Chapter 15 Study Questions

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Chapter 15 Study Questions

Section 1: Politics, Religion and War (487-502) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresiswho was it betweenwhat is the agreement? Who was Francis I? What was the Concordat of Bologna How did the wars of the 16th and 17th century differ from earlier wars? What was the Edict of Nantes? What was the Union of Utrecht? Why did Philip II send the Spanish Armada and what happened? What were the four phases of the Thirty Years War? What did the Peace of Westphalia stipulate?

Section 2: Discovery, Renaissance, and Expansion (502-509) 9. In what ways was European overseas expansion facilitated? 10.How is Prince Henry of Portugal significant? 11.Who controlled the spice trade before the Portuguese? 12.Which European country took the lead in overseas exploration? 13.Which city was the commercial capital of the European world by the end of the 16th century? 14.What was the PRIMARY motive for European explorers? 15.Who brought the first African slaves to Brazil? 16.What is a caravel? 17.What is a nocturnal? 18.What is a magnetic compass? 19.What is an astrolabe? 20.What is a portolan? Section 3: Later Explorers (509-512) 21. By the end of the 16th century, which city was considered the commercial capital of the European world? 22. What are the essential characteristics of the Dutch East India Company? 23. Which group of people benefited most from the large price increases of the 16th century? 24. What was the quinto? 25. What were the most significant changes brought about by the Columbian voyages? 26. What disease did Armerindians give to the Spanish? 27. The production of what crop led to the introduction of slavery into the Americas? Section 4 Changing Attitudes (512-518) 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. How was divorce viewed by Catholics and Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries? How would you characterize prostitution in the 16th and 17th centuries? What are the ideas offered by historians to explain the great witch hunts of the 16th and 17th century? Where did the European attitude toward blacks derive from? How did medieval Arabs tend to describe people from sub-Saharan Africa?

Section 5: Literature and Art (518-523) 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Who is the forerunner of modern skepticism? Montaigne is the creator of the _____? What do Shakespeares history plays, such as Richard II characterize? What was the purpose of the King James Bible? What did Anglicans and Puritans intend? What was the purpose of Baroque art? How is Peter Paul Rubens best remembered as?

Chapter 15 Study Questions

New Monarchs Valois line of French monarchs Louis XI (Spider King) Francis I Concordat of Bologna, 1516 taille War of the Roses Tudor Dynasty Henry VII star chamber Ferdinand and Isabella Reconquista hermandades Spanish Inquisition Toms de Torquemada conversos Hapsburgs Holy Roman Empire Maximilian I Charles V Commercial Revolution Middle class (bourgeoisie) Antwerp Hanseatic League joint-stock companies mercantilism Price Revolution God, glory, gold Habsburg-Valois Wars Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis, 1559 Philip II Escorial Battle of Lepanto Dutch Revolt William of Orange United Provinces of the Netherlands Spanish Netherlands Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) Elizabeth I Spanish Armada French Civil Wars Catherine de Medicis St. Bartholomew Day Massacre Martin Behaim Prince Henry the Navigator Bartholomew Das Vasco da Gama Amerigo Vespucci Christopher Columbus Bartlome de las Casas Treaty of Tordesillas Vasco Nuez de Balboa Ferdinand Magellan conquistadores Hernan Corts Francisco Pizarro Golden Age of Spain Encomienda system Mestizos Creoles Old Imperialism Alphonse de Albuquerque Francis Xavier Dutch East India Company asiento Columbian Exchange smallpox syphilis potato Long 16th-Century witch hunts War of the Three Henrys Henry IV politique Edict of Nantes Thirty Years War Bohemian phase Defenestration of Prague Danish Phase Albrecht von Wallenstein Edict of Restitution Swedish Phase Gustavus Adolphus French Phase Cardinal Richelieu Treaty of Westphalia

1. Analyze the impact that religion played in the Dutch Revolt, the French Civil Wars, the Thirty Years War, and the English Civil War 2. To what degree did religion and politics play in the Thirty Years War? 3. Analyze the impact of the Thirty Years War on European politics 4. To what extent did the wars of religion result in the decline of the Spanish Empire? 5. Who were the New Monarchs? How did they go about centralizing power in their states? To what extent were they successful? 6. Analyze the role that knowledge, politics and technology played in European exploration between 1450 and 1700. 7. Analyze the impact of the Columbian Exchange on European society.

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