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Women of Power

Age_____ Gender_____ Grade______

1. Does your mother work? Yes No N/A

Does Your Mother Work?

Yes No N/A

5% 15%


2. Do you believe that women should be stay at home moms in this generation? Yes No N/A

Do You Believe That Women Should Be Stay At Home Mom's?

Yes No N/A




3. Do you think women should work in trades? Yes No N/A

Do You Think Women Should Work in Trades?

Yes No N/A

10% 10%


4. Is your mother the main caregiver in your home? Yes No N/A

Is Your Mother The Main Care Giver In Your Home?

Yes No N/A

5% 15%


5. Do you think that women should work outside the home if they have children? Yes No N/A

Do You Think Women Should Work Outside The Home When They Have Children?
Yes No N/A

10% 15%


6. Who wears The Pants in the family? Mom Dad Both

Who Wears The "Pants" In The Family? (Out Of 19)

Mom Dad Both

5% 21%


7. Does your mother work in a trade? Yes No N/A

Does Your Mother Work In A Trade?

Yes No N/A




8. Does your mother work in the service industry? (i.e. waitress, fast food, cashier) Yes No N/A

Does Your Mother Work In A Service Industry? (Out Of 19)

Yes No N/A

5% 16%


9. Does your mother work as a professional? (i.e. teacher, nurse, doctor, lawyer) Yes No N/A

Does Your Mother Work As A Professional?

Yes No N/A




10. Who does most of the housework in your home? Mom Dad Both All

Who Does Most Of The Housework?

Mom Dad Both All

15% 10% 5% 70%

11. Who is the breadwinner in your home? Mom Dad Both

Who Is The Breadwinner In Your Home?

Mom Dad Both

25% 45%


Overall, in our survey we learned that there are many different opinions on women working and who should be the main caregiver in a home. It seems that our society has grown to welcome women into the workforce, however, there is a minority of people who still believe women should be stay at home mothers or not work at all. All in all, society has grown a lot since the days when women didnt have a say.

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