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Mrs. Stacey Paulsen Woodward-Granger Phone: 515.438.4263 Email- Class webpage:

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide classroom instruction and practical shop experience to prepare students for a job in the field of Graphic Communications. The course provides instruction in the use of tools, operating equipment, materials, and the experience to produce customer layouts, camera ready artwork, halftones, printing plates, and learn how to use paper cutters, screen printing, graphic design software. The course also provides students with hands on producing business cards, Screen Printing t-shirts, Digital Camera projects, Video Projects. Commercial Art is a large part of Graphic Communication. The course will teach safety and efficient skills that will make the student employable.

Classroom Rules and Procedures

Along with the rules and policies in the Student Handbook, students are expected to:

Be Prompt and Prepared for Class Students must come to class ready with their materials and assignments. Students that are tardy will not be allowed to enter the art studio without a pass. Be Respectful of Others and the Art Room A courteous studio environment maximizes the opportunity for learning art. Work Everyday There is always something that can be accomplished in the studio, and idle time will not be tolerated. Clean Up Students are responsible for returning their materials, storing work, and wiping down work surfaces. Not following these rules will result in the following disciplinary action: 1st offense Student/Teacher conference 2nd offense Parent/Teacher communication 3rd offense Detention and referral to the administration. Passes out of class The administration at Woodward-Granger does not want students in the hallways after the bell. This includes students with passes out to use the restroom. I will allow students with emergency situations to use the restroom. Please do not ask to use the restroom except for emergencies. Attendance Since most work for this class is done in the studio, missed work can be extremely difficult to make up. Excessive absences will affect your performance. It is the students responsibility to check with the teacher to see what work needs to be made up.

Flip Over Computer Rules:

THESE RULES ARE DISTRICT POLICIES AND MONITORED BY THE ADMINISTRATION, TECH SUPPORT AND TEACHER All work should be assignment related NO FOOD No games or videos No email unless it pertains directly to the assignment All websites must be school appropriate and pertain to your assignment Make sure to follow copyright laws when using images. Always site your sources.

Grading Criteria

Grading Scale A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF 94-100 90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63 59-0

Grading Criteria Project grades will be determined based on the following. Preparation * Do you enter class on time with your materials ready? * Do you hand in projects on time? Quality * Do you complete projects to the best of your creative and technical abilities? Time on Task * Do you use all the time available for the assigned project? Clean-up * Do you clean up tools you got dirty? * Do you put away materials you got out? * Do you leave your work area cleaner that you found it?

Late Work: Late work will be accepted for grade. 5 points will be docked each day it is late.

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