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15. Which of the following is/are TRUE about adding a sorbitol-containing liquid medication to formula? (CIRCLE AtL THAT APPTY) This could result in a type ldrug-nutrient interaction This could result in clogging of the feeding tube


{-q.) fne sorbitol

in the medication is classified as an excipient The sorbitolcould contribute to diarrhea in enterally-fed patients

16. Which of the following is/are complications commonly associated with enteral tube feedings? (crRCLE ALr THAT APPLY)


Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) Constipation


lf this patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of chronic starvation (marasmus), i.e. being severely underweight, it would be critical to advance the enteral tube feeding to goal within 24 hours and even provide extra energy to promote weight gain immediatelv.

Case Studv #4:


fomily membei is on avid user of dietory supplements and decides to solicit your advice os a nutrition expert. One of her primary reasons (she tells you)for using dietory supplements is that she tikes the ideo of using natural products because they ore safer and better for her than drugs {over the counter or prescription). She hos diabetes and is taking oral diobetes medicotion to control her blood glucose while she tries to lose weight - she would love to get her diabetes under control so she can stop the medicotion, though.
18. Which of the following established that natural products/dietary supplements must be proven safe

av rnfi t(aobtl'r't Qor rt. The Food and DrugActof rgoo - ^"= *d-- t+";oi-". -J - *o* +" t." t^ ft b. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 1938 of *.-iElI " -r-\ The Food, Drug and cosmetic Act, amende d Lg62r.yr jL J.e + . fkcf, *-f b ') "-4. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 - e^got<r^-t* s 'h,nborl ", J,1. ,l1- The Dietary Supplements Final Rule issued by the FDA in 2007

and efficacious before being made available on the U.S. market?

to NCCAM data from

19. What percentage of adults use some form of natural products according

@uw' d.

a. b.




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