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Joseph Ekpo U.S. History Mr.

Ettinger April 10, 2013 Chapter 23 Terms and Names 1) Cesar Chavez: Latino leader - wanted to unionize farm workers to improve their conditions. 2) La Raza Unida: Latino political organization. Latinos wanted political power to win support for Latino issues. 3) AIM- American Indian Movement: 1968-Native American groupsometimes militant- they wanted to control and govern their own lives. 4) Feminism: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes or organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests 5) Betty Friedan: Wrote "The Feminine Mystique" - wrote about the discontent of women. She also helped create NOW (Nat'l Organization of Women) 6) E.R.A: Equal Rights Amendment-1972 Congress passed. The goal was to prevent gender bias. Needed ratification by 38 states to become part of the Constitution...but didn't make it. (Only won 35 states-needed 38) 7) Phyllis Schlafly: Conservative-in 1972, founded the stop-ERA. She said that the ERA feminists hated men, marriage and children. 8) Counterculture: Hippies. Didn't like war, technology and American materialism 9) Haight-Ashbury: Area in San Francisco that became center of hippie culture 10) Woodstock: A small town in southwestern New York, near Albany. It gave its name in the summer of 1969 to a huge rock music festival held about 60 miles (96 km) to the southwest. Critical Thinking Question Consider the organizations that Latinos, Native Americans, and women formed during the 1960s. Which do you think was the most influential? Why?

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