2013 Personal Narrative

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Name ______________________________ Personal Narrative Like Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, we all have memories that stir up certain

emotions within us. Some memories make us laugh, cry, or feel a variety of emotions between the two. Your job is to write about a pivotal memory in your own life. You will need to describe what that event/moment was like and how you were changed because of it. So, it will need to be a memory that you clearly remember with detail, and it must be a memory you would be willing to share. This will be your first multi-paragraph writing piece, so be prepared to spend time working on this at home and in school. Topics to Choose From: 1. Choose a time you were afraid. 2. Choose a moment when you survived or encountered bad weather. 3. Choose a moment when you and/or your family experienced a struggle. 4. Choose a time when you unearthed a secret or had to keep one. 5. Choose a time you experienced success. The process: 1. Brainstorm a timeline of event/memories from your life. 2. Select events and brainstorm their significance. 3. Organize your details in chronological order. 4. Fill out a graphic organizer to streamline plot. 5. Draft your first draft of your story. 6. Revise your draft by pointing with a partner. 7. Self-Edit your draft by visiting the Proofreading Station. 8. Conference with a teacher to revise your draft and reflection. 9. Type your final draft.

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