Lesson 5 Nicole

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Stage: One Rationale: This lesson is an extension of the previous lesson where children explored the life cycle

of flowers. In this lesson they will explore life cycles of other plants and learn about the diversity of plants. Outcomes and Indicators: Old syllabus: Outcome: LT S1.3 - Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change. Indicator:

measures and records, over a four week period, the length of bean plants using informal units (Board of Studies NSW, 2006).

Learning process outcome: Using Technology - UT S1.9 - Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task (Board of Studies NSW, 2006). New syllabus: Outcome: (living world): describes external features, changes in and growth of living things ST1-10LW Indicators:

record the changes in growth of a common plant or animal, using informal units, provided, tables and digital technologies as appropriate.

observe and record some of the changes a common plant or animal shows during its life, using an appropriate digital technology, eg a camera (Board of Studies NSW, 2012).

Links to Other KLAS: English Key Scientific Knowledge [KSK]: The life cycle of a tree consists of seeds, seedling, sapling and mature oak. A sapling is the size of a tree growing in a nursery. While a sapling, the tree is not mature enough to reproduce. The sapling grows quickly and encompasses the same threats as seedlings (Arundel Tree Service). The life cycle of an orange consists of seed, seedling, flower, unripe orange and ripe orange (Liats Montessori, 2009). Prior Learning: Knowledge of the flower life cycle. List of Resources: Computers Posters Pencils

Lesson Overview: 1. First the children will observe and record changes to the bean seeds. They will do this by taking a picture with a digital camera and measuring the growth of the plants. 2. The teacher will then initiate a discussion with the children about different types of plants such as trees and vegetables. These will be written on the board. 3. The teacher will then explain that the children with be paired up with a peer and be given a specific plant to research on the computers for example a trees and oranges. They will research the life cycle. 4. Teacher will model on the smart board how to research on the internet. 5. The teacher will then pair the children up. 6. The questions will be written on the smart board that the children are typing into the search bar. Children will be supervised at all times. 7. Children will then present their findings to the class on a poster. Modifications Support: a more advanced child will be paired with someone who needs extra assistance.

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