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Joseph Ekpo U.S. History Mr.

Ettinger November 25, 2012

Chapter 15 Terms & Names

1) Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The two term governor of New York and distant cousin of Theodore Roosevelt 2) New Deal: President Franklin Roosevelt's program to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression, focusing on the relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform 3) Eleanor Roosevelt: A social reformer who combined her deep humanitarian impulses with great political skills 4) Works Progress Administration(WPA): An agency established as part of the Second New Deal, that provided the unemployed with jobs in construction, garment making, teaching, the arts, and other fields 5) Social Security Act: A law enacted in 1935 to provide aid to retirees, the unemployed, people with disabilities, and families with dependent children 6) Mary McLeod Bethune: An educator who dedicated herself to promoting opportunities to young African Americans 7) Congress of Industrial Organizations: A labor organizations composed of industrial unions founded in 1938, which merged with AFL in 1955 8) Orson Welles: An actor, director, writer, and producer who created one of the most renowned radio broadcasts of all times, "War of the Worlds" 9) Richard Wright: An African American author who wrote "Native Son" 10) Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA): A federal corporation established in 1933 to construct dam and power plants in the Tennessee Valley region to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods Critical Thinking Question: What Federal programs instituted in the 1930s and later discontinued might be of use to the nation today? Explain and support your opinion in a paragraph or two. A few are: The Works Progress Administration, The Treasury Section of Fine Arts and Federal One. It was for these carpenters, bricklayers,

engineers, and other workers that President Roosevelt (18821945; served 193345) created the Works Progress Administration. Established in 1935, the WPA was a unique program designed to get the unemployed off relief rolls by providing jobs at minimal pay until workers could find jobs in private business. Besides employing regular laborers, the WPA extended its programs to include unemployed artists, musicians, writers, and actors. This contributes to the ongoing movement of artist in our generation now and the ones to come.

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