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Must & Mustnt

A) Underline the best option

1.- You must/mustnt eat vegetables 2.- You mustnt watch the TV all the time 3.- You must/mustnt drink plenty of water 4.- You mustnt/must scream in the classroom 5.- You must/mustnt take a shower everyday 6.- You mustnt/must to eat lots of sweets 7.- You must/mustnt brush your teeth after each meal 8.- You mustnt/must listen to your parents 9.- You must/mustnt fed your pet everyday 10.- You mustnt/must break the rules at home


Complete the sentence

11.- Sheila has toothache so she _____________________________ 12.- You _________________your homework for tomorrow 13.- You _________________ during classes 14.- You__________________ in school 15.- You ____________ hard if you want to pass the exams 16.- You ________________ the garbage on the street 17.- You ________________ your teacher while she is talking 18.- You ________________ nice with your neighborhoods 19.- You _______________ gum in the church 20 You _________________ your friends birthday

21.- Library 22.- Car Park 23.- Museum 24.- traffic lights


Make sentences according to the next word

Answers A)
1.- must 2.- mustnt 3.- must 4.- mustnt 5.- must 6.- mustnt 7.- must 8.- must 9.- must 10.- mustnt

11.- she must to see the dentist 12.- must do 13.- mustnt eat 14.- mustnt smoke 15.- must study 16.- mustnt throw 17.- must listen 18.- must be 19.- mustnt chew 20.- must remember

21.- you must be in silence at the library 22.- you mustnt park your car in a space for bicycles 23.- you mustnt touch the pieces 24.- you must stop when the red light is on

Must and Mustn't by Lizbeth Marlyn Santos Guillen is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License. Creado a partir de la obra en

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