Hobbes and Locke Assignment

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HOBBES & LOCKE Objective: To read selections from Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, two of the most influential political philosophers in western civilization, and examine how their ideas are reflected in our own beliefs and our present day society. Discuss how the differences between the two philosophers set up a conflict when it comes to establishing government and power structures and how we go about resolving that conflict.
As an introduction or for clarification you may want to read Pages 44 and 45 in our text.

Human nature Evil, Nasty, Selfish, Brutish, Short.

Good, Selfless, Seek peace and Equality. Mankind lives in a natural state of freedom and equality

Concepts of individual rights

The Right to Live Peacefully -Control mans natural state (of evil).

Every human being is given by the creator, the right to life liberty and property.

Authority: Where the right to rule comes from Purpose of Government: Who should rule and why? Changing the government/Rebellion

A Monarchy: One supreme leader. Comes from the bloodline//Picked by God

Authority comes from the people


Elected Officials//People Election//If government isnt working for the people, then people can take the power back

Power is transferred through bloodline

Power of the executive

A Monarch

Held accountable by the people

Answer the following questions based on what you think about the readings. Each response should be at least 3-4 sentences in length and refer to specific ideas/quotes from the passages. 1. Regarding human nature and individual rights, do you agree with Locke or Hobbes? Why? In terms of human nature and individual rights, I agree with Locke. Its much more apparent, the selfishness of humans. Even when we do nice things for people, we usually expect or would like some sort of reward for it. A pat on the back, a good job, a thank you. There really isnt much to back up Lockes theory.

2. What is your view of human nature and the role of authority in society? My opinions on human nature dont differ much, if not any from Hobbes. However, as far as the role of authority in society goes, I side more with John Locke.

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