Finally Perfect Poem

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29 October 2013 18:24 Winter morning breezes flew through the half opened window, The cold air

swishes into the room as if it was a tornado of snow, My alarm rang a cheerful song but the cheers of my life were gone. That came from the best, But they still gave me chills. Days Passed by like a Never ending storm, Finally its time to be gone. They are all at cheerleading practice, I know I can't do it. So it's time. I climbed on my bed slowly and sadly, My tears flowed down like a rain of storm clouds. I rolled around my bed falling down a spiral stair case, I kept thinking about what will be said, I knew it was the best decision.

They laughed, I laughed They smiled, I smiled All the same time. It just sinks in that I will never be like them, Perfect. I slowly walked up to the mirror, Their hair is like golden fire Which made it clearer, burning brighter than the That the ugly beast staring back, sun on a midsummers day, Was just another image pitched Their flawless teeth shined black. Like the color of freshly I grabbed the bottle polished pearl, from my desk, Their perfect body which reveled a resemble that of dozen of pills, Aphrodite.

I helped myself to get my pills, I stared at it intensely, I squeezed my eyes tight, I can never fight, This is it for me, I took the pills, I took it all, I laid down on my bed, Staring up my ceilings, Thinking of it all, My head starting spinning quick, My hands started shivering, My saliva starting forming, Then suddenly, blackness came over. In death, I am perfect.

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