Chapter 22 Terms and Names

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Joseph Ekpo U.S. History Mr.

Ettinger April 10, 2013 Chapter 22 Terms and Names 1) Ho Chi Minh: Leader of the Indochinese Communist Party 2) Ngo Dihn Diem: President of South Vietnam...cancelled 1956 countrywide election because he felt he may lose to Ho Chi Minh, who had become very popular and was a national hero. 3) Vietcong: Political army in South Vietnam who fought the United States and South Vietnamese government. 4) William Westmorleland: William Childs Westmoreland was a United States Army General, who commanded US military operations in the Vietnam War at its peak, during the Tet Offensive. He adopted a strategy of attrition against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. 5) Napalm: Gas bombs which set fire to the jungle 6) TET Offensive: 1968- a daring surprise attack by Vietcong on numerous cities in South Vietnam (lasted one month before the U.S. and so Vietnamese regained control of the cities.. The TET stunned Americans and began to turn American opinion against the war 7) Robert Kennedy: Assassinated June 4, 1968 by Sirhan Sirhan 8) Henry Kissinger: a German-born American writer, political scientist, diplomat, and businessman. A recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, he served as National Security Advisor and later concurrently as Secretary of State in the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. After his term, his opinion was still sought by some subsequent US presidents and other world leaders. 9) Vietnamization: Vietnamization was a policy of the Richard M. Nixon administration during the Vietnam War, as a result of the Viet Cong's Tet Offensive, to "expand, equip, and train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them an ever-increasing combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops. 10) Pentagon Papers: 7,000 page document which revealed that the government planned to enter the war at the same time Johnson was

promising the country he would not send troops- Pentagon papers confirmed to American that the government had not been honest about its war intentions. Critical Thinking Question: Why do you think so many young Americans became so vocal in their condemnation of the Vietnam War? It cost the United States too much time, money, and resources. Many young lives were also lost in the war, leaving. It was considered a waste because we lost the war anyway.

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