Bullying Worksheet

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A. Look at the following actions. Which form of bullying do you think each one applies to?

Hitting, threatening to cause harm, leaving someone out on purpose, pinching, telling other children not to be friends with someone, sending threatening emails/SMS text messages, name-calling, kicking, spreading rumours, embarrassing in public, spitting, teasing, making inappropriate comments, taking or breaking someones things, pushing , deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces

Physical Bullying _______________________________________________________________ Verbal Bullying ________________________________________________________________ Social Bullying _________________________________________________________________ Cyber Bullying _________________________________________________________________

B. Answer the questions: a. How did the older boys behave to Mark? b. Why didnt he tell anyone at first? c. How did he feel? d. Who did he talk to? e. How did he feel afterwards? f. What happened with the boys who bullied him? g. Whats Marks advice to everyone being bullied?

ANSWERS A. Physical Bullying (hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing, taking or breaking someones things) Verbal bullying (teasing, name-calling, making inappropriate comments, threatening to cause harm) Social Bullying (leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumours, embarrassing in public, telling other children not to be friends with someone) Cyber Bullying (sending threatening emails/SMS text messages, deliberately excluding someone from social networking spaces) B. They called him names, shouted at him, swore at him, hit him, pushed him. Because he was afraid what they might do to him. Sad, like he was trapped in a small cage, like there was a cloud over his head. His mum, his teacher All the sadness went away, the cage got bigger and bigger until it snapped. They said sorry and became his friends. Dont feel trapped in a cage, or in a box just tell somebody .

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

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