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Amnesty International GVSU

Thursday, March 25, 2010
I. Elections a. President- Molly Barnard b. Vice President- Jenna Mills c. Secretary- Sarah Wildt d. Treasurer- Sam Wint Deadly Delivery Panel a. April 17th 2-4pm b. Pass out flyers, spread word c. Natalie sending out emails to organizations d. 2 cars i. Sarah ii. Natalie (not coming back) e. Maddie and Anne i. Adding email to flyer ii. Print 100 iii. Get them stamped iv. Hang them up around campus Benefit Concert a. RSVP on Facebook i. Invite all your friends b. Fundraising i. Asking cosponsership for them through us ii. Money will go in our account iii. Sam is emailing about funding c. One band right nowNEED MORE i. Natalie contacting music department ii. Molly will ask choir class Healthcare panel a. Annes professor and Jacob can do it on April 15 b. No one else has gotten back to us c. We decided to put it off until Fall semester i. A big event at the beginning of the year helps us gain new members ii. Healthcare reform has changed the way the topic would be approached 1. Pregnancy no longer pre-existing condition Womens Rights Event a. Move to April 8th from 4-9:30pm b. We will have womens rights facts on signs that we will make at the next meeting c. You need to educate yourself on the topics i. I will send out a clip for you about the women of Attenco to watch on your own if you will not be attending the meeting on Thursday ii. Women of Attenco- iii. Women of Jaurez Other Events a. Top Dogs- Service Dogs in the Community i. Ashley and Maui will be there ii. Wednesday March 21 at 6:30pm iii. Cook Dewitt b. A Night of Belly Dance i. Wednesday March 21 at 8:30pm ii. Kirkhof Room 2204 iii. Free lessons and a professional belly dancer






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