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The Teaching Profession

Multiple and Single Subject Credential Orientation Dr. Carla Piper Single Subject Faculty Dr. Kathy Theuer Multiple Subject Faculty Program Manger Caroline Dias

Chapman University
Founded in 1861 2nd largest university in California Home campus Orange, CA Independent, non-profit institution Sponsored by Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church

Is Chapman nationally accredited?

Accredited by WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges Fully approved by CCTC California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Member of:
CAEL - Council for Adult and Experiential Learning Independent Colleges of Southern California Western College Association The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (etc.)

Academic Campuses
Satellite campuses Academic Centers Northern San Joaquin Valley Academic Center 5222 Pirrone Court, Salida, CA 209-545-1234

Mission Statement
The mission of the Chapman University College Department of Education is to prepare inquiring, reflective, ethical, and productive educators to work in public schools.

Mission and Philosophy

To prepare reflective educators who are: Grounded in a core set of values and beliefs Prepared to work with children and youth of varied cultural backgrounds, economic levels, and value orientations. Student-centered, placing students needs above those of the teacher. Committed to making a constructive contribution to improve education.

SB2042: Program Choices

Multiple Subject Elementary Education Single Subject Secondary Education Special Education (Mild to Moderate and/or
Moderate to Severe)

Dual Multiple and Single Subject (Regular

Ed. & Special Ed.) MAT Master of Arts in Teaching
Regular Ed., Special Ed., Credential & Masters Degree 12 units extra plus action research project

How much time will it take?

45 hours of class-time for 3 units of credit 9 week term schedule 5 hour classes 5:30-10:30 p.m. Graduate school expectations Rule of thumb: Plan on spending 2-3 hours per hour of class-time on homework and assignment preparation. If you are teaching full-time, plan on taking one class at a time.

What are the GPA requirements?

Use last 60 semester or 90 quarter units Need 2.75 GPA (3.0 for Master of Arts in Teaching Degree MAT) If GPA 2.5 2.74 must take entrance exam and turn in scores prior to enrolling (GRE/Miller Analogies Test (MAT)/CSET/SSAT/Praxis) Narrative transcripts reviewed by Orange May qualify for exceptional admit speak to faculty advisor

How do I apply?
Must be U.S. citizen or green card holder Must have completed bachelors degree Take the CBEST exam Complete application form in full Write a statement of intent letter Obtain all official (sealed) transcripts Have three people complete the recommendation forms and return to you in sealed envelopes

Required Documents
Completed Application Form Statement of Intent Letter Official (sealed) Transcripts Three recommendation forms (sealed) at least one from administrator Copy of CBEST scores and verification card Evidence of CSET test registration or single subject waiver from undergraduate program Admission Passing Test Score (if GPA is 2.5 2.74) $40 Check for Application Process Affidavit and Refund/Withdrawal Policy Verification of an Emergency/Substitute Permit OR submission of Clearance Packet filing documentation Negative TB test result Petition to waive EDUU395 Fieldwork with supporting documentation (30 hours prior to registration)

Document Check (DC)

Make a DC appointment to the Enrollment Specialist - Carol De Hoog 550-4514 Education Services
Michelle Walker 550-4518 - Wendie Perry 550-4505

Check Calendar & Deadlines Fill our FAFSA form and make an appointment with Financial Aid
Thanh Mumford 550-4513 Nicole Gonzales

Admittance to University
After document check (DC), application sent to Orange campus
Calculate official GPA Reviewed for official admittance

You will receive your letter of acceptance from Orange campus. Bring letter of acceptance in to education secretaries. Must have application ready to send before registering. Must indicate that you understand that registering for a class does not mean you have been officially accepted.

Tests and Assessments

CBEST (Does not expire) Subject Matter Tests for Competency

RICA (MS and Special Ed Only) U.S. Constitution Test Teacher Performance Assessments (TPAs) at End of Program Exit Portfolio Presentation

Intake Interview
With single subject faculty
Dr. Carla Piper Full-time Faculty and Single Subject Faculty Advisor Dr. Kathy Theuer Full-time Faculty and Multiple Subject Faculty Advisor Caroline Dias - Education Program Manager Mary Ann Sanders Fieldwork Program Manager

First screening checkpoint Is the Chapman program right for you? Are you right for the Chapman program?

Am I right for teaching?

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) requires that all teacher preparation programs screen candidates at throughout the program for:
Evidence of personal qualities deemed suitable to teaching Subject matter competence Effective oral and written communication skills Adequate performance in the program High energy level

EDUU395 Fieldwork Prerequisite

Begin classroom observations, tutoring, or subbing in single subject classes in your subject matter area. Must have documentation of 60 hours
30 hours prior to first class Addition 30 hours by the end of first term

Use EDUU395 documentation form

Substitute pay stubs Letters from schools

Pre-requisite Courses
Psychology Prerequisite - 3 units
Elementary - Psyc 323 (Child Development) Secondary - Pysc 324 (Adolescent Psychology)

EDUU451/551 Educational Applications of Computers 3 units

May use preliminary educational technology CSET for waiver

EDUU413/513 Health and Safety 2 units EDUU414//514 - PE (Multiple Subject Only)

Take 500 Level Courses if you have already graduated.

Documents Needed Before Student Teaching

Watch for deadlines! - Two terms prior to student teaching, you must have Directed Teaching Assignment Form turned in. Must have passing scores on required CSET exams Single Subject may use a subject matter preparation waiver from your bachelors degree university U.S. Constitution requirement must be satisfied Verification of Emergency/Substitute Permit OR Certificate of Clearance

Directed Teaching
One full semester 9 units
Multiple Subject Full Day Single Subject Full Day
3 periods of teaching (at different levels) 2 periods of observation 1 period of prep

Need two levels (120 hours of each) May teach in paid position or as an intern
Need to fulfill two grade levels Need contract and letter from principal Will have Chapman student teaching supervisor

Two Types of Internships:
University Internship Partnership with district Individualized Intern File through district HR

Require 175-day teaching contract Verify subject-matter competency (CSET or Subject Matter Waiver for Single Subject) Passage of CBEST GPA of 2.75 (3.0 for MAT) TB and fingerprint clearance Completion of U.S. Constitution Requirement Require Program Plan

The Master of Arts in Teaching

Combination of the MS or SS credential and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program Must apply at the beginning of the program Not allowed in after beginning credential program Must click the box in application An addition 4 courses beyond the credential program including
EDUU600 Research in Education EDUU606 Learning Theories EDUU604 Action Research One other 600 level Electives

Education Faculty Email

Program Manager Caroline Dias Full-time Faculty Advisor Single Subject Dr. Carla Piper - Full-time Faculty Advisor Multiple Subject Dr. Kathy Theuer Mary Ann Sanders

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