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Chapter 16 Study Guide Section 1: Absolutism in Western Europe (531-536) 1. How is sovereignty defined? 2.

What did Medieval Kings claim to rule by? 3. What are some characteristics of absolutist monarchs? 4. What was the paulette? 5. What was French foreign policy under Richelieu focused upon? 6. How was Richelieus constructive genius is best reflected? 7. What was Louis XIIIs decision to destroy Huguenot independence based upon? 8. What does the Fronde refer to? The Absolute Monarchy of Louis XIV (536-543) 9. Where did Louis XIV install his royal court? 10. Identify the weaknesses of the French financial system under Louis XIV 11. Identify Colberts contributions to the economy of France 12. How would you define the economic theory of mercantilism? 13. What was the Edict of Nantes intended to do? 14. Where was the center of the struggle between the French crown and the Huguenots in 1627? 15. What are typical characteristics of French-Classicism? 16. What are some of the more famous works by Moliere? 17. By 1685, which country was the strongest and most highly centralized state in Europe? Louis XIV Wars (543-548) 18. What was the cause of the War of Spanish Succession? Who gained the most? 19. What caused the resulting Treaty of the Pyrenees? 20. Name the conditions of the Peace of Utrecht 21. What conditions attributed to the decline of Spain in the 17th century? Constitutionalism in Western Europe (548-554) 22. How would you characterize James I and his ability to govern the finances of the country 23. What was the purpose of the English Navigation Act of 1651? 24. What is the best way to describe Cromwells Protectorate? 25. What values consonant with business success did Calvinism promote? 26. What were the causes of starvation and economic crisis in France in the later part of the 17th century? 27. What was the English Test Act? 28. What was the philosophy of political thinker Thomas Hobbes concerning governing? 29. What was the spark that ignited the English Glorious Revolution? 30. What was John Lockes position concerning the Glorious Revolution? The Dutch Republic of the Seventeenth Century (554-559) 31. What was the primary instrument of Dutch overseas imperialism? 32. Which country had the highest living standards in Europe in the mid 17th century? Essay Questions 1. Analyze the development of constitutionalism in England during the 17th century. 2. Analyze reasons for the failure of absolutism in England in the 17th century. 3. Analyze factors that led to the rise of the Dutch Republic and its commercial success in the 17th century. 4. How did the political theories of Bodin and Bossuet play out in France during the 17th century? 5. Analyze the extent to which absolutism developed in France under Henry IV and Louis XIII. 6. Analyze the ways in which the absolutism of Louis XIV impacted the bureaucracy, the nobility, the peasantry, economics and religious issues in France. 7. To what extent did the balance of power remain intact in Europe between 1600 and 1715?

Chapter 16 Study Guide

absolutism Jean Bodin Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan Bishop Bossuet divine right of kings First Estate Second Estate Third Estate Henry IV Bourbon dynasty nobility of the sword nobility of the robe Duke of Sully Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu politique Intendant system Peace of Alais Louis XIV, Sun King L tat, cest moi Fronde Cardinal Mazarin corvee Versailles Palace Edict of Fountainbleu Jansenists mercantilism bullionism constitutionalism gentry House of Commons Stuart dynasty James I divine right of kings Charles I Petition of Right, 1628 ship money Short Parliament Long Parliament Archbishop Laud English Civil War Cavaliers Roundheads Oliver Cromwell Independent New Model Army Prides Purge Rump Parliament Levellers Diggers Quakers Interregnum Protectorate Restoration

Jean-Baptiste Colbert balance of power War of the League of Augsburg War of Spanish Succession Treaty of Utrecht Philip II Escorial price revolution Spanish Armada Treaty of the Pyrenees, 1659 Baroque Bernini Versailles Palace Schnbrunn Winter Palace Caravaggio, tenebrism Peter Paul Rubens Diego Velzquez Artemisia Gentileschi Dutch Style Rembrandt Jan Vermeer French Classicism Nicolas Poussin Jean Baptiste Racine Moliere J.S. Bach Charles II Clarendon Code Test Act, 1673 Habeas Corpus Act, 1679 James II Glorious Revolution William and Mary Bill of Rights John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government (1690) Toleration Act, 1689 Act of Settlement, 1701 Act of Union, 1707 Great Britain Cabinet system Prime Minister Robert Walpole United Provinces of the Netherlands (Dutch Republic) stadholder Dutch Reformed church Arminianism Amsterdam Dutch East India Co. Gustavus Adolphus

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