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Maine Republic Email Alert

. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth. John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle? I Corinthians 14:8


As Maine Goes - So Goes The Nation!!!

Watch the Maine Remonstrance Video http://www.mainerepublic.com/?page_id=234

We the Peaceful, God-loving and Free People of Maine are concerned for the future of our State, and therefore support the Remonstrance demand created and served upon the Governor and Legislature of the State of Maine.
A Remonstrance Demanding Officials Keep their Oaths

To the Honorable Governor and Legislature of the State of Maine

From a Delegation of Peaceful and Free Maine People A Declaration, Remonstrance and Demand Opposing, Stopping and Correcting Ongoing Abuses of the Limited Powers and Authority Delegated to Government by the People of Maine *****
This Remonstrance and Declaration is based in and on the superseding Authorities of the Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as amended in 1791 with the Bill of Rights and the Constitution for the State of Maine, as amended in 1820. The positions stated herein are founded in these Authorities. The Governor and all members of the Legislature have sworn or affirmed oaths to these referenced Constitutions and are required to abide by the Constitutional mandates imposed upon them by and through their oaths. No Oath Taker in Maine has the Constitutional authority to oppose, contradict, defy, deny and violate the very documents to which he
Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com / drobin88@comcast.net 1

swore or affirmed his oath. Pursuant to Constitutional guarantees, all Citizens of Maine can expect that their Oath Takers will so act in the performance of their official duties. Despite these Constitutional requirements, it is evident that all forms of government in Maine abandon their Constitutional duties and routinely perjure, violate and disparage their oaths and the inherent rights and Due Process of Law Constitutionally guaranteed to Maine Citizens. Therefore, the government of Maine and the various governments within Maine act unconstitutionally, thus, are unlawful governments. These errant Oath Takers are Domestic Enemies, and it is the duty of American and Maine Citizens to expose and oppose all Domestic Enemies. This Remonstrance is provided to the Governor and the Legislature by the People of Maine to apprise them that the People are aware of the unconstitutional actions and it is our demand, pursuant to rights guaranteed in both Constitutions that government immediately cease and desist its unconstitutional actions, immediately embrace and enforce the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. We the People, rightfully demand that those who serve in the government of Maine, under the sacred trust endowed upon them by the People, restore honor and Constitutional governance to Maine and strictly abide by the Supreme Law of the Land and the principles and mandates contained within our founding documents. *****

To the Honorable Governor & Legislature of the State of Maine

A Declaration and Remonstrance Opposing the Abuse of Granted Powers and Inherent Rights
We, a delegation of peaceful, God loving, and free People domiciled on the State of Maine, having met and deliberated many hours regarding the repeated usurpation and abuse of powers granted, and rights protected by the Constitutions for the United States of America and for the State of Maine, conclude that it is our right and duty, relying upon Gods goodness and guidance, to herewith remonstrate against our Maine government, declaring our reasons for such remonstrance by providing the following determinations: 1. Because the Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section 1, concretely states that All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States,., and these enumerated powers were specific and limited for the purpose of severely restraining the very government thus created by that Constitution. 2. Because there has been imposed for nearly a century, a constantly depreciating, constitutionally unauthorized, unlawful fiat money issued through a privately owned and controlled central bank, and forced upon the People because of deceitful and unconscionable acts imposed upon the People, by and through fraud, in violation of Constitutional requirements, said money causing continual degradation of our purchasing power, instability in our free market economy, and a deterioration of the Peoples lifestyle. 3. Because the government of our State of Maine has, for numerous purposes, e. g. highway, school, and welfare program funding, agreed to accept and utilize from the United States government its departments, agencies, and bureaus, this unlawful fiat money, and its attached mandates in lieu of the lawful money described and authorized in Article I, Section 8, and further implied as gold and silver coin by Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution for the United States of America. 4. Because the Constitution for the State of Maine states in Article VIII, Part First, Section 1, that the Legislature are authorized, and it shall be their duty to require, the several towns to make suitable provision, at their own expense, for the support and maintenance of public schools;., supposedly with lawful gold and silver backed money; yet the government for the State of Maine is accepting the above mentioned unlawful fiat money to subsidize the education of our children in Maine public schools.
2 Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com / drobin88@comcast.net

5. Because government officials and employees for the State of Maine are therefore violating Article VIII, Part First, Section 1 of the Constitution for the State of Maine and their Oath of Office, and thereby violating the Public Trust and alienating the Peoples trust in their government. 6. Because the State of Maines elected members of the Legislature deny and refuse to declare and assert their just powers which are reserved to the States or to the People as affirmed in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America. 7. Because the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution for the United States of America have been unlawfully usurped and repeatedly violated regarding the Peoples inherent right to acquire, possess, and protect property, as stated succinctly in the Constitution for the State of Maine, Article I, Section 1., and State of Maine officials and employees have repeatedly failed to negate or nullify the usurpation, abuses, and violations, or otherwise protect its People from them. The above mentioned include, but are not limited to, the usurpation of private property rights by United States governmental departments, (e. g., Interior, Education, Transportation, Environmental Protection, Homeland Security, Agriculture, etc.); bureaus, (e. g., BATF; commissions, (i. e., LURC); and other agencies too numerous to mention, plus the surrender of said rights, and even our sovereignty, to foreign entities by our governments through so-called Treaties (e. g., GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc.), Councils, (i. e., the Presidents Council on Sustainable Development, Human Rights Council), Conventions, (e. g., Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities), Charters, (e. g., the UN) and its affiliates, (e. g., ICLEI, UNESCO, UNICEF, NATO). 8. Because there are numerous unconstitutional laws, rules, and regulations being imposed upon the People of Maine by its government departments, bureaus, agencies, or by NGOs created by them that obfuscate and/or impair the Peoples right to contract. Examples of such impairment include, but are not limited to the following: MSHA mandates, Statutes restricting landlord/tenant and/or insurance contracts, zoning regulations, International codes, and wage and price controls. 9. Because the Maine Legislature unlawfully enacted laws that create victimless crimes, to unlawfully control social activities, invade private property, and increase revenues for the State of Maine through the courts and law enforcement. 10. Because our governments were created to preserve and protect natural, inherent and unalienable rights, but through surrender to the above entities of ownership, control, and/or use of the Peoples property, the elected officials, agents, and employees of the governments for the United States and State of Maine have violated their Oaths of Office, and are thus subject to reprimand, arrest, fines, and/or other corrective action, such as that authorized in the selfexecuting Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment to the national Constitution to provide remedy and restitution for their wrongs against the People of the State of Maine. Therefore, We the subscribers to this Remonstrance, state, that no peaceful, lawful actions authorized by the Constitutions are exempt from our use to fully restore our rightful Government that is obligated to protect and preserve the above described rights and others retained by the People. We state that, providing there are no corrective actions timely taken in regards to this Remonstrance, and the rightful demands made herein, the People of the State of Maine have the Constitutional authority, duty, and an unalienable and indefeasible right to institute government, and to alter, reform, or totally change the same, when their safety and happiness require it. (Maine Constitution, Article I, Section 2). Also, we state that we will do all in our power to urge the People of Maine to resort to such lawful, peaceful yet strong actions as are required to provide said People with a return to the republican form of government as guaranteed in the Constitution for the United States of America, Article IV, Section 4, so help us GOD!

Sign this Petition for the Maine Remonstrace Demand


Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 http://maine-patriot.com / drobin88@comcast.net

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