181.What a very .................old man he is! (LEARN) 182. Since .................has been so poor the class is being closed. (ATTEND) 183. Magnets will .................most metals. (ATTRACTIVE) 184. His .................has not improved much. (BEHAVE) 185. She is extremely.................about the history of art. (KNOW)

World formation H Anh


Nho Quan B high school English Department

186. ..................many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the roads.(FORTUNE) 187. So people are being .................in the suburbs and have to commute to work. (HOUSE) 188.This leads to more pressure being put on the.........public transport system.(ADEQUATE) 189. But travelling by public transport is very .................as there are long delays.(ATTRACT) 190. The ..............of the trains and the buses causes frustration and annoyance.(FREQUENT) 191.The situation is so.........in some cities now that it is difficult to see any solution(CHAOS) 192. Im afraid you arent suitably ..................for the job. (QUALIFICATION)

193. The weather will be bright with .................showers. (OCCASION) 194. Most birds ..................in the winter. (MIGRATORY) 195. He draws cartoons for a .................magazine. (HUMOUR)

World formation H Anh


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